Boy, if they knew Coca Cola was invented by a former Confederate officer their heads would spin round. Might even cause the company to completely shut down!
I was looking for the slide that shamed black people to be less black and Chinese to be less Chinese and Native Americans to be less Native American, etc., etc., etc. as well as telling those people to be less ignorant, etc., etc., etc.
I had a patient once who had a mouth full of pitted teeth. She was addicted to Dr Pepper. We fixed all her teeth, free of charge, and when I saw her sipping on a Dr Pepper I told her not to come back to my clinic. She doesn't like me anymore! N
Reminds me of the CPA office I worked in. Boss/owner's wife was a dentist. For some reason her office was being renovated, so she brought all her employees to our CPA office to keep up with the bookwork (we had plenty of room).
Pepsi just as good as coke anymore, who needs it if they call us racist. They are racist. I refuse to apologize for my multicultural background, which includes white, I refuse to say hard work is not important. I refuse to stop expecting everyone one to be the best they can be. Most black I grew up with feel the same. Only those controlled by Soros, as in BLM and Pelosi, think otherwise, and I would not want to be them every.
This scenario goes beyond Coke ( maybe the mgt there are adding cocaine to their own Coke their drinking). We should include Wokeness in this category. I grew-up in an immigrant extended family and I find that the current administration and cohorts are disenfranchising the immigrants who have legally came to this country since the last century from GB and Europe. I know most of the contributors in the Gulch have very strong emotional response to what is happening now. Just because European immigrants are of Caucasian decent (Caucasian means "Beautiful People" in a number of Slavic languages) why should we give up our ancestry and skin color for tyrannical govt & mob. That's why my grandparents escaped from the Austral-Hungarian Empire partitioned Poland & the other side from German occupied Holland. My mothers side of the family were all Dutch immigrants and we lived in close geographical location to them. They worked hard and family gathering was part of being Dutch. The people in the Whitehouse and the bureaucracy have lost complete touch with their ancestry and where they came from.
I gave up subscribing to SA a long time ago even though in my younger years it was my favorite magazine. The publication took a leftward path and even "scientific" articles dedicated increasing amounts of ink to left wing propaganda and innuendo leaving less room for real science. I'd pick one up on the newsstand every once in a while to see if it moved away from political grandstanding and got back to science, but was disappointed every time. It got worse over time. Your example is just one of many that reduces SA from a once outstanding publication to just any ol' leftist rag. It simply uses "science" as a smoke screen for the real narrative.
I quit reading SA when they started trashing Bjørn Lomborg and I then recommended that the local library stop wasting money for it. I had read it for more than 40 years and found its science content changing away from the hard sciences to more speculative topics.
I guess RC Cola is the new mixer.
You know, what what the bosses at Coca Cola lacks.
I wasn't successful in finding any such slides.
To thank us, she brought boxes of donuts.
A dentist. Boxes and Boxes. Of donuts.
I grew-up in an immigrant extended family and I find that the current administration and cohorts are disenfranchising the immigrants who have legally came to this country since the last century from GB and Europe. I know most of the contributors in the Gulch have very strong emotional response to what is happening now. Just because European immigrants are of Caucasian decent (Caucasian means "Beautiful People" in a number of Slavic languages) why should we give up our ancestry and skin color for tyrannical govt & mob. That's why my grandparents escaped from the Austral-Hungarian Empire partitioned Poland & the other side from German occupied Holland. My mothers side of the family were all Dutch immigrants and we lived in close geographical location to them. They worked hard and family gathering was part of being Dutch. The people in the Whitehouse and the bureaucracy have lost complete touch with their ancestry and where they came from.
Not even reliable on the non-political topics.