Chicago Teachers Union Socialist Advises Teachers It's Unsafe To Teach Live... From Her Pool Side In Puerto Rico
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
"Check out WGN’s story about an executive board member at the Chicago Teachers Union.
“As recently as Thursday,” according to WGN, Sarah Chambers “tweeted to rally special education teachers not to return to work Monday because it’s unsafe. Just a few hours earlier, Chambers posted a picture on Instagram that appears to show her pool side in Puerto Rico and talking about going to Old San Juan for seafood.”
According to WGN, the post also mentions she previously had COVID, got a negative test result and consulted her doctor before traveling.
Chambers, you may remember, was part of that solidarity mission last year by CTU members to communist Venezuela "
Did anyone ever teach her the meaning of Hypocrisy ?
“As recently as Thursday,” according to WGN, Sarah Chambers “tweeted to rally special education teachers not to return to work Monday because it’s unsafe. Just a few hours earlier, Chambers posted a picture on Instagram that appears to show her pool side in Puerto Rico and talking about going to Old San Juan for seafood.”
According to WGN, the post also mentions she previously had COVID, got a negative test result and consulted her doctor before traveling.
Chambers, you may remember, was part of that solidarity mission last year by CTU members to communist Venezuela "
Did anyone ever teach her the meaning of Hypocrisy ?
But I've unfortunately seen the more moderate cases of teachers and other gov't workers who are afraid to go to work, critical of me and my wife for working, yet getting messages and going to group events. At the events they wear masks when they're not eating and do other little rituals, but if they feel safe doing all that, it's hard to imagine they're afraid to work.
I don't know if they're a minority, but they're out there. They're milking the pandemic to collect a gov't paycheck for less work.