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When did the phrase "one of" as in "one of a kind" become "one off"?
"Then" and "than" are interchanged and misused very often these days.
Many seem to have lost the difference between "they're", "there", and "their". I'm noticing "they're" is almost gone, replaced by "there".
I'm seeing "are" being used instead of "our" more often.
"You" instead of "your" or "you're".
There are more examples and I'm sure those who read this can think of a few.
Some things are so badly written they barely pass for English. Is this evidence of ignorant people or could it be an anomaly of speaking into a device while it converts voice to text? In any case these errors can make a serious writer look like a moron.
Side note: "One off" seems so common now, it is accepted as normal speech and shows up in modern dictionaries and even Wikipedia.
Really, I think that almost nobody cares anymore. My dad was simply ahead of the time.
---But I think that the singular "they" is worse; it started, apparently, as a way of avoiding sexism, but it can work to the detriment of individualism.
Ayn Rand was quite a fan of Victor Hugo, and I recall reading in "Les Miserables" an account of a convent (fictional or based on truth?) in which the nuns were not supposed to say "me" or "mine";instead of "my shift" [which I assume referred to an undergarment] one was supposed to say "our shift". It has occurred to me that perhaps she got the idea for the mode of speech in "Anthem" from that.
China changed their writing system to be simpler, and I've always thought it was so that nobody can read "old" literature.
all electronics will die
the current generation will be crying into their broken cell phones