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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 11 months ago
    Even Fauci said someone with a 'compromised immune system' shouldn't take the vaccine. It seems to me a good number of folks are dying after vaccination. Did they have an auto-immune disorder?
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 11 months ago
      I suspect the disease as well as the vaccine elicits an over reaction of the immune system...if one has an over reactive immune system already, I would imagine that is what causes death.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 11 months ago
        That's precisely what it does. It hyperactivates the body's response to a particular pathogen. That overactive response can - and has - killed. It's one of the things that would be caught in a long-term trial but those trials were conveniently skipped for the sake of expediency.

        The other major problem with this "vaccine" is that it actually supresses the body's own immune system when fighting other pathogens. While it makes you nearly bulletproof to COVID-19 it is making you more susceptible to just about everything else. That according to the world's leading vaccine expert.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 11 months ago
          I love how they call it a "vacine" when in their EUA they clearly state for all three, "There is currently no vaccine for Covid". They lie to your face, and people fall for it. How you can be "vacinnated" and still need a mask? This whole thing has been a joke from the start. CDC deaths for all causes are down, and their death counts for Covid equal the amount the other causes are down from. People who rode motorcycles into brick walls were listed as covid, people with 2 bullets in them were listed as covid. All the "covid" deaths were from current causes and unrelated causes and were relabeled for the money hospitals were given as a bounty for every covid death reported. Wake up. If it was so bad, why do we have thousands crossing the borders with no testing, no quarantine, and no one saying a thing? Why do the elite run around with no masks when they think no one is looking? Because they know it is non existent. Easy to play on peoples feeling by saying daddy is in ICU with covid, and then kill them with intubation when not needed, and grandma had 18 issues with 18 different drugs and just died from complications.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 11 months ago
            "CDC deaths for all causes are down, and their death counts for Covid equal the amount the other causes are down from."

            Yes. That according to a Johns Hopkins study. (The university retracted it saying that it "caused confusion" but the original author stands by her work.)
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            • Posted by 3 years, 11 months ago
              Thanks for posting that link, blarman. I know the data has been posted in the Gulch earlier but I'm glad it hasn't disappeared from the net. đź‘Ť
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              • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 11 months ago
                They're sure trying. Johns Hopkins used to still have it on their site but even that is gone now. They've replaced it by a refutation article stating all the reasons why the report reached the wrong conclusions. It's a total hit piece, however. It's main refutation uses the CDC's own numbers on "excess deaths" according to COVID - which is what the article was pointing out actually includes deaths from a whole host of other diseases and conditions. It was transparently false in its assertions but still sad to read.
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                • Posted by 3 years, 11 months ago
                  The CDC then cooked the books and added 850,000 deaths in the last 6 weeks of 2020 - triple the rate for the rest of 2020. Must have had some Dominion machines counting deaths.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 11 months ago
    Will a future post read "The Unvaxxed - A Fictional Tale" no longer fiction? Given the Vaccine Passports now emerging I suspect so.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 11 months ago
      That story made me dino think of a story Ayn Rand may have recently written had she came from the past in a time machine, say, a year or two before the pandemic.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 11 months ago
    That's very good.

    Can I tell you a secret? Checking somebody for antibodies to determine if they've been vaccinated doesn't work. Why? Per a study that a doctor I know (who shall remain nameless) it was discovered that when a child gets the infamous MMR vaccine, there's a 30% chance they won't show antibodies afterward.

    Science...Some of us actually ARE on the side of opposed to just saying that we are...
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 years, 11 months ago
      Science--not "the science"--is my education. It requires an open or sceptical mind, willing to examine all the ways in which the facts previously known or understood just might possibly be wrong.

      Look at the supposedly true science of the past: phlogiston, phrenology, eugenics.

      Look at Trofim Lysenko's version of genetics. Stalin tossed out non-Lysenko geneticists. Fortunately in some Soviet schools and laboratories the departments of mathematics and physics took on the cast-out geneticists, saving some few of them until the post-Stalin years when they could work in genetics again.

      Hearing people spout about "the science" makes my blood boil even more than when I hear someone tout a product as "contains no chemicals."
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    • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 11 months ago
      This is correct, from misc sources I have seen. The effect is not permanent. The vaxes at start reduce antibodies, this lasts for weeks (maybe four), during that time the patient is very vulnerable, obviously. Antibodies then build up to a high level, the patient, if still alive, is then well protected. (cross fingers).
      If that is true, and you get the vax, take care for a month after, serious isolation.

      Another issue is how long the build up lasts - not known, big pharma want it to be a year so good repeat business.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 11 months ago
        What I'm saying is that a third show no signs of ever being vaccinated within a year of getting the shot. How they are effected that first month I don't know.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 3 years, 11 months ago
    With any other chemical, you would look at the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) first, but do you get one with a vaccine?
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 11 months ago
      They come with an insert document that has a lot of very fine print. They used to say your pancreas was at risk with many of the shots, but I think that text has been removed. Haven't read one for a while.
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  • Posted by chad 3 years, 11 months ago
    The slavers have learned from experience that if you can isolate any who might teach the morality of liberty and objectivism then let them die they will not influence the rest of society and the sheep will continue to do what they are told.
    This trial run of absolute control has revealed any weaknesses in the control system. It has also demonstrated that people are willing to submit themselves to house arrest and demonstrate fealty to the state by wearing masks that are destructive for morale, interaction and prevention of any disease. The public will enforce it on themselves. They do not need armed forces on every corner. With computer tracking systems it is easy to monitor the activity of all and know if a response is needed for someone who crossed any imaginary line, whether interaction or geographical.
    Arresting and incarceration are expensive and require enforcers who might realize their behavior is incorrect when interacting with their charges. This possibility is undesirable.
    Rather than concentration camps it will be easy to turn off everything that is needed for survival. Electricity, water, access to food or fuel. Even trying to live off the grid will at some point expose you when you interact with someone else for what you need or those using Google Earth spot your domicile and send the enforcers. This has happened to a farmer friend of mine who built an illegal building (tool shed) without permission.
    The best possibility anyone has to live free is to find a method to live parallel with the society. Appear to be part of it while existing outside of it as much as possible.
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  • Posted by mcsandberg 3 years, 11 months ago
    That's why Governor DeSantis is going to be a great president, he's putting an end to the vaccine passports before they even get started!

    Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, Not A Newspaper!
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 11 months ago
    Very melodramatic, but it's really a matter of choice. I doubt seriously anyone is going to be checking for a vaccine ID, so don't get the vaccination if you don't want to.

    I spent 20 years in the military, and carried a shot record with me everywhere I went. Why? Because I could have received orders that required going to a country that wanted proof of certain inoculations. Even in those countries, I was rarely required to show the record, because those officials knew I was required by my military service to have the inoculations before I was sent there.

    If the government wants to track nearly anybody, there's a ready record of other ID, like driver's licenses, or credit card transactions, or cell phone calls and texts. There are ways to avoid these tracking methods, if one desires, and the CDC shot record is easily counterfeited.

    I may be somewhat cavalier about the vaccine, as I have never had an adverse reaction to any inoculation (I had no problem with the bubonic plague shot, which puts nearly all who get it in the hospital). I've had both of the Pfizer shots, and they might as well have been distilled water to me.

    I go with the philosophy that says rather than see a sinister plot in every government move, I attribute most of it to incompetence or stupidity. Conspiracy theories fall apart, because there are too many stupid people involved in government activity to keep anything a secret for long.

    What we're witnessing is the victimization of the nation, because we've been protected from everything so much that the usual response to the call "Do you expect to live forever?" is incredibly a "Yes!" Everyone spends so much time in fear of living, that they don't know how to live. The government reacts to the people's fears, fumbling about trying to somehow make everything better. What's dangerous now is the tools the fumblers leap to use that can be as dangerous as the problem they're trying to fix.

    Quarantining the vulnerable, and immediate treatment of the ill, in retrospect, would have been the best way to reduce the impact of the virus. Unfortunately, the government geniuses chose the worst path to treatment, which was to quarantine the healthy, and pretend that masks were an effective protection. As one doctor said, using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes.
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 3 years, 11 months ago
      I would love to read the entire interview with (or article from) that doctor; I'd love to hear what else he/she has to say besides the mask/fence analogy. Any chance you could post (or just send me) the link?
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 3 years, 11 months ago
    Interesting modern take on the theme of 1984, which is--in my opinion--a literary masterpiece; Miranda is Winston Smith, and Antoine is O'Brien.

    But this is a much more powerful story to me than 1984 is; while that novel was fiction (at least at the time it was written it was fiction), Miranda's story seems far too real a possibility.

    For an excellent look at where we appear to be going, check A. F. Branco's cartoon today on creators dot com. (You can also find his cartoons on the fox news page.)
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  • Posted by GaryL 3 years, 11 months ago
    The best defence is a smart offence. Skip the vax at all costs and find a supply of HCQ and Azithromycin and Ivermectin and self medicate if you can. The doctors drank the Kool aid along with all your elected officials who will duck for cover when those who took the jab start getting sicker from all sorts of other side effects.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 3 years, 11 months ago
    My next comment isn't exactly related but germane. An unexpected consequence of all the scary talk, people are being more respectful of not spreading their stinking germs. This behaviour should always be applied during flu and cold season. How many time I have contracted flu/cold because someone sneezed on me or in a elevator or airplane. Don't touch bathroom door handles, wash your hands frequently. Nothing new, not rocket science, just now it's like politically correct. Not reading Dr, Suess, can you believe the absurdity of it?
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  • Posted by Turfprint 3 years, 11 months ago
    The first thing people say nowadays is"have you been vaccinated yet?" Like it is a secret handshake. This morning I realized if I get vaccinated I might be buying into all that goes with it. Specifically the politicization of a nasty flu. Like other scare tactics that are always being used to control the people. Climate change, race riots, etc.
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  • Posted by Stormi 3 years, 11 months ago
    The mfg. site said "expect people to die in teh months after vaccinations. Expect it. The vaccine is not to blame." No, but what mRNA deos to your immune system is to blame. It will cripple some of your natural fighter immune cells, what are left will go after any new form of covid, then, seeing you body as the enemy, since it is covid19 machine from vaccine, it will attack and kill you.Many US, British, French and Italian doctors have explained this. They havd done autopsies on early vaccine participants who died. It is why Biden wanted the border people to show up after all here were vaccinated, they came early, unvaccinated, new strains in tow, and as CDC puts it, without telling the whole story, "impending doom!" The truth is out there.Goal: thin ther global herd.
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