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  • Posted by JuliBMe 3 years, 11 months ago
    Actually, you could go back as far as 2005. Dr. Anthony Fauci, as head of the NIH (ironically, head of this agency since 1984), published a paper regarding the effectiveness of Chloroquine (of which HCQ is a derivative) and Coronaviruses.

    Why did people ignore such information? Do people get off on FEAR? So, much so they're willing to let people DIE?

    I'm nobody, I tried SHOUTING this information on Social Media. It went NOWHERE.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 11 months ago
      I tried to retrieve a published study on CQ that I read back in May or June....can't find immediately.
      What prompted the search was HCQ being described as having arrhythmic side effects.

      The study was 1958/9 going through a proof that injectable CQ was an Antiarrhythmic.
      This past week I spent time with two pharmacists, both trained in the 80's, who confirmed, with qualifications, this was correct. They also confirmed that this information is not in general training any longer.
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      • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 11 months ago
        Commander Correct, there are side effects of taking HCQ. The two biggest are:

        1. irregular heart beat, arrhythmic
        This happens in about 1% of those taking HCQ, in some of those it may be serious. In the days when HCQ was used for malaria this was a very rare problem, over every ten years one or two ex-pats working in Africa would be sent home.
        2. loss of color vision (iris damage). Has been identified in a very small number of people after five years. In the malaria days medical advice was get a special set of color vision tests done every 6 months.

        I am not aware of any other bothersome side effects. Remember this medication was first used in ~1965 and has been thoroughly studied.

        Since that time it was ok for malaria (until replaced), lupus, and arthritis. Then, in 2020, Pres Trump mentioned HCQ- the gates of hell blew out! You know the rest.

        Then, some clinics and labs did trials using HCQ on CCP19. Some were 'designed to fail', some were genuine. I have read a number of the studies. Most of the ones that identified the arrhythmic effect said they found it but it was not serious enough to discontinue treatment, one study said one patient was taken off the trial because of this.

        My view (FWIIW)- if you have CCP19, and there is a treatment choice of HCQ v. nothing, take HCQ. Bad effects of irregular heart beats are not as bad as letting the virus proceed, and there are ways to deal with the heart beat problem, (and now there are more choices).

        For study listings see:
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        • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 11 months ago
          There is a very small chance of side effects that affects a very few people, many who have taken CQ for long periods of time.
          In the case of using HCQ for Covid, you don't have to take it for long periods of time and that greatly reduces the chance of side effects that were already very small.
          HCQ and CQ have been used for 50 years and the effects are well known.
          Covid vaccines have NOT been tested extensively and there are more obvious and damaging side effects in the short time it has been administered (without proper testing) than from HCQ use by billions over 50 years.
          The side effects of the vaccines are not yet known and the bodily changes that the vaccine causes are new -never have been done on humans before- and they are unpredictable. Anyone who takes the vaccine is a human guinea pig for an untested experimental treatment. It could destroy your life and its effects could be MUCH worse than Covid - especially if you are under 60 years old and otherwise in good health.
          HCQ, Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C are much safer ways to stay healthy, they are not expensive, and they do not require anyone to be enslaved by the state.
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          • Posted by JuliBMe 3 years, 11 months ago
            I haven't had a virus in almost 15 years. I used to get a cold or flu at least once a year prior to putting myself on a regimen of twice-daily multi and D3 supplements. I SWEAR by vitamins if you wish to stop getting colds.

            That doctors do not strongly recommend supplementation is just ANOTHER reason I've lost complete confidence in our general practice medical "professionals". Their compliance to ineffective and DANGEROUS (for some) forced masking and this virus response HOAX has REALLY damaged my perception of them for all time.
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        • Posted by JuliBMe 3 years, 11 months ago
          This may be a dumb question as I'm not pharma or doctor trained but I was wondering if what I read about HCQ being derived from quinine is true? I also read that quinine has been mostly taken out of soda water also because of heart rhythm issues. I did find some available with quinine on Amazon! I tried to tell everyone that, too. That they could just drink soda water (if they have no heart problems!) with quinine and be less vulnerable to the "rona".

          The FEAR that was being ginned up had me SO ANGRY last year. It was and STILL IS SICK and CRUEL.

          Anyway, I was looking because my husband is/was "vulnerable" if he got the virus. Instead, though, I just loaded him up on vitamins with D3.

          Is it possible those heart issues have been synthesized out of HCQ with lower amounts of quinine in the formulation?
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          • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 11 months ago
            Yes part of it is. The brits used Quinine for their over seas travels against malaria. They would mix it with gin.
            Hence tonic water , for gin and tonic was born.
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          • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 11 months ago
            JuliBMe questions

            Derivation of HCQ.
            The progression was something like- the bark of a certain tree was found useful for .. The active ingredient was found to be Quinine. This was refined and sold as Chloroquine. Further refinement resulted in Hydroxychlorine (HCQ) which was much safer.

            Tonic water.
            I think the main ingredient next to sweeteners is Quinine. It is there for the taste as the concentration is too low for anything else. Dobrien's description would be right. I've read that drinking enough tonic water could be the equivalent of a HCQ tablet, 25 bottles ~ one 200mg tablet, or something like that.

            As a precaution.
            If you are in the vulnerable demographic there are some easy thing to do- take supplements of Vit D3, and zinc. HCQ is safe for most people, Ivermectin is even better and safer, Quercetin does the same job as HCQ (zinc ionophore- gets the zinc into the virus thereby destroying it) tho' it does not have direct anti-viral properties itself.

            This advice fully guaranteed to the amount you paid me for it, proof it works is I was still alive last time I checked.
            25 bottles of tonic water per day would not be easy. I am not a mask believer, and have reservations about the vaxes. Keeping away from people and anything they could touch or breath on could work. Oh- 6 feet is easy. Unfortunately the distance may be 50 to 60 feet! It is not known for sure how, and how far, these things travel.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 11 months ago
              "Oh- 6 feet is easy... may be 50 to 60 feet! ..."

              Here's something I posted elsewhere that goes along with what you are saying:

              "Here's a scientific experiment anyone can do - I made this up myself so there are no links. 1) Put on your mask (or two or three if you like) and take a walk around your favorite grocery or department store. Continue strolling around until you pass someone wearing an extra dose of perfume or after shave. Try to determine what aisle that person had just come from and proceed down that aisle until the suspect fragrance can no longer be detected. 2) If you happen to choose a location that has some cooking going on such as a fast food chain inside a department store doing burgers, fries, or BBQ, how soon do you detect the odor and how far into the store do you have to go before you no longer detect it?

              These fragrance/odor molecules are likely to be carbon chains much bigger than a COVID virus and your detection of them at ANY distance is proof your mask(s) don't do diddly squat. So there you have it! "
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            • Posted by JuliBMe 3 years, 11 months ago
              LOL. Very good! All sounds like common sense to me.

              The FEAR, though. How do we get rid of the UNREASONING FEAR?

              I mean, what's the recovery rate if you get it now? 99% average? LOL!

              And, masks? Masks leak! You cannot SEE a virus. No mask is going to stop it! I've seen mask wearing aptly described (ONLY ONLINE, though) as like throwing sand into a chainlink fence. Why haven't doctors told people FROM THE BEGINNING that their paper masks are for BACTERIA on droplets? Meaning your CLOTH mask is even WORSE at stopping a virus.

              And, WHY haven't they told you that you need FILTERED air into an AIRTIGHT suit to avoid an airborne virus?

              I don't go out anymore, not to avoid a virus that I'm not going to catch. I stay home to avoid FEARFUL and STUPID people.

              I can tolerate basic stupidity. It's the ignorant and COMPLICIT to anything they're told FEAR that makes me crazy.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 11 months ago
                "How do we get rid of the UNREASONING FEAR?"
                Don't watch tv or read newspapers. They are all lying to instill fear.
                Take control of your own health like your great grandparents did. If they had had our conveniences and technology they'd have lived to triple digits because most weren't completely brainwashed by public schools and "entertainment" used to instill fear.
                It irritates me to realize that I'm not nearly as tough or, sometimes, as rational as they were.
                On the other hand, they fell for the federal reserve bank, social security, and income tax. Those three insidious frauds started the march to serfdom.
                In the next few years those frauds are going to be destroyed by courageous patriots.
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                • Posted by JuliBMe 3 years, 11 months ago
                  LOL, I don't watch TV. I TIVO House Hunters and Antiques Roadshow. That's it. :-)

                  I am NOT the problem, I know that EVERYONE is responsible for their OWN immune system...EVERYONE ELSE, it appears, does NOT and want to accuse ME of having COOTIES whenever I try to enter a store here in California without the Face Burka!

                  It's a LIVING HELL. Not only are my favorite businesses STILL complying with this COMMUNISM, but I also can't even enter a store without a "Karen" accosting me.

                  What happened to our "CIVIL" Society?

                  I'm going to start asking people for their medical credentials if they do that again. I believe it's ILLEGAL to dispense medical "advice" without a license. Maybe that will get them to stop.
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 11 months ago
                    Funny thing happened to me yesterday. I went into a store here in Western NY and forgot my mask in the car. It was snowing and I was in a hurry to get what I wanted and leave. I was waiting in line (paying attention to the social distancing tape on the floor) when I realized I was - OMG - maskless! I figured screw that, I'm not getting out of line to go get my mask. Nobody around me seemed to give a damn though I did get a few glances. When I got up to the register the checkout lady pretended to not notice, but I noticed her eyes "smile" a bit. I told her sorry I left my mask in the car, but I was already in line before I realized it (I normally wear a mask to avoid crap from others). She leaned forward and said, "You're OK, sir, I only wear one so I don't get fired. Otherwise I wouldn't bother, either." I gave her a wink and told her to have a great day!
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                    • Posted by JuliBMe 3 years, 11 months ago
                      We had relaxation of the mask fear in the summer. My husband several times told me that when they saw him without his mask, others would ask the clerks if it was "okay" and when told "yes" they, with much relief, would remove theirs.

                      Now, the FEAR is SO THICK, we have entire stores REFUSING to serve you at all if you aren't wearing the face diaper.

                      And, there's NO reason for it! Other than CONTROL.

                      It has to be illegal to make it a "company policy" to refuse service for the lack of a NON-FUNCTIONING piece of apparel. I wonder if it would be illegal to make it a "company policy" to force wearing of a Yellow Star? Or, how about a company policy to BAN wearing an actual burka? You bet it would be.
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                      • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 11 months ago
                        I have to agree that at the government level it is or has become control, especially here in the Peoples Republic of NY. However, I think some people are so paranoid and scared out of any rational thought by the constant inundation of fear porn by the media that they genuinely believe you are a danger if you don't wear a mask in public. I see some people driving alone with a mask on. Why else, other than irrational fear, would so many people do this?
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                  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 11 months ago
                    Thanks for your reply. Apologies for my 'answer' that was more accurately pointed at those who are still in "doze and absorb" mode. ;^)

                    Current society is as civil as Lincoln's unconstitutional "Civil" war was.

                    I like the idea of asking for medical credentials although most won't realize the point. Its worth doing if a few understand your point.
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                    • Posted by JuliBMe 3 years, 11 months ago
                      No apology is necessary!

                      When I was younger, I used to wonder how the NAZIS could get away with what they did. I don't wonder anymore.

                      Compliance with authority is ingrained in most of us. Especially those who were robbed of an AMERICAN education.

                      I sometimes use this response to an offending "Karen", "Do masks work?"
                      And, if they say "Yes". I respond, "Then you'll be okay."

                      Of course, you'll not likely get a "No" answer.

                      I wish MORE people would just refuse. It's very tiring fighting the disinformation and lack of fresh air alone.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 11 months ago
          Much appreciated.
          In the third link I find it interesting that the adjusted death rate compared to the "early masking and distancing mandates" (267.8 to 258.5 / mil) shows a negligible effect on infection / deaths. (.001 efficacy)
          You can lie about the numbers........
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 3 years, 11 months ago
    It finally expresses what's been suspected all along, this wasn't about following the true science but following the political agenda! Science no longer operates independly of outside influences but is now subservient to the state. This has been true of the climate change where the term settled science was thrown about, meaning a concensus among some so-called scientists to the exclusion of massive data on the countering side. Social media has picked up on the political side rather than the real science. How long does the flip-flopping have to go on before most people realize no one person or group has all the answers and much of the 'misinformation' blocked was actually the truth!
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 11 months ago
    Absolutely nuts that they would allow people to literally DIE, to spite President Trump. They should all be in jail. I went and checked my bottle of HCQ and it was prescribed/filled on September 9. I guess we were just lucky that we got some. Fortunately, we haven't needed it.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 11 months ago
      Too bad thousands had to die for the Jackass Party and their Fake News lackeys because Orange Man Bad before a now senile long time career political crook became the Thief-In-Chief.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 11 months ago
      My neighbor suffers Lupus.
      She could not get her HQC stock. Two months ago she got hit with an active case of Covid.....antigen verified.
      She was moderately ill for 3 days. I had the fortune of talking with these folks regarding supplements, just in case. Amazing what a little awareness and prophylaxis can accommodate.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 11 months ago
    Great information, but I really wish these simple statements of fact could be described, simply as statements of fact, rather than a 3 page diatribe.

    May 18, 2020 - Trump states he is taking Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and how can it hurt?
    May 19, 2020 - Pelosi asserts "HCQ is dangerous", and Trump should not be taking it because he is" morbidly obese".
    June 16th, 2020 - The FDA completely revokes the use of HCQ within the United States.
    July 31st, 2020 - Dr. Fauci states that HCQ is NOT effective in treating coronavirus
    January 1, 2021 - The American Journal of Medicine published that - HCQ blocks the core enzyme of the COVID virus replication, and "has a well-characterized safety profile that should not raise undue alarm"
    January 30,2021 - AMA retracted their statement that "the HCQ treatment of COVIDs harm may outweigh the benefit".

    This seems much simpler, and something a modern human might actually read. See nothing in the timeline that shows a Faucci flip-flop in this issue (of course others, yes). It would also be nice if the original AMA citing was posted, so the "retraction" is clear. It is implied, but not clear.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 11 months ago
    We knew when Fauci criticized Trump for closing borders to China, he was up to something. When he then came out against HCQ, we knew it was about the election and discrediting Trump in favor of Biden. The replacement drug also made the fauci family a lot of money in the meantime. So, what they could not steal via voter fraud, they tried to make Trump look incompetent. None of it was based on science and it was not accidental.
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  • Posted by NealS 3 years, 11 months ago
    I just spilled all my candy at the website link. It's so out of control that I can hardly think anymore. My response was:

    What's the big deal? Pelosi and her kind (Schumer, the little fat guy from the carnival, no neck with the bulging eyes, that psychotic Maxine Waters, and that bug eyed whatever she is, etc. I just forgot their names) are more interested in saving their political careers than saving any American life, or even anyone else's, life. Who cares about people's lives, as long as they can stay in power and rip off the taxpayers for their personal gain and pleasure. < (that's a statement, not a question). Joe Biden must be doing a wonderful job so far, they've actually come out and stated the death rate is about the same as a normal seasonal flu. Now we have to wait to see if they re-start building the fence, reopen the pipeline, you get it, all the great things they talked about for decades but never got around to actually doing, the things that became politically bad when Donald Trump actually did them, and now they will become good again under their leadership, but they will do nothing about them, except use them to campaign for reelection. How's that for a sentence? It's really the people that are stupid, not the politicians. See how they've screwed up my literary writing ability already? Someone needs to start educating the people in those states to stop voting them back in to do nothing, and nothing good for the country. Wake up America !!! And we better not let the election graft go under the table, it's something they have so far found out they can get away with, and it's been going on for a longer time than anyone will admit. And busting up the Constitution, are we going to allow the elite and the rich geeks to take over completely and turn us into some kind of a socialist country? Who's going to continue what President Donald Trump started before it's too late? Maybe it's time to let the guilty to expose and hang themselves over the next four years, since the people are too lazy to do it. But then again the people will remain unaware as they always have in the past. Then another four years with Trump. We just can't let the MSM continue to cheat, alter and lie about the facts anymore. I speak from reality I've got an adult child that has gone over because of the MSM and liberal newspapers he reads, and from the liberal followers on the other side of his family. Help us, Help US !!!
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years, 11 months ago
    Prior to this administration the Left have destroyed many Doctor's careers who recommended HCQ and given their patients that medication. In turn are to blame for many Covid related deaths. They are the epidemic.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 11 months ago
    This is the one good thing I've seen Biden do.

    The "ban" was Fauci's idea, because it allowed fast-track approval of other treatments including remidesvir (sp?), and Fauci had a chunk of money invested in its maker.
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