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Anyone seeking a raised fist from me will get a raised finger, and will quickly regret any attempt at further assaulting my person. I will not be a "good" American.
You have to get the doc, scan the doc, attach it to the file. Maybe people who know how to do things like that by phone would find it easy????
While the example in Quebec is more understandable (the proper Canadians always 'follow the rules'), in America I would expect to see a growing undercurrent of dissent.
So the question I ask is this: Where can I find those undercurrents of dissent? How can I be the 'good American' and resist the tide of oncoming totalitarianism?
...So I made a mask out of a small elastic cargo net. It is a mask. Most find it hilarious. Now one has the balls to call me out on it.
Phuck you Charlie Baker, and all the mask-coward-Karens!
Often I put in my two cents as I can and that will surely buy me a ticket to the American Gulag when the left finally has the power to set it up. Other times, here in the winter of my lifespan, I content myself by fiddling while Rome burns.
How is the identity interesting to you?
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
I've friends in Germany. They are almost paralyzed with apprehension of a return to this oppression.
.666 cal, 666 grain subsonic. Any ideas on a trademark? lol