Oregon considers 'permanent rule' on face masks, forcing pandemic restrictions indefinitely
Let’s see if I have this correct.... Oregon wants face masks to be permanent and Michigan wants to mask up children 2 yrs and up.
Come on peoples, it’s past time to cast off the damn, worthless, virtual-signaling, non-functional masks and take back control of your lives!!! Or do you like being dictated to? Or maybe you enjoy being controlled? Or maybe you don’t like thinking and being responsible for yourself?
Come on peoples, it’s past time to cast off the damn, worthless, virtual-signaling, non-functional masks and take back control of your lives!!! Or do you like being dictated to? Or maybe you enjoy being controlled? Or maybe you don’t like thinking and being responsible for yourself?
When is someone going to start portraying the "progressives" and "liberals" as the regressives and the illiberals that they are? Oh yeah, Ayn Rand.
When the media finally realizes/determines it is in their best interests, and not one second sooner.
They still require masks in certain places in MA. I have been playing indoor soccer, so comply. I made a mask out of an elastic SUV cargo net, with roughly 3/4 in holes while not expanded. From across the field, one can't tell. It is a mask.
Most of my soccer buddies think it is hilarious, and avoid their own "water boarding" by pulling the masks down while playing. The ones that don't like it either stopped coming (perhaps in general) or keep their mouths shut. My nickname didn't come from fiction.
NH just stopped masks in public. Private places can do as they like. Nashua (overrun by MA) is the only city that has a local mask ordinance.
They all look at me like I've lost my mind.
"Boom!" - head explodes due to walnut-sized grey matter converting to C4 as an ego-survival trait.
Mere 3 feet distancing and frequent handwashing is more effective than a mask. Also, I wonder how many false positives or misdiagnosed cases there are. The epidemy of such cases is the one from Florida in which a young, otherwise healthy man, died after a motorcycle accident trauma, but was counted as a Wuhan virus death because he allegedly tested positive.
Now that COVID is finally receding, look for those states to tighten their grip as they understand people won't take much more of it.
Also, look for "climate change" hysteria to increase exponentially.
These people NEVER give up. I wish our side had the same single-mindedness towards LIBERTY and the tenacity to never give up on it.
- Save the Rosenbergs.
- Make nuclear power available.
- Stop the bomb tests.
- Prevent nuclear power.
- End segregation.
- Reinstate segregation.
- Global cooling.
- Global warming.
The agenda has always been to advance the Communist revolution, often through the weapon called, "Let's you and he fight." We are to be pitted against each other so that we unwittingly advance the Communist cause.
"Hey, sheriff, who was that masked man?"
"Don't 'cha know? That was The Lone Sheeple!"
I lasted a whole year only with my my own immunity (however much that was), and now I am vaccinated at have supposedly 94% immunity, but I still have to wear a mask that gives nowhere like 94% protection. Stupid. Government has pretty much lost my support. Its even person for himself now.