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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 8 months ago
    Speaking from personal experience, I think most 'psychoanalysts' need help. Notice all 'shrinks' see a shrink from time to time. Has anyone done a study on what percentage of 'shrinks' commit suicide? I know several who have done so.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 8 months ago
      My daughter is a psychoanalyst relationship counselor. I can tell you with no hesitation. She does NOT know what she’s talking about. That entire field is just a load of progressive credentialism quackery.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 8 months ago
    You certainly got the topic title right.
    The 'study' is less reliable than global warming computer models (which have all had one thing in common - they have all been completely wrong.)
    Note also that it is a 'study' done by a non-scientific gang of biased psychoanalysts.
    Being irrational is a requirement to become a psychoanalyst.
    Most I have met judge others by their own personal foibles, however irrational, not by any proven scientific method.
    The entire so-called 'profession' is based on supposition without any objective evidence whatsoever.
    They just make it up and pretend among themselves that an objective standard has been established.
    It's all irrational, unsupported rubbish.
    I wouldn't trust any of them to take out my garbage much less make a rational analysis of anyone's mental activity.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 8 months ago
      "I wouldn't trust any of them to take out my garbage much less make a rational analysis of anyone's mental activity." Agreed. I am totally disgusted with what these charlatans have done to our entire civilization. It seems they can be paid to say almost anything and take any position from sending innocent people to gulags and concentration camps to letting dangerous criminals and predators loose on our streets to allowing people who don't even know what sex they are to poison our children. Now look at this idiot slapping around people because of their skin color. They are con artists. Disgusting to say the least.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      I agree , freedom, that those studies are worthless. My concern is for the nut jobs who are ready to run with it and the media who will mindlessly cheer them on, unknowingly participating in their own destruction. Thinking of James Taggart, maybe subconsciously they want to be obliterated.
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  • Posted by entropino 3 years, 8 months ago
    Hmmm if heresy is incurable, then elimination of the host is the only way. They really want to go this route huh, seems like a path to self destruction to me. Or is another ideological agent putting on a scheme
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 3 years, 8 months ago
    My dad was a social worker, and later administrator at a psychiatric hospital. His assessment of the staff psychologists and psychiatrists was that "they were all nuts". He suspected that this was because they spent all day hanging around insane people.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 8 months ago
    Pure cultural maxism, stupidity for short.
    They malign all the other colors/ethnicities/cultures because they Think, (if that's possible), all those outside of the Western World can't adapt to either; conscious human behavior or that which defines Western Civilized culture, like hard work, responsibility, morality, ethics, family, liberty, good behavior, etc.

    Progressivism, leftism, marxism and postmodernism is the disease and guess what, that disease can affect anyone whom is not conscious, has not a conscience, a mind, nor human mutuality.
    Those idiot-ologies seem to hollow out the brain.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 8 months ago
    From the article: "Moss argues that White people possess an "entitled dominion" that enables the "host" to wield power "without limit, force without restriction, violence without mercy," and increases one's desire to "terrorize."" I think Moss just described every POC warlord and dictator in Africa or elsewhere in the world, MS13, Crips, Bloods, and name your inner city gangsta.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      That leaves the door wide open for a pogrom aimed not just at the Jewish communities, but at every white/near-white or perceived white on the planet. The left is trying very hard to start a global race war. mccannon, you pulled a great quote out of that article.
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      • Posted by TheRealBill 3 years, 8 months ago
        “The conspiracy of international capitalism and Bolshevism is not at all a paradoxical or absurd phenomenon. Rather, it is a natural matter, because the driving force in both is that people which for thousands of years, driven by its hatred, has again and again slaughtered, divided, economically exploited, and politically destroyed humanity. Today, international Jewry is the ferment of the decomposition of peoples and states, just as it was in antiquity. It will remain that way as long as peoples do not find the strength to get rid of this virus.”

        Herf, Jeffrey. The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust (p. 187). Harvard University Press


        From the foundation of the Nazi party to Hitler’s rantings in a Berlin bunker in 1945, the key themes in the regime’s anti-Semitic story line were righteous indignation about victimization at the hands of a powerful and evil foe, promises of retaliation, and projection of aggressive genocidal intention onto others. The core of Hitler’s attacks on the Jews in Mein Kampf and of Goebbels’s diatribes in Der Angriff in the late 1920s did not focus on racist biology. To be sure, a great deal of sarcasm was directed at the stereotyped Jewish body. But the core of the assault concerned what “the Jew” or “Jewry,” identified as one political actor, had allegedly done to Germany.77 The list of sins was long. In July 1927, Goebbels wrote that Germany had become “an exploitation colony of international Jewry,” which controlled its railroads, economy, and currency. Three million Germans were unemployed as a result of the “murderous economic war” waged by the Jews against “German discipline and German work.”78 “The Jew” was connected with capitalist exploitation as well as with communism. He “lives from the collapse of nations, whether he cloaks himself in the form of interest capitalism or Bolshevism.” The Jew was dangerous as he sought to “annihilate” peoples, “destroy” races, “turn blood comrade against blood comrade.” Nazism was a national struggle for freedom and against the “chains of slavery” imposed by Jewry.79 Following Hitler, Goebbels presented the struggle between Germans and “the Jew” as one in which no middle ground existed. “One was either a servant of the Jews (Judenknecht) or an enemy of the Jews (Judengegner).” Quoting Musssolini, he said that taking such people “out of circulation” was not terror but “social hygiene,” just as “a doctor takes a bacillus out of circulation.”

        Herf, Jeffrey. The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust (pp. 37-38). Harvard University Press


        "Jewry has so intellectually and politically penetrated the Anglo-Saxon states that they no longer even see or want to recognize the danger. In the Soviet Union they camouflage themselves as Bolsheviks, while in the Anglo-Saxon states they appear plutocratic and capitalistic. The methods of mimicry of the Jewish race are familiar. For many years, they have sought to lull their host peoples to sleep and thereby paralyze their powers of defense against their acute and life-threatening danger . . ."

        Herf, Jeffrey. The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust (p. 192). Harvard University Press

        Notice the common thread of comparing and equating their target to a virus. This is neither new nor unintentional.
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