Two Nevada Counties Go Constitutional
Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 8 months ago to Government
This occurred in early June. I didn't see it posted as an item in the Gulch so I thought better late than never. If it is a repeat, forgive me. But quite interesting. I know most of the Elko County Commissioners and hope this continues to catch on through the Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officers Association.
The rural Counties in Nevada are in a desperate situation with the Democrat National Socialists in "power". Gov Sissylick just imposed mask mandates again on "select" Counties. Guess who?
The rural Counties in Nevada are in a desperate situation with the Democrat National Socialists in "power". Gov Sissylick just imposed mask mandates again on "select" Counties. Guess who?
The "Lefty" stuff wasn't so bad like 10 years ago... I mean it was still fairly left. But it's waaaay worse now!
I am half surprised that Nye County hasn't joined up, but they have probably been invaded pretty badly with lefty Californians too. :(
Not what it used to be. Where, oh, where is Art Bell? :)
Art had gone back to the Philippines after his wife died. I think he came back briefly? (I may be wrong on that one) I love the idea that maybe he just went on a space ship somewhere fun! But I think he died in the Philippines a few years after his wife died.
"Back in the day" during the commute, at the top of the hour I could get "Traffic and Weather Together" from LA. Five lane rush hour traffic was entertaining to listen to when all I was watching for was the occasional black ninja cow on the highway. I remember some poor city sucker trying to change a flat tire in the fast lane of "The Five". At times I might see the taillights of another solitary commuter about 9 miles ahead in the desert distance.
So much of Nevada is still like this. Good people that know how to produce. If it can't be grown it must be mined.
Or, just shut off the water. How to start a fight!
Now non-fiction.....
So it will be left to the matter just spreading by word of mouth - the media, even local, will avoid coverage of any adverse reaction as much as possible.
With a year or more of history on this matter behind us, no doubt much of the individual citizenry will be pissed as all get out and disobey. There will be those, particularly in the 3 bigger cities (where the larger media outlets lurk) that will fall for the variant panic mongering.
The interesting part will be the reaction of the business entities - the stores, restaurants, etc, to this. It will also be predictable that the larger chains - the Wal-marts, Targets, Taco Belches, etc will immediately fold and comply in the hope that the smaller competition will continue to be wiped out.
I am especially interested to see how our County Commission handles this.