Congress wants to make dietary supplements prescription only
Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 7 months ago to Legislation
Good by Vitamin D3 , Zinc And the rest. They are very dangerous to our experimental mandatory vaccine program.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is once again attempting to eliminate your freedom to access dietary supplements, this time by slipping his own hidden bill into the upcoming appropriations bill, which is expected to be voted on at some point next week
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is once again attempting to eliminate your freedom to access dietary supplements, this time by slipping his own hidden bill into the upcoming appropriations bill, which is expected to be voted on at some point next week
These creatures should not be worried about how many people they will have to control after the coming micronova and 90 degree tilt of earth...they should be saving as many as possible.
Had they been transparent in the first place, our survival and ability to rebuild civilization afterward would have been figured out already.
Some of us intend to survive and continue the fight.
While I abide by the NonAggression Principle.
I am prepared to go High Aggression.
Lots of those supplements are available in nature. Wait until they try to take the Hemp away . ROFL
I don't call em "DELETE's" for nothing.
Soon, expect food controls, the start to be made easy by shortages and The People will demand rationing. Amounts of the different food types allowed will be set on expertly based data for the globally averaged person. Initial imbalances will be smoothed by (black) market mechanisms with Cambodians selling surpluses to Swedes.
Health will improve quickly, the elderly infirm to be er. taken off the books, obesity abolished, diabetes will finish as no special needs are to be considered (it is their own fault).
The vironment, a priority concern, will gain fast with far fewer numbers of animals fed herded and slaughtered to feed humans, the gap left by no-meat will be filled by solyuentism and insects of whom there is at present like humans a temporary surplus.
Yes, thank you, this my area, I will put a in bid to write the White Paper.
Big Pharma wants total control of your body.