The Federal Reserve is America's financial Politburo: cronies get free money, the People without "Pull" get to Pay For It All.

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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"Capitalism (market sets price of money) for the powerless, Crony-Socialism (nearly free money) for the powerful--thanks to America's Crony-Socialist Politburo, the Fed. Consider the "free market" plight of America's working poor: earning low wages that are rapidly losing their purchasing power makes them a credit risk, i.e. prone to defaulting, so lenders (i.e. capital's exploitive potential) charge high interest rates on loans to the working poor.

Since they pay such high rates of interest and earn so little, they default on their debt at higher rates--just what the lenders expected, and what the lenders created by charging sky-high rates of interest: gee, you're having trouble paying 24% interest? Too bad you're poor. You see the point: low wages, poverty and exorbitant rates of interest are mutually reinforcing: a primary driver of defaults and poverty is paying sky-high rates of interest and all the late fees, bounced check fees, etc. that go with 24% interest rates.

The Crony-Socialists have a much different deal with the Fed and its crony-bankers: the super-wealthy arrange for the corporations they own shares in to borrow billions of dollars to fund stock buybacks (which in a less exploitive era were illegal market manipulation). The super-wealthy Crony-Socialist's personal wealth rises by $100 million thanks to the stock buybacks, and then the super-wealthy Crony-Socialist borrows $10 million for next to nothing against this newly conjured "wealth" (thanks, Fed!) to fund living large.

Crony-Socialist corporations pay no income tax thanks to loopholes and the Crony-Socialists who own the shares report $1 in salary and zero income because they borrowed their living expenses against their Fed-conjured wealth. Do you discern the difference between capitalism for the powerless and crony-socialism for the super-wealthy?

If you can't yet discern the difference, then ask yourself: can you borrow $1 billion from the Fed's cronies to buy back shares of your own company, and then borrow $10 million for near-zero rates of interest against the newly conjured "wealth"? You can't? Well, why not?

If you answer "I don't have enough collateral," you missed the key point here: thanks to America's Crony-Socialist Politburo (the Fed), the super-wealthy have no exposure to the market price of money. The Fed manipulates the cost of money to near-zero, and then funnels unlimited sums of this nearly-free money to corporations, financiers and the super-wealthy."

These are Not Ayn Rand's Heroic Inventor Producers.
They are Looters, One and All.
SOURCE URL: https://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/06/usa-2021-capitalism-for-powerless-crony.html

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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 7 months ago
    So the point is that in todays world, you are either a looter or a sucker. Maybe its best to be a looter until the system crashes and its reformed back to capitalism.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 7 months ago
    Hey FFA: Didja know 5 presidents tried to do away with the Federal Reserve and all five were shot? JFK, Reagan, McKinley, Lincoln, and ? Forgot who that one was. Doncha find that interesting? N
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 7 months ago
      Uh oh. Federal Reserve was created in 1913 meaning Lincoln and McKinley shouldn't be on the list.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
        Lincoln as dictator did the same things that the Fed does, destroying the value of the currency. He didn't let the banksters control the fiat "greenbacks" that he had printed with no backing whatsoever. That may have been a factor in his assassination - by a "crazed lone gunman. " Of course, Lincoln's entire political career was to serve the needs of northern manufacturers who couldn't complete honestly with manufacturers in England and France. They funded Lincoln's campaign so they could use government power to steal funds from southern farmers to enrich themselves.
        The 'Bank of the United States' was the predecessor of the Fed. A couple presidents fought to stop that looting of the American People: Jefferson and Jackson in particular.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 7 months ago
    šŸ‘šŸ¼ Thanks FFA ā€œThe enemy of the peopleā€

    Dec 14, 2017 9:43:38 PM EST
    Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 462c9a No. 11043832

    Shall we play a game?
    Find the spider(s) and build the web (the ā€˜mapā€™).
    Remember, they consider you to be the fly (specifically, the ā€˜feederā€™).
    Remember, they never thought she was going to lose.
    Therefore, they never thought investigations and/or public interest into their criminal acts would be exposed/investigated.
    Therefore, they never thought they had anything to fear.
    Therefore, they openly showcase their symbolism.
    Therefore, they were sloppy.
    Husseinā€™s last speech in Chicago re: ā€˜scandal freeā€™.
    Why did he continually emphasize that phrase?
    As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative (the ā€˜MSMā€™).
    As a backup, they install only those on the team.
    As a backup, they blackmail those that arenā€™t.
    As a backup, they defined ā€˜conspiracyā€™ as crazy/mentally unstable and label anything ā€˜trueā€™ as such.
    This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (hard to swallow).
    The ā€˜fixā€™ has always been in ā€“ no matter which party won the election (-JFK (killed)/Reagan(shot)).
    This was always the promise made to those who played the game (willingly or otherwise) (i.e., they would never lose power).
    Power of the (3) letter agencies.
    Power over the US Military (WW dominance to push against other nations and install like-kind).
    These people are really stupid.
    Follow the husbands.
    Another Hint:
    Ian Cameron
    McKinsey & Company
    Clowns In America.
    Dr. Emmett J. Rice.
    Everyone is connected.
    How about a nice game of chess?

    The FED and the IRS
    FACT: US FEDERAL RESERVE is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 3 years, 7 months ago
    I believe the programs bgan under ghw bush and continued through obama.

    The federal reserve printed $50 Billion per month and 'invested it in the stock markets to keep the numbers up.

    THAT INVESTMENT was placed in SOMEONES .NAME and I'm pretty sure it wasn't mine.

    600 Billion per year, for 16 years.
    9.6 TRILLION dollars would make a decent dent in the Pinto payments
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