"This Week" rag

Posted by Casebier 3 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Some time ago I contributed to what I considered a moderate Democrat running in a local election against another far left Democrat. Unfortunately that also got me on the Democrat's National campaign finance solicitation mailing list. In addition, I started getting a far left magazine, a socialist rag called "The Week" that is frankly well done and I'm sure convinces a lot of liberal fools that they are on point while all conservatives/Republicans/Christians/middle Americans are all Nazis. Does anyone know the financial source(s) backing this POS publication?

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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 6 months ago
    Never heard of it. Most magazine publications are supported by the advertisers posting ads in the mag. If it is supported by donations, there may be an acknowledgement of that on the publication page. Also, you may have paid for it through your donation to a Neo Communist (Democrat) candidate.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 6 months ago
      While I didn't subscribe, they've been sending me copies trying to get me to do so, the latest dated in June and having "Volume 21, Issue 1031" on the cover's border. So it's been around a while. I also saw that they have a web site, so I went to it and read an April article about its history. While it also appears the publication was innocuous enough in its initial years, it advertises itself as a magazine of the international media, which of course means as soon as Trump got in office it made a rapid slide from the near to the far left. Its June cover is a Mitch McConnell caricature showing him painting a background of the Jan 6 rioters with white paint roller, and entitled "Whitewash - Why McConnell and the GOP blocked a bipartisan commission on the Jan. 6 insurrection" Of course since RINOS lying Chaney and crying Kinzinger joined the panel, it is abundantly clear to all but the deaf and blind as to why McConnell didn't want to give any substance to the Democrat witch-hunt, ie Polosi's 3rd impeachment of Trump.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 6 months ago
        It's almost comical that the commies and their sycophants in the media are sooooooo desperate to paint the protest/riot in the Capitol building on Jan 6th as an "insurrection". All the left wing extremist takeovers, looting, and burning of government and private property in the past were never called "insurrections". Just another example of the left controlling the language to force their narrative on the rest of us.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 6 months ago
    Felix Dennis founded this week.

    On Monday I noted that it was six years to the day since publisher Felix Dennis had died. In the spring of 2001, shortly before the general election that saw New Labour re-elected with another stonking majority, I interviewed Dennis for Freedom Today, The Freedom Association magazine. Once jailed for obscenity, he had gone on to create a publishing empire on both sides of the Atlantic. In 1999 he was Labour’s largest individual benefactor, donating £167,000 to the party. We met at his office in Soho where we talked about Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, a federal Europe, and trees.
    MAXIM was another publication Dennis founded.
    He claimed he was not a socialist but donated because no one else will. Weird answer.
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