In My Gulch
In preparation for retirement (or semi...I still want to make money, haha) I took this week off and am spending a few days in my place outside of California. It's magical. We're about a mile above sea level, near the back of the Sierras. The clouds drift right overhead, dropping a light dusting of snow. The air is so clear you can see forever across the high-desert sage to the next mountain range, over the tops of the pines. I was out last night and it was so quiet. Crystal clear ponds and creeks. Geese descend in to rest behind the house at sunset. My dog loves to play in the snow, like a little kid. Visited our local golf course yesterday and it was blanketed with snow and totally uninhabited. So, I did the logical thing and went for a hike around on it. I might need to invest in a pair of snow shoes and new holster for my hip (in case I bump into a big kitty cat). Will try to include some pictures later...
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- 0Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 1 month agoYou still want to make money, so it's not retirement in the usual sense. It's just living the dream, unironically.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by $ Abaco 4 years agoMaking money is very relaxing...Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|