Congratulations to JPL

Posted by diessos 4 years ago to Science
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The Mars Perseverance rover lands successfully. Hats off to the people at JPL!
SOURCE URL: https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/touchdown-nasas-mars-perseverance-rover-safely-lands-on-red-planet

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  • Posted by starguy 4 years ago
    How come the lefties aren't out protesting, rioting, and looting, over Perseverance landing on Mars? After all, that Isaac Newton guy is a DWEM (Dead White European Male)! And Theodore von Karman, the founder of JPL, was another DWEM. The list, of evil DWEM's, goes on.
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    • Posted by 4 years ago
      LOL.. I always like the statement "why don't they spend the money year instead of in space"... well the money IS SPENT ON EARTH.. who do you think designs, and builds the thing.
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  • Posted by Katrina41 4 years ago
    We should have been colonizing the Red Planet for two decades now. I wonder how long this unscientific president will spend money on space before he deems it a useless expense and dumps the money into the New Green Deal.
    Congratulatios to JPL for reminding us all that anything is possible if we are willing to work for it. Keep up that great work!
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    • Posted by 4 years ago
      The biggest problem with NASA is that it is a government agency. It is impossible to develop a long term strategy when the priorities change every 4 or 8 years. Kennedy challenged NASA to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade in the 1960's. Why the end of the decade? Because if he won re-election he would have finished his second term during that time frame. Even though Nixon was not a big space advocate, the hardware was already built so finishing the Apollo program was not a big issue. Also, the first landing took place only 6 months into his administration. Reagan called for the space station in the 80's, it got changed multiple times (by Bush 1 and Clinton) before it was started. Bush II pushed the Constellation program, which was killed by Obama a few months into his term. Obama cancelled it because he said it was overbudget. Which is moronic since he never worried about the budget with all his budget busting programs. Obama focused NASA away from the moon and to a climate change research agency. Jim Bridenstine did a great job as NASA director during Trump's term but now NASA has ANOTHER direction. A moon and Mars program will take 20-25 years to really develop and design. This country can't see past the mid-term elections, so I don't have much hope.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 4 years ago
        My wife worked for a company that made certain satellites or components for NASA, but got laid off when the Obama administration pulled away a ton of funding so the plug got pulled on a lot of ongoing projects. Oh, let's not forget NASA at the time was mandated to become a Muslim Nation outreach program - whatever that meant.
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    • Posted by TheOldMan 4 years ago
      We have been, the place looks like a used car lot! To understand real engineering, realize that the last two rovers the USA sent were intended to last about 6 months but ended up running for over decade. Somehow this was accomplished without any considerations about feelings, chromosome/gender/melanin/racial diversity or any other such nonsense. When you have only chance and every last item must work perfectly, you don't about fluff, you just get the best people regardless of "equity".
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