Exchanges Ban Trades, Biden Administration 'Monitoring Situation' After Reddit Drives Wall Street Hedgefunds to Brink of Bankruptcy in Gamestop Short - National File

Posted by $ nickursis 4 years ago to Government
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Consider the deep state owns and runs many, if not all, these "hedgefunds". Their very nature is to steal everyone's money and a couple clowns become billionaires. Turnabout is fair play. Think this might be economic warfare? For all you who gave up, I would say, this isn't over. Can you explain how the military just made Mike Flynn's brother the commander of the US Pacific Army? Do you really think bidens corrupt gang would allow their enemy's brother that much authority?

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  • Posted by diessos 4 years ago
    What the Buydem administration is watching is how much money they made and how to transfer it before they "fix it".... The Big Guy has to get his profits.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
    The sooner all these Wall St firms (thieving scumbags) are permanently bankrupted and the government stops bailing out these manipulative gamblers who steal from everyone else, the sooner Americans will be able to invest in companies that produce useful products again.
    Wall St has been destroying valuable small companies for a century and making themselves rich because they have the singular power to do so with government's blessing and near monopoly power. When their gambling succeeds they steal from investors. When their gambling fails as it did Tuesday, they steal from taxpayers.
    Wall St has been a primary reason that American companies have been less able to compete with companies in other countries- specifically China government supported companies.
    Hooray for the producers who took the battle to the "empire" Tuesday.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 4 years ago

      It goes along with my notion something's afoot because the Dow Jones Industrial Average hasn't been "Industrial" for a long time. It isn't even close to acting as a barometer of America's current "industrial" heartbeat. Take a look:
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      • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
        They change out any company that fails and replace it with one that's succeeding (regardless of whether it's success is based on government intervention.) The DOW can't go down over time because it's rigged to go up (even without the force of inflation forcing prices of shares higher even in mediocre companies.) The S&P 500 works the same way.
        It's a facade, not an objective, rational measure.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 4 years ago
          "It's a facade, not an objective, rational measure." I agree with that 100%. It doesn't represent industrial America at all. The list is mainly made up of grab-and-move-money-around companies, sell-stuff-not-necessarily-made-in-USA companies, offer-a-service-but-don't-make-a-damn-thing companies, and a small handful of companies that do make stuff, but not necessarily in the USA.

          IMHO, mostly none of these companies actually produce wealth. They don't have a value base. They don't create wealth or value, they just move it around. Industrial America isn't represented here because it's become a ghost of what it was (Nike supplants steel and aluminum mills?). I guess I'd ok Chevron and Boeing, but maybe they are grudgingly left on the list for some reason.

          Oh well, perhaps I'm just venting.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
            Today all the other online trading companies have blocked buying by small investors in companies Wall St has shorted.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 4 years ago
              Yeah, some little guy smart independent traders caught some Wall Street hedge funds in a short squeeze and now the funds are whining they're being beat the same way they've been screwing the little guy traders for years.

              The only thing I can add is the stock(s) in question have now been bid way past reason and a lot of little guys are going to get burned as well.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
                All they can do is sell so the prices will have to fall. They tried to play as if the game was fair. It isn't; it's rigged to cheat all of us and make Wall St rich.
                I have been saying this for 8 years here, but it has been going on for 100+ years.
                All of Wall St should be in federal prison for life with no parole, all assets forfeited to reimburse customers, and no contact to the outside world. Bread and water for life.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 4 years ago
                  I recall a story I read way back in my youth. Thomas Edison was in Florida back in the '20s and was going for a boat ride. He looked at all the beautiful yachts and asked, "Whose boats are these?". The response he got was, "They are stockbrokers yachts". To which he responded, "Oh, where are the clients yachts?"
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    • Posted by $ 4 years ago
      Lots of arguments about who did what. One guy had a meme about smart guys outwitted by chicken nugget eating hs dropouts. I think it was a lot more than that. Hurt the people who hurt us, using their own weapons.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years ago
    This is a distraction. Look at the major tech stocks, which are declining even after posting record profits. Those "in the know" are getting out of the market without causing a crash - yet. That will come in a couple of months in order to fleece the common man and destroy their savings and retirement accounts. It will also enable these looters to use their wealth to buy up more hard assets: land, etc.

    We're living on borrowed time at this point. If you don't already have a stock of emergency supplies you have only a few weeks to acquire such. Good luck.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years ago
    Yeah, I've been watching this gamestop story pretty closely. Never seen anything quite like it. I noted that even the options on it looked very dicey, in terms of pricing. I stayed away. But I knew it was a matter of time before Biden's administration would get involved. This story sucked in the day traders and anybody who fancied themselves a day trader. I'm a trend guy so I didn't bite. This is why I'm a trend guy...

    We were once a people. Then, we became a republic. Now...we're nothing more than a big government. I like how in the video clip she first points out we have a female treasury though that's relevant. I vote "no confidence" in this whole mess of monkeys.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
      I vote secession ASAP.
      Thereafter, a new silver based currency, and a host of other currencies based on other valuable manufactured goods.
      The USD won't be worth anything to a seceded nation with real values.
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