How Government Subsidizes Obesity and Death - Corn: The Killer of Americans
Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 9 months ago to Politics
Please read the whole article.
"Austrian mathematician Abraham Wald was a World War II hero. He worked out of a nondescript apartment building in Harlem for the Applied Mathematics Panel. Wald’s ability to see the unseen was a significant factor in the Allied victory in World War II.
Allied bomber planes were being shot down at such an alarming rate that bomber airmen were called “ghosts already.” The Air Force concluded that more armor was needed on the planes but adding armor would add weight. David McRaney, the author of several books on cognitive biases, tells the story of how Wald saved the military from a major blunder:
“The military looked at the bombers that had returned from enemy territory. They recorded where those planes had taken the most damage. Over and over again, they saw that the bullet holes tended to accumulate along the wings, around the tail gunner, and down the center of the body. Wings. Body. Tail gunner. Considering this information, where would you put the extra armor? Naturally, the commanders wanted to put the thicker protection where they could clearly see the most damage, where the holes clustered. But Wald said no, that would be precisely the wrong decision. Putting the armor there wouldn’t improve their chances at all.”
Wald looked at the same bullet holes and saw a pattern revealing “where a bomber could be shot and still survive the flight home.”
Wald didn’t fall for survivorship bias. Here is what he advised:
“What you should do is reinforce the area around the motors and the cockpit. You should remember that the worst-hit planes never come back. All the data we have come from planes that make it to the bases. You don’t see that the spots with no damage are the worst places to be hit because these planes never come back.”
We are ignorant of our ignorance. It is time to look for new patterns in the evidence of those who have not survived.
Policy makers, politicians, and the media have largely ignored the cockpit of good health: the human immunological system.
Maher pointed to a recent CDC study that reported the vast majority (78%) of those hospitalized or dead from Covid have been overweight or obese.
Of Americans aged 20 and over 73.6% are overweight; 42.5% are obese. (Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of over 30.) Many studies explain how obesity decreases resistance to infection. Obesity is linked to type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, which increase the odds of hospitalization from Covid.
The Covid survival narrative has focused attention on lockdowns, masks and vaccinations. Maher pointed out the role that obesity played: “People died because talking about obesity had become a third rail in America.” Maher continued, “the last thing you want to do is say something insensitive. We would literally rather die. Instead, we were told to lock down. Unfortunately, the killer was already in the house and her name is Little Debbie.”"
"Austrian mathematician Abraham Wald was a World War II hero. He worked out of a nondescript apartment building in Harlem for the Applied Mathematics Panel. Wald’s ability to see the unseen was a significant factor in the Allied victory in World War II.
Allied bomber planes were being shot down at such an alarming rate that bomber airmen were called “ghosts already.” The Air Force concluded that more armor was needed on the planes but adding armor would add weight. David McRaney, the author of several books on cognitive biases, tells the story of how Wald saved the military from a major blunder:
“The military looked at the bombers that had returned from enemy territory. They recorded where those planes had taken the most damage. Over and over again, they saw that the bullet holes tended to accumulate along the wings, around the tail gunner, and down the center of the body. Wings. Body. Tail gunner. Considering this information, where would you put the extra armor? Naturally, the commanders wanted to put the thicker protection where they could clearly see the most damage, where the holes clustered. But Wald said no, that would be precisely the wrong decision. Putting the armor there wouldn’t improve their chances at all.”
Wald looked at the same bullet holes and saw a pattern revealing “where a bomber could be shot and still survive the flight home.”
Wald didn’t fall for survivorship bias. Here is what he advised:
“What you should do is reinforce the area around the motors and the cockpit. You should remember that the worst-hit planes never come back. All the data we have come from planes that make it to the bases. You don’t see that the spots with no damage are the worst places to be hit because these planes never come back.”
We are ignorant of our ignorance. It is time to look for new patterns in the evidence of those who have not survived.
Policy makers, politicians, and the media have largely ignored the cockpit of good health: the human immunological system.
Maher pointed to a recent CDC study that reported the vast majority (78%) of those hospitalized or dead from Covid have been overweight or obese.
Of Americans aged 20 and over 73.6% are overweight; 42.5% are obese. (Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of over 30.) Many studies explain how obesity decreases resistance to infection. Obesity is linked to type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, which increase the odds of hospitalization from Covid.
The Covid survival narrative has focused attention on lockdowns, masks and vaccinations. Maher pointed out the role that obesity played: “People died because talking about obesity had become a third rail in America.” Maher continued, “the last thing you want to do is say something insensitive. We would literally rather die. Instead, we were told to lock down. Unfortunately, the killer was already in the house and her name is Little Debbie.”"
The tie in to the corn industry was nice. Corn, like many other grains including wheat, oats, barley, rye, and rice, are grasses, believe it or not, and as such, the human digestive tract was never designed to eat grasses since we are not ruminants. Much of today’s health problems can be directly linked to our modern diet which includes the grass grains.
So today, western medicine upon seeing an increase in these diseases, refuses to look at the true cause (grass grains) and puts additional armor on the wings and fuselage ( pharmaceuticals to mask the symptoms). And the idiots continue to make decisions ($$).
It is illogical that doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the doctors recommend would make me healthier, and following their advice was making me unhealthy.
Even in the last year, I have battled with High BP. Fasting for 3-5 days was barely moving the needle.
In the end, I LEARNED that health starts with the diet/exposure. So I removed everything, and got down to BEEF, SALT, and WATER. with lots of fasting. Eventually my BP Normalized. But it took me almost a year to figure out the variables.
Stevia Flavored Electrolytes, and Stevia in general. Raises my BP.
Pork and Pork Products (Bacon and Pepperoni were my goto choices)... Raise my BP.
The two combined, and the LACK of my Gym/Sauna routines, led to BP numbers of 180/120!!!
It's a SLOW Chronic increase in inflammation that they both cause.
I've had 3 doctors promise to help me, and all give up during that year. Their answer, the minute they get out of their "knowledge zone" is PILLS. One recommended up to 4 medicines, and warned me that those BP numbers alone would lead to death.
I had to explain: "I would rather DIE searching for the PROPER solution, than live on Rx Drugs that are hiding the problems!"
Now, I can show my doctor NORMAL BP. Eat 6oz of Pepperoni in front of him, and in MINUTES show +20 on my BP. And it lasts for over 24hrs.
Imagine how many people are taking Rx Drugs for their dietary choices. If you had bet me money 2yrs ago, I would have lost that bet!
Also, one doctor identified the electrolytes, but ONLY because of the sodium. Turns out, I was able to test taking 6 packs of the electrolytes without raising my BP any more (First I was already at the limit, second I took the unflavored ones. LOL).
The flavoring. In fact, I am doing even more blood work, Because I believe I can INDUCE insulin resistance in my body by simply drinking artificially sweetened drinks while FASTING! (that's how bad this shit is for you)...
But they NOT ONLY made it addictive. The SOLD IT as "In Moderation, it's okay"... Which guarantees to RE-HOOK the addicts. LMAO. It's the perfect business model. AND I want no part of it!
Thanks for sharing your story. I am passing it on to others.
I am that example. Some people may do okay with mostly vegetables (although I truly believe that meat heals, because we get the proper fats/vitamins)...
But EVERY BODY is different. My wife can't stand red meat, and eats mostly chicken, which I don't feel good eating.
We have been duped by greedy lobbyists and politicians at every step.
Meanwhile... Grain Companies are paying people to be "Vegan Influencers" and they know how to market... Well, sans the results, of course.
Do you know (Dr. Shawn Baker). There is a huge community of people who have saved their health with a Carnivore lifestyle. Amazing stories. The before and after pictures.
BTW, I lost this weight without the gym, because I had 3 hernias and was told NOT to exercise for risk of causing damage.
Two things that drive me insane are obesity and smoking relative to government support. These are both free choices, not fate. In MA both were morbidity indicators that got you moved up for a COVID vaccine. My wife is a type 1 diabetic, you know a real diabetic, not a fat person pretending to have a disease. Type 1 diabetics were at the end of the list.
Now, you may not want the vaccine. She did. Having to wait for government service until after idiots who smoke, don't exercise and/or can control what they eat, is ridiculous.
This is multiplied by our inability to deduct a $25K service dog from our taxes because we earn too much. We keep paying, people making poor choices keep benefiting, and then I'm a racist.
Yes -- The State bureaucrats see fit to confiscate wealth from the productive and redistribute it to the poor-choice parasites while keeping the majority of the loot for themselves.
Drunkard? Put the bottle down.
Obese? Put the fork down.
Smoker? Put the cig down.
Junkie? Put the needle down.
Broke? Put the lottery ticket down.
Just put it down. Change your behavior. A behavior is not a disease, it is an exercised choice.
In the case of obesity, the results are so completely obvious both in terms of the individual being physically fat and in terms of capabilities: the obese individual, trapped in a prison of their own construction, cannot do the kind of things that high-vitality individuals can do. For example, when I was on the summit of Mt. Hood in Oregon last Sunday April 18th for the sunrise - there was not a single obese individual in sight. It was a beautiful day and there were at least a hundred individuals making their way to the summit. Not being obese does not imply that you can climb mountains and run ultra-marathons; however, being obese makes these activities incomprehensible.
I will occasionally indulge in cakes, pies, donuts, cookies and all the rest ... occasionally. I won't blame Little Debbie for obesity nor will I blame guns for violence. More to the bigger picture -- as a nation, life in the USA has gotten so damned easy. Individual responsibility has been eroded. It is all too easy to just let things slide. I once asked my dad "how does an individual become 100 pounds overweight?" Without hesitation, he replied "one pound at a time."
You don't have to have a six pack to be fit, but you sure can't be fit if you never exercise. Few beers/wine, occasional hamburger and Little Debbie's are not an issue if you do stuff.
My mother's father was a farmer, and lived to be 98, killed in a car crash by the other driver. My father's father was a plumber and made it to 89. My father died at 77, chubby (5'8" 240lbs), bad eating habits, type II diabetic, virtually blind. My mother and all her older sisters are churning away, bar one that made it to 99, two weeks of 100.
My brother and I watched the whole thing and learned from every example. He runs (used to do 10 miles a day), works around the house like a madman and plays soccer. I play soccer twice a week, tennis 2-3 times a week, and work around the house/cars a lot. Neither of us is skinny, but most people don't want to wrestle either of us.
Of interest might be the
series on the Obesity Paradox to get a more objective view on the dangers of being overweight.
"Little Debbie snacks are available in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico, as well as on U.S. military bases throughout the world."
" ... the name of his 4-year-old granddaughter Debbie. Inspired by a photo of Debbie in play clothes and her favorite straw hat, he decided to use the name Little Debbie® and the image of her on the logo. Not until the first cartons were being printed did Debbie's parents, Ellsworth and Sharon McKee, discover that their daughter was the namesake of the new brand."
PS: Being British is not an excuse for anything, not even for driving on the correct side of the road.
Did you see this?
I'd like to see this candidate successful. Seems to be on the right track, and the incumbent needs to go.