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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 5 months ago
    Don't think you can. I'm about to retire from my daytime engineering employer. I have toyed with the thought of going into teaching math. But, it looks like I'm going to consult in engineering.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 3 years, 5 months ago
    I was watching Fox & Friends this AM and due to lockouts mask mandates Republicans and many Democrats are now warming up to school choice and considering pressing for vouchers as a start. They went into online schools but the lack of socialization and one on one instruction is problematic. I started wondering if private schools could be staffed with classroom instructors with general knowledge and special training in motivation and the organization of activities, coupled with specific content instruction by video. This could be a way of presenting up to date content from highly qualified teachers then utilizing the on site staff to provide the human and day to day interaction. Parental review for the programs would be easy to perform. The editorial content, if any, could be only that which is desired and paid for through the parental vouchers.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 5 months ago
    If you offer real money, whatever rare thing you're looking for will appear. It goes for drugs, sex, undocumented labor, and everything. Hard working people appear to give you just want you want. Hire slow and fire fast, which is NOT at all mean-spirited. It's more mean spirited to put up with a teacher who isn't doing it just you like. It's annoying to you and them. I bet there are a bunch of knowledgeable people on Youtube and other places, not necessarily in CA, who would be eager to give personalized help on any subject for money.

    I'm on about this because I sometimes hear, "it wasn't about the money, it was XYZ." I think of projects/jobs I transitioned out of and things I've see other people choose not to pursue. It's true it wasn't all about money. It's not all about money for me. I played with my 50-in-1 electronics projects when I was 9 y/o and didn't know what money was. But money really helps. I have limited time in life, and money will get me interested in things I might not be interested in or work with people who I otherwise might not choose to spend my time with for money. I think this is more common than people realize.

    So the upshot of this is if you filter out people and offer a select few 2.5 mBTC an hour, people will appear. If you're generous and err on the side of paying them for even thinking about your problems, they will prioritize you over other their interests and stay with you. You'd probably think I'm woke, but that's okay b/c there are billions of people on earth.

    A good rule of thumb is think of a job that requires the skills your looking for, e.g. Calc I, undergrad physics, and patience to teach. How much would that job earn as a FT job. If you're hiring a few hours here and there, multiply that by 2 or 3. If they make $100k USD a year, that's $50/hr. Multiply that by 2.5, and get $125/hr [2.5mBTC] for them to make side work a priority. Otherwise some emergency will come up at their FT job, and they'll prioritize that b/c they have a stead stream of work from them.
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