Scientist Who Told Fauci COVID ‘Potentially Engineered’ Deletes Twitter Account

Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 6 months ago to Government
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“... A leading virologist who emailed Dr Fauci in January 2020 to tell him that the COVID-19 virus looked like it had been engineered in a lab has gone dark on Twitter, after deleting thousands of posts, then terminating his entire account completely... .... Claimed Tweets were ‘auto-deleting’ after 5000 were removed, then deleted his ENTIRE ACCOUNT...”

So now with emails being deleted right and left, China sanitizing their records, and Xiden administration doing their cover-up by superfluous rhetoric, this Wuhan Flu story will solely become based upon very little reproducible fact. More akin to Quantum Physics, where reality is based upon probabilities. I can easily accept the probability that the CCP Wuhan Flu was designed with Fauci’s knowledge and $$$ and purposefully released...
SOURCE URL: https://summit.news/2021/06/07/scientist-who-told-fauci-covid-potentially-engineered-deletes-twitter-account/

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 6 months ago
    People are starting to get a glimpse behind the curtain on the govopoly on healthcare. They've seen maybe 10% so far.

    Hard to believe...but in my work I've had to invoke Nuremberg in order to prevent experiments being conducted on people who didn't know they were going to be experimented on. That really ruffled some feathers. But, their mistake was trying to involve me. Crazy stuff...
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 6 months ago
      I, being semi retired in the natural health care field, am always astounded whenever a new patient comes to my office still spouting that he/she ( note: I only see binary patients ha ha ha) just started new medication XYZ for their new condition QRS. They still believe that the new medication will still allow them to continue their current devastating lifestyle. They have zero intention of even considering altering their lifestyle. With attitudes like that and continuing to being prevalent, I see nothing but future wards of the govt healthcare state.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 6 months ago
        Yes, the abundance of train wrecks brings water to my eyes, and a bit of anger as well. While shopping, I see these carts moving around carrying 300+ pound whales as they await their meds at the Rx counter, then fill their cart with crap. Are these people mentally retarded? Or self-immolating? Or perhaps they are defined by their self-imposed afflictions? Perhaps it is the satisfaction that they derive from all of the attention -- millions of dollars in medical professionals and equipment put to the effort for their Care. I see these creatures as I would look upon an Orc -- it disgusts me to witness that level of depravity.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 6 months ago
          I think these types of folks have been catered to all their life by the state, friends, and family. Food food food and pills to make one happy, and a electric cart to ride in whilst one shops.. the whales have it too easy with no self responsibility. Society created them by tolerating them and encouraging them to not be responsible for themselves.
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