Whistleblower acct of Judge Sullivan

Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 8 months ago to News
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Part 3-Whistleblower: Judge Emmet Sullivan and Joe Biden

“We’re gonna ask you what you can tell us about Judge Sullivan and his affiliations and pedophilia allegations,” the interviewer asked whistleblower Ryan D. White.

“I met Gale Sullivan, Jr., the judge in the General Flynn case,” White replied. “He’s disgusting. He’s a known pedophile, a friend of Biden’s. He’s the one that owned the homes that Biden used for his (inaudible).”

“Sullivan likes young girls. He has abused his granddaughter for years. When she got older he lost interest, and she actually dated her own father intimately. He took her to her proms, things like that. She bragged about it online. I have all those records. She bragged on Facebook and things about dating her father, and he was really good and, you know, very generous and all this stuff.”
“But both the father and son are vehement racists.They don’t like black people. They think black people bring them down, they make them look bad, because they’re so good and the other people are terrible. That’s why they like ripping off Howard University, because it’s not gonna do them any good anyway, you know, they’re nobody.”

“It’s a strange concept to me anyway.
But he — Sullivan, the judge — when the granddaughter was younger, she was on Skype in her bedroom this is one of the videos I’ve seen — she was on Skype in her bedroom — and this was when Skype was fairly new — and she heard him coming and jumped in the bed.”

“He didn’t know it was on. Like I said, it wasn’t common at the time. She was talking to one of her friends. So, he comes in and abuses her. He gets in her bed and she’s performing oral sex on him, and he’s, you know, mildly abusive, I guess. He says
‘Do like I told you, not like this.’ Ugh.
So, but, what he wasn’t aware of is that other people were seeing this, because it scared the children on the
other end of the Skype, so someone got their parents.”
SOURCE URL: https://cleverjourneys.wordpress.com/2021/03/09/whistleblower-account-of-dangerous-judge-sullivan/?preview=true

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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 8 months ago
    I also clicked on the link to the Mike Pence topic. This is a disjointed rambling interview that looks almost like a composite, but if true: Holy Smokes! No wonder Trump had such a hard time. The whistleblower also says the election was rigged as well as 2018 and some 0f 2016.
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    • Posted by Arthgallo 3 years, 8 months ago
      how about 2008 as well......
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      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 8 months ago
        There's been allegations as far back as the Chicago mob swinging the election in favor of JFK in 1960, but I suspect that was an outlier and massive election fraud is more recent than that. I'm cynical enough at this point to believe that the hoopla over the 2000 election in Florida was experimenting going on to rig elections after that, which certainly includes ramping up various cheating methods for 2008, 2012, and 2016. The 2020 election was a no holds barred foreign and domestic attack on our election system to destroy a pro American like DJT at any cost. It included every method to swing a vote invented since 1960 or maybe before that if you consider Stalin's plan to crush the USA. Who was running against DJT was totally irrelevant as long as the Neo Communists can gain power and control. They won. Tragic to say the least and the results is cut America a thousand more times and bleed it to death.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 8 months ago
    I just hope this isn't true. If it is...I'm not surprised. Biden's recent comment about a little girl was too much to ignore, really. The look on his face and the way he said it...Can't ignore that.
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  • Posted by jabuttrick 3 years, 8 months ago
    You are correct that we can both think what we want. I was just wondering why you asserted so unequivocally that the allegations were true. It turns out you were just relying on the unsworn allegations themselves. That clears that up.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      Sullivan’s character was exposed with the Gen. Flynn trial.
      The conduct of United States District Judge Emmet Sullivan in the Michael Flynn case is one of the worst abuses of judicial authority I’ve observed in my 30-plus-year legal career. The U.S. attorney general has announced the government will no longer pursue prosecution of the case against Flynn, because of undisputed gross abuse of power and possible criminal misconduct by FBI investigators in that case.

      Which should be the end of the case against Flynn. But in a brazen illustration of partisan politics, and defiance of the law, Judge Sullivan refuses to dismiss it.

      The Court of Appeals for the federal circuit in which Flynn’s case is pending has said: “It has long been settled that the Judiciary generally lacks authority to second-guess those Executive determinations ... Decisions to initiate charges, or to dismiss charges once brought, lie at the core of the Executive's duty to see to the faithful execution of the laws” … and that when it comes to the authority of a judge to intervene in the government’s decision to discontinue a prosecution, “judicial authority is at its most limited .”

      Pedo Joe got his nickname because of behavior he has repeatedly shown. His own daughter in her diary claimed he was inappropriate with her.
      His son Hunter has clearly provided with his laptop video evidence of that same behavior.

      IMO The whistleblower is credible enough to warrant a criminal investigation.
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      • Posted by jabuttrick 3 years, 8 months ago
        Do you leave room for the possibility that Sullivan erred in the Flynn case but is, despite that, not a pedophile?
        I too look forward to an unbiased investigation of this matter.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
          Sullivan also presided over Judicial Watch v. IRS, relating to weaponizing the IRS against Obama’s political enemies and the deletion of IRS email records pertaining to their own Lois Lerner (2014 and 2013).
          He acts like a typical deep state puppet. The whistleblower made the claim about his alleged deviant behavior not me. A 10 year old can figure out , he is not interested in justice at all. He is the enemy of the people.

          Did you read the article ? https://cleverjourneys.wordpress.com/...
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  • Posted by jabuttrick 3 years, 8 months ago
    This looks like vile libel.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      Yes it does if it isn’t true , but you will never see the Judge defend himself because it is true.
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      • Posted by jabuttrick 3 years, 8 months ago
        And you know this how? Because you found the sworn testimony before the impeachment inquiry compelling? Because the probable cause warrants contained such convincing evidence? Or perhaps the grand jury indictment was conclusive for you. Maybe the bare allegations contained in the criminal complaint was enough for you. Or the details set forth in the judicial discipline proceedings did it. Or just the weight of the evidence adduced in the civil cases brought against the judge.
        Wait, none of these things happened. So what is the basis for your belief in these outrageous allegations? It surely must be based on something other than the lack of comment from a sitting judge who may be completely unaware of the libel. Even if he knows of these assertions it is unlikely he would drawn into commenting. Sitting judges rarely respond to charges of bias, corruption or criminal behavior unless they are formally raised in a proper forum.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
          I am not trying a case with you.
          You can think what you want.
          I think the allegations deserve a criminal investigation. If it walks like a duck and it Quacks like a 🦆.
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