(NOT Bee Satire) Climate Activists Get So Woke They Cancel Themselves
This Woke mental malfunctioning has actually spread to far away New Zealand.
Me dino chose Education for the category because that's where all this Marxist garbage began.
Me dino chose Education for the category because that's where all this Marxist garbage began.
Go get a job , dimwits, pay taxes, earn a living, and support yourself, then you can talk to others about the woes of life.
I just made an interesting observation in the climate change religion. That is, the religion's mantra is often spewed in the fictional TV programming attempts at brainwashing us into being believers in many left wing mantras. I don't know how many in the Gulch are familiar with the show "Boston Legal", but I've been watching some re-runs of the series. One episode, produced in 2005, had lawyer Alan Shore, played by James Spader, arguing the climate change mantra of the day and included was the "settled science" the polar caps were melting at a rate of 9% per decade. Here we are 16 years later and they should now be over 14% gone, as predicted, meaning the beaches of Florida and most other beach front property of 2005 should now be under water. Actually, here in 2021 the ice caps are doing just fine and so are the beaches. I can be reasonably sure I'll still be around to witness the havoc (or not) predicted by the likes of AOC (a POC, oh my, so better listen up!) and little Gretchen (oppressive little white girl, so who cares) for around 2030. I'm not worried a bit.
No, time out! New thought! I'm gonna add something new that someone else came up with that's kinda old. THAT PART I'll put in quotes.
Here we go ta-da! again~~
"The only constant is change." Climate has always changed. Just ask the dinosaurs and the woolly mammoths.
Thanks for the video, Solver! Not only have I not seen that scene for decades, I had completely forgotten it! Got a kick out of that episode when I first saw it a long time ago during the Sixties in a galaxy far, far away.
And didn't he a long time ago say coastal cities would be under water by now?
"Cognitive Dissidence" to define this new generation.
IMHO that's a very fitting term.
Maybe I stopped saying that because I was afraid it was true.
During this century I was sure it happened when I heard a grown adult named Nancy Pelosi say, "Let's pass this bill to see what's in it."
A Speaker Of The House would SAY THAT???!!!!!!
Old white dino recalls that Catholic Mass Latin prayer before they switched to English as meaning~~
"All my fault! All my fault! All my grievous fault! Eee~yaaaa!"
You just can't adaptation of any species upwardly evolve and survive like that.
That is why I call the Global Delete: Parasitical humanoids.
Like a living robot.
I wonder how consciousness survives what's coming. My Hypothesis, not without observable facts but not sure I can call it a theory, is that it was the strengthening of our magnetic shields after the last disaster/pole excursion etc, blocking out the damaging cosmic rays; allowed 'some' of humankind to achieve awareness of self, eventually the voice of self and a conscience about 2500/3000 years ago.
It would be interesting to see if introspection/consciousness is lost once the shields go below 50% or if Consciousness/self introspection, once achieved, survives it all.
No one knows if humankind was consciously introspective prior the the flood 12K years ago, but it's pretty evident, we sure weren't afterwards for a few thousand years.
That, my friend, is at the very outer edge of my work. In my second book, I will still call all this a "Discussion"...I am not sure it will ever be provable, even though we can measure it and observe certain aspects of it.
I observe that consciousness/introspection/conscience and the voice of self are a part of our natural evolution. I do not observe that we evolved from monkeys, we were a species apart from anything else walking upright, so to speak.
I know for a fact long term zero gravity has messed with some astronauts who have returned to earth.
Human intellect should find a solution perhaps.
I totally saw this coming 3 years ago when it became apparent the American Millennials had made the BIPOC their “cause”. And they were going to “save” them.