My world is again getting smaller and smaller

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 4 months ago to Culture
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One things I enjoy from time to time is going to venues, large or small, to see live music. Over the years I've subscribed to several local venues to keep up with which local and major artists they are featuring. I really like live blues music. While fear has pretty much kept venues closed, neither artists nor patrons would attend, I could understand the lack of correspondence related to live performances.

Today, having just gotten back from my vacation road trip, I received this in my email. Lets see, I've already given up frequenting places to write (coffee houses, library, panara bread, etc.), All sports (Olympics included), going to movie theaters, watching a growing list of asshat actors/actresses, and have almost entirely stopped watching TV.

I had hope that music venues (bars), having starved for business for more than a year, would rise about this manic hysteria- I was wrong. F-em, F-em all.

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  • Posted by $ kddr22 3 years, 4 months ago
    I know how you feel. I feel like it is work, home with family or my boat and that is the extent. We have a few small mom and pop diners that enforce nothing and we try to stay there when we go out
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
    This is the dumbest idea since I heard yesterday the City of Houston is paying people $100 to get the vax and $25 to get the booster. Oh, they may go to $50 on the booster. People better wonder why it is so important to these jerks that they get everyone vaccinated. I am seeing the after-effects and they aren't pretty. My BFF has been ill ever since her first vax and took a booster now I hear this pharma is touting a 3rd vax (all in an 8 month time period). She can only get sicker! She won't stop. She believes every thing her doctors tell her! Doctors put their pants on one leg at a time too. Some of the biggest nuts I know are MDs! I say that from having worked with them for years and years. Just try being the Director of Medical Records of a Hospital. You'll see it all!
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
      Oboy, this is really getting good. I read that Harris County (Houston) is already paying folks for getting the vax and that's why Houston's idiot Mayor is touting it for Houstonians! I didn't like him when he wasn't Mayor! He gave his buddies all the FEMA money from our last hurricane.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
        Seems like every place I have lived in the past (and left) is imposing ridiculous unconstitutional regulations or making such insane monetary temptations to control the people.
        Cities are not a good place to be.
        Gulch living is becoming the only choice for any freedom.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
    Have you set up an audio enthusiast home stereo, AJA? If you haven't, the choices are pretty amazing. I have a reasonable facsimile of my favorite artists in my listening room every day and it's very musically satisfying.
    (I know it isn't the same feeling as being surrounded by a bunch of people you don't know who love similar music but the emotional connection to the music itself is 100% there.)
    You may not have a local store to hear the latest gear but I can tell you what I like if you are interested. There are even some used bargains available if you shop around online.
    F the venues but still support the artists and American manufacturers. (Just my 2 cents;^)
    (Disclosure: I manufacture hand-made low volume audio enthusiast hifi equipment.)
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 4 months ago
    You hit on something that I have felt for a while. a long while but certainly worse these past 2 world too, has gotten smaller and smaller since 2010.
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