Autism. Another one Falls

Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 9 months ago to Science
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I live on a little court, 12 houses. Everybody knows everybody and there's very little turnover. In the past 20 years there have been three boys born to families on this street. Not a lot of kids. All three boys have come down with autism. Not one has skated by without the diagnosis. And, these are real, classic autism cases: toe walking, hand flapping, non-verbal, no-eye-contact autism. The third one just fell to it. He's a little over two years old. He was speaking and interacting with his parents - funny little guy. But, he's stopped talking now and had taken to toe walking around their car in the driveway....round, and round, and round.

Should this be thought-provoking? What are your thoughts? Might this be a regional/environmental thing? All three were fully vaccinated per the CDC schedule up to the point of acquiring the disorder. This third one, though, is interesting. His family - all Fox News Neocons - have been loyally pro-vax since I've known them. I know the type well, being a conservative guy myself and having a lot of friends who are very Republican. The attitude is always, "I don't trust government except for vaccine safety. They nailed it on this one topic." As the baby has clearly hit the spectrum he lost his grandmother. Two days after getting her first mRNA vaccine she dropped dead in her apartment - on my buddy's (her son's) birthday of all things. She was in good health, mild diabetes. Found dead on the floor. If you read the VAERS reports on these mRNA vaccines there is a clear pattern of this kind of death. That, obviously, shook the family. Now...they're opening up to me about grandma and this little boy - asking for my input. I haven't opened up yet. I'm reluctant given how painful it is.

The unspoken numbers of this pandemic are staggering. As a father, a coach, and a man who lives in the state that houses at least 1/4 of the nation's homeless (a huge portion of which is able-bodied men in their 20s) I can tell you this is a serious issue. News media wants to tell us about George Floyd, how well Biden's first presser went, and what a bad guy Trump is. At what point do American's wake up and recognize a problem?

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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 3 years, 9 months ago
    Damn the pain, damn the opprobrium, full speed ahead! Vaccines and the crap they put in them (mercury (thimerosal) aluminum, formaldehyde) are not safe, and people ought to at lease have the benefit of full disclosure and informed consent before they or their children are jabbed. How can people be informed if no one informs them? You know they're not going to get that information from the legacy media. I tell every expectant parent and parent of a newborn I meet about the dangers of the childhood vaccine regimen (from personal experience--my son was diagnosed with autism), and about alternatives to standard practice: spacing out vaccines (no multi-shot cocktails) and requesting vaccines without thimerosal and aluminum adjuvants. If it saves just one kid...
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
      You remind me of something I researched recently. In California we have Prop 65 which mandates little signs in the front windows of almost any business that states there are chemicals there that cause cancer or reproductive harm. One day I thought, "Why don't pediatrician offices have this same sign?" So...I researched it. Guess what I found. The courts ruled that pediatricians who administer vaccines with adjuvants and preservatives don't have to show this sign because "the doctor educates the parent on the risks of vaccines, therefore the pediatricians are exempt from the requirement of posting the sign". Think about that one...
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 9 months ago
    In my city children don't need to have their teeth treated with flouride. We have an abundance of it in our water. It is rare to see a child with autism and I saw, in one 10 month period 7500 patients (medical, dental, and mental health), and only one child with autism for a hearing test which didn't happen. I think autism is not enough of something in their diet. But I don't know what it might be. Now wasn't that an astute observation? But I'm not a doctor.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
      Haha...yeah - at this point I'm open to any suggestions! My teeth were screwed up with fluoride when I was a kid - fluoridosis. If it weren't for that I'd have a nice smile (well, my wife still likes it...)
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 9 months ago
        I noticed it didn't decrease cavities in our children. I had kids under 9 years of age who needed full caps on all their teeth. I ordered porcelain caps, no silver caps like "Lurch" for my babies. I just wrote another grant!
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
          No. From what I understand fluoridated water was very little to do with teeth. Not really sure what the purpose is. If you think about it none of it makes sense. "Some children have bad teeth. Fluoride is good for teeth. Everybody drink fluoride." How's that for deduction? Sunblock is good for me (it is, actually). Everybody drink sunblock...
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 9 months ago
            Secretor status is an important factor. Those, like myself, do not secret our immune antibodies in any fluid of the body except for the blood. Immune antibodies in saliva prevents most cavities. Add to that, fluoride and your in trouble.

            From what I understand, fluoride from nature might be beneficial but not from iron smelting, it's like trying to get calcium from rocks instead of from plants.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 9 months ago
            Flouride is a metal and it generates the bonding ions needed for calcium to stik to dentin on your teeth. I am not sure that Flouride would be the cause, since it was in use in the 60s in San Diego when I grew up, I did not have any cavities a a kid, until we moved to Sweden, with no flouride, and had 4 or 5 the first year. Just data. Is it needed or not dangerous? Who knows, the lies are tremendous. But, I posted here a while back a place that lists all the "non useful" crap in vaccines, and it is amazing. Propylene Glycol is a really bad thing used as a cleaner and is found in many vaccines (a byproduct of the manufacturing process). I am sure you will find a connection to all three cases being some group of shots they got. But don't mind me..I am just a conspiracy theorist...
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            • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 9 months ago
              Technically, Fluoride is not a metal, but a halogen gas in the same family as Chlorine and Iodine. It is the most reactive element on the periodic table (Oxygen is second) and will forcibly bond with just about anything - even some noble gases. It is also used to separate and process Uranium isotopes.

              Fluoride is used to bolster teeth strength by attaching to bonding sites which might otherwise be subject to the acids given off by bacteria in the mouth as a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism (cellular digestion without oxygen as a catalyst). It has been shown to be effective at preventing cavities for this reason. (Of course it begs the question why brushing and flossing can't do the same...)

              Vaccines are a useful medical invention for proactively spurring resistance to certain pathogens. The problem - as noted - are the "additives" and peripheral chemicals commonly found in many mass-produced vaccines which then get injected directly into the body. These chemicals injected into a developing body and mind... Not so good.
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              • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
                The problem is those other harmful elements in vaccines along with the FDA/CDC's failure to add up how much of those are given to children as the childhood vaccine schedule swelled from 1 vaccine in 1971 to 69 vaccines given today. They never did the math. I know a doctor who did to the math, showed the mercury alone was way over the EPA MCLs. I think vaccines are amazing as initially proposed. Salk gave his famous polio vaccine to society for free. Boy...have things changed...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 9 months ago
    You are completely right on the mark! While doing endless research on this virus and vaccine, I came across an article which said they had proved without a doubt the role of vaccine in causing autism. So needless, if only people would do a little more homework! And now NY is going the vaccine ID route to kill more people, while they work on vaccinating toddlers at age 2 with this vaccine for the virus! My first worry was the vaccine maker website which said people would die in the months following vaccination, expect it, but don't blame the vaccine. That started me on research from Italy, to Britain to France and the US. All of it bad news. If you get the vaccine, then get another strain, the vaccine is only for 19, and you will likely die. That is what happened to the cat research, exactly. So we get everyone vaccinated, Biden brings in unwitting immigrants with new strains, and as many as millions to even billions will die globally. Britain did autopsies on those who died after vaccine, in early testing, and found the immune system, natural, what was left after mRNA, atatatcked the organs of the body going after both virus forms, and killed the person. No not the vaccine, the immune system did it, just as planned by our gov. and China together.mRNA is dangerous. The virus was never meant to kill us, but the vaccine was, why else gates sadi the way to reverse overpopulation globally, "vaccines are the way to go."
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    • Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 9 months ago
      Yes, it’s the vax and that is the way it was planned. This is all by design. the forces of Evil are are ramping up their agenda.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 9 months ago
        My feeling is, they really wanted something that would require an antidote, but that was not working out. So, they went with what they had, and made the vaccine the proposed real agent of mass deaths, far beyond what we have thus far seen. The reaction of the CDC director calling it "impending doom" says it all. It was a hurry up job, to get it out there to overshadow the election and accompanying voter fraud. Then, Biden's virus troops arrived sooner than asked for, to finish the spread. Oh yeah, they pieces sere all in place with planning going back a few years. We were set up, and they still want billions to die worldwide.
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  • Posted by fairbro 3 years, 9 months ago
    When I first read this, it jogged a memory of my old upstate NY small city where I lived until 19.

    There was a huge factory there that made typewriters and other metallic things, and we used to take a shortcut going home from school where we walked by, around the back of the building, and joked ("Take a swim there!") about this stagnant, phosphorescently-colored pool of toxic waste.

    Fast forward 25 years. The factory is out of business, then torn down. The city decides to consolidate the two city high schools into one and build the new school of the site of the old factory. Within the first few years of the new school, 5-10 students get these weird cases of cancer. I didn't read any more about it, I think maybe because the local newspaper stopped reporting about it? Anyway, perhaps there could be an environmental connection for the neighborhood outbreak of autism, too...
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
      It's normal around here now for an elementary school to lose a child every couple years to a brain tumor. Odd... My kids have lost friends to this: 3rd, 4th graders...
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  • Posted by fairbro 3 years, 9 months ago
    I thought that the problem with vaccines vis-a-vis mental health was that the way vaccines work is by altering your RNA. This, then would affect a child's growth by affecting his DNA? Please excuse my partial ignorance, I think Rand Paul had some opinions about vaccines along these lines. The other thing that bothers me about "medical care in the US" is all the children being administered psychiatric drugs in school, while no studies on the long-term affects of such psychotropic medications have been done. My nephew passed away in his early forties, living in his car, he was unable to socialize or hold a job. His mother, my sister, allowed him to be prescribed klonopin from early in grammar school. On the other hand, for comparison, his two sisters were never given drugs, and they are very successful, happy and prosperous.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 9 months ago
      I belive covid is the first mnrna altering vaccine. Normal vaccine is to introduce either a dead pathogen, or live one for immune system response. One issue is most child hood vaccines have a huge load of stuff, some never disclosed.
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  • Posted by TheOldMan 3 years, 9 months ago
    Coincidence is not causality. There could be a genetic component to their sons' autism. The youngest may be mimicking his brothers. As for vaccines, everything has a risk. You can gamble that you will never get shingles or you can decide that the effects of shingles far outweigh the vaccine risks.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 9 months ago
      I thought it was 3 different children from 3 different families.
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
        Yes. Three different children born in three different families. Of the three males born to families on this street in the past 20 years, all three have full-blown autism. 100% of the male population born here...3 out of 3. Batting 1000. As I said...what are your thoughts? Should we have any thoughts about it? I think it's mind-blowing but I see these kinds of odds all the time over the past 10 years.
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      • Posted by TheOldMan 3 years, 9 months ago
        Absolutely correct, my mistake, I misread the article.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
          FWIW - I have several friends who have had shingles. I know several children with autism. If you are implying that's the choice (not sure you are) I'd take shingles 100 times over. You raise a good point. Two good points. The second point assumes you have a choice. Very worthy of discussion in California...The choice here for children has been taken away, to be decided by the California Department of Public Health. They decide, not the child's doctor, whether or not the child gets to skip any vaccines on the rapidly growing vaccine schedule. Soon...and you heard it here first...the COVID mRNA vaccine will be on California's schedule. May not be on the CDC's schedule. California has it's on schedule it can change at any time in the law SB277. Flexible list of vaccines. Government makes the decision for you. This won't end well. I have a home in another state, as do many of my friends...
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  • Posted by NealS 3 years, 9 months ago
    "Wake up?" Soon, hopefully, soon. It's to the point now that there exists only one or two possible turnarounds for the USA, one being a military coup.

    As far as the vaccines, they still haven't taken responsibility for what Agent Orange has done to me and about 50% of my comrades that served in Vietnam. We have little else in common. My Pulmonologist understood (and appreciated) my concerns on the mRNA Vaccines, and suggested I take the Janssen (J&J) one shot, even though less effective it's more like a typical vaccine. I only took it because she explained how actually getting the virus could affect me.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
      Thank you for your service, Neal. My father has lost some friends to agent orange, as have I. In my work I have gotten to work for a couple chemical PhDs and, let me tell you, Dow knew exactly what agent orange would do to people.
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  • Posted by chad 3 years, 9 months ago
    Original intent of vaccines was to inject a pathogen that was non-destructive (dead) but the body was able to build resistance by learning to recognize it as an intruder and adapt to preventing its developing into a threat.
    With all the byproducts now in the injection there are more possibilities for an adverse reaction. My best friend has two grandchildren that were on the normal spectrum until vaccinated early then went on the autistic spectrum immediately afterward. Does the correlation prove causation? Not necessarily but it is an indication that something needs to be diagnosed.
    Basically I am not trusting of having heavy metals and other unknown adjuncts injected into the body.
    An untested method, the new mRNA vaccine, that is supposed to adjust human DNA to fight pathogens is fraught with danger and unproven potentials. The developer of the vaccine, "Dr." Bill Gates who wants to control and eliminate population to save the planet and has stated that while vaccinating implants for tracking (just for disease control) could be easily added makes me very wary. I have no intention of letting the government inject me with anything. If it becomes mandatory it may become my last stand which may not garner a lot of attention.
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  • Posted by $ brightwriter 3 years, 9 months ago
    My commentary in the Medical Sentinel in 2004, suggesting that beliefs imputed to small children (if I was in Billy’s situation, I would prefer X, therefore Billy prefers X), has inspired hate e-mail and personal attacks but no scholarly rebuttal as far as I know. Environmental issues, perhaps including weird stuff in the water, are definitely suspect. But if the community is close-knit and the role of children is aggressively stereotyped, then I think a behavioral contributor to autism is definitely possible.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 9 months ago
      Do you mean that a neurological disability can be taken on by a little kid because he's seen other kids with autism (or not)? That doesn't add up here because all of the three kids in our court weren't around other kids. Have you ever see blood and hair samples from kids with autism? They're typically loaded up with mercury, lead, antimony, bismuth, and arsenic. Only a handful of autism researchers know that, though. Very common...yet ignored by the talking heads.
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      • Posted by $ brightwriter 3 years, 9 months ago
        No, autism does not seem to be contagious. And I agree with you that toxic metals can contribute to it and am paying good money to have mercury fillings removed from my teeth. My point is that defective parenthood is probably A cause and not THE cause of autism.

        Incidentally, an activist plumber told me many years ago that many labs hired by water companies to test water for poisons don’t have the equipment to do so: they receive the testing fees under false pretenses and say all clear and no one asks any questions.
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  • Posted by $ HansRonstadt 3 years, 9 months ago

    an employee of my Computer-Shop has autism. With computers he is working perfectly like a Genius! For example he makes very often the internet working for customers. A customer had the internet again not working and also the print from the Telekom with two numbers each 12 digits long the customer did loose. Then my employee did remember the 24 numbers and typed the long numbers in!

    And yes, I am also against this dangerous vaccines! Here in Germany are also many victims because this vaccines!

    I wish you all the best, good luck, perfect health and much success,

    best regard`s

    Hans from Germany
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