What She Said

Posted by Storo 3 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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I am conservative. I don’t often agree with radical, liberal hacks. But I read this piece and found that to a limited degree I agreed with Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden’s pick to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
The issue in question is population.
I have said for quite a long while that much in the way of our shortages, our supply problems, our ever smaller resource base, and our difficulties finding new supplies to exploit, is that there are just too damned many people. Making those issues worse, the bulk of the world’s population live in or near poverty and/or a subsistence existence. But they aspire to a lifestyle not unlike the American or European, which will massively increase our need for more resources. Dwindling resources.
This is an area where, unlike global warming, the problem is real, the issues are real, and we need new leadership to address this problem.
SOURCE URL: https://rightnewswire.com/what-this-biden-nominee-said-about-population-control-will-have-your-head-spinning/

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