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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 7 months ago
    "Video does not exist" on that link.
    The Vimeo link from there goes nowhere "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page".
    A search on vimeo gives an interview with Dr Shiva claiming proof, and claiming to be "live."
    I also see a 30 second video on many sites claiming that a 3 hour documentary will be released either today or tomorrow.
    I don't see it released on line anywhere.

    I watched the "live" stream, which was a replay of a scripted video for 33 minutes (after posting here) and then it just stopped without being completed and the message was:
    Sorry, we couldn’t find that page
    Reasons you might be seeing this page
    It exists, but you don’t have permission to see it, or you need to log in.
    Nothing has ever existed here. Spooky.
    Something once lived here, but has been deleted.

    UntrueTube has deleted the video as violating "Community Standards" aka State Propaganda.

    The MSM is out in force claiming there is no evidence in the video.
    If there was no evidence then why not let it play in public and let the people decide if they have been screwed (again) ?
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    • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
      Of course they want to hide this from the sheeple. Same thing with Q and the anons, if it was an operation to keep folks from organizing to protest the charades, or any other such nonsense they would endorse it instead banning it and calling followers domestic terrorists. It seems all these narcissistic satanic pedo Globalists can do is project on their enemies what they are guilty of. They are complicit in this coup d'é·tat and should also be charged with crimes against humanity for the hiding of treatment for the Covid19 attack. Steam coming out of my ears for the death and devastation to humanity that has been occurring for decades.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 7 months ago
    Just finished watching and the evidence appears to be unassailable, assuming the evidence presented in tabular form can be validated in original form.
    They do a good job of building the evidence in the early sections and then the digital evidence that tracks the foreign intervention and manipulation of the election is given in the last 20 minutes.
    It is a convincing and effective presentation that everyone should watch.

    If the online versions are suppressed, I can supply a copy of the video. The one on Mike Lindell's website should be the best quality. Try to watch it there first.

    The Buy-dem administration is a fraud and does not deserve any respect whatsoever, imo.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
      Yes an illegitimate President and a treasonous coup d'é·tat.
      Many US officials Working with foreign governments to overturn the will of We The People. Let the military tribunals begin.
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 7 months ago
        It would seem the SCOTUS is going to hear some of the suits from various states. Wonder what will happen if they decide to agree the fraud actually happened. Is it a coincidence we had to deal with COVID or was that supposed to take our eyes off the ball? N
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