Dennis Prager—‘This Is the Reichstag Fire, Relived’ - Was It Another False Flag Operation?
Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago to Philosophy
Curtailing of free speech was the first step of the Nazi's after the Reichstag Fire.
Today the left is curtailing free speech by anyone who disagrees with their false message.
Today the left is curtailing free speech by anyone who disagrees with their false message.
You keep the big cities; we'll take the rest of the country,
and we'll see who produces happier and finer human beings in 50 years."
- Dennis Prager, January 14, 2021
and it is happening, incredibly, in the country of the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell. "
- Dennis Prager January 14, 2021
The second was the "chemical attack" on our elected officials, those who were AGAINST the war in Afghanistan and Iran (as if Osama bin Ladin, a known CIA asset who used the name "Tim Osman" on his CIA-furnished passport when he travelled to America) was adamant about us attacking Afghanistan and Iran!
We wouldn't want to blame war hawks who had access to anthrax through their woriking in the Office of the Poresidnet, who would do ANYTHING for money or to start a war, probably furnished the anthrax for use in the attacks, knowing full well that Congressional mail is thoroughly searched before landing in a Senate offcie..with only poor USPS and other innocents actually exposed to teh deadly spore!).
THis was the THIRD and probably LAST Reichstag attack fo rteh Left to completely shut down free speecha nd conservative input about what is happening to our country...
By the way, there are over a million Chinese Communist troops in Vancouver B.C. (Canada) and in Mexico, just waiting for Biden to finish off America!
I hope you can speak some Cantonese, Comrade1