How easily the sheeples can be made to believe the propaganda and the false truths of democritic (hypocritical democrats) that push their agenda of racial discord, disarming American citizens and destroying the United States of America and turning it into a socialist regime. "When a lie is told often enough, it becomes politics." Why is it that there has not been a run of shootings in the past 4 years as are happening now? It is set up. It is ALL for pushing their agenda to take the guns away from American citizens so that they cannot defend themselves. Give out free money to buy the vote and keep your party in power while all the while taking away all of the freedoms that we have known for years. The American people have not seen censorship at the scale that it is happening now. All of this is why our service men and women fought through WWI and WWII and ALL of the other wars so that we can be free. The democrits have changed all of that. We have to prosecute all whites that protested at the Capitol while, at the same time, ignore all of the crimes that were done in the last year by BLM Terrorists. If this isn't pushing racial discord, what is? We are coming to a critical time in our history where our financial system is being attacked, we are being INVADED by Illegal Alien Invaders, we are being coerced to take a "vaccine" for a disease that was created by man and our freedoms are being taken away one by one. DO watch "V for Vendetta" for it is a movie of our times and it is talking about what is happening to this country right now.
I had forgotten how prophetic that speech was. Practically everything the current Oracist-Buy-dem-Kamaliar regime has done to destroy liberty was mentioned. Listening to Buy-dem today was hearing a constant stream of utter rubbish (BS.) Lies piled upon lies.
I only caught a piece of Xiden while driving. It was so bad I almost felt sorry for him. Sorrier for our country. I almost choked when he said he intends to run again.
Run again? Why wouldn't he? The elections are rigged. As long as he follows his orders he can't lose, and he's the easiest to control since he can't even complete a sentence without help.
Good points. I'm sure the Neo Communists and their media can rework the whole definition of "presidential" so a sock puppet taped to the center stage chair in the Oval Office would be acceptable to the sheeple. Hmmm, as you point out, rigged elections means they don't even have to get that elaborate. CGI a halfway decent Max Headroom and away you go...
Not just Vendetta but also We need to get every Mad As Hell .... The Sheep Must Awaken ( paraphrase from the movie Dune: Paul Atreides - "The Sleeper has Awaken". Four years of this we not have a Constitution or Bill of Rights to fall back on. That's why the radical Dims are keeping the Nat'l Guard in DC indefinitely they are frighten of their own constituency & the 73 plus million former Trump supporters who they would love to put into re-education camps. That why they re trying to pass draconian anti-gun legislation so there will be no resistance to HR1 that destroys our voting rights.
V For Vendetta starred Natalie Portman whose IMO most memorable line was in a Star Wars prequel flick~~ Me dino thought of her saying that when my stomach was turned by the sight of Chuck Schumer and other Dems dancing all over the place in some large room on TV when some newspaper announced (prematurely I shortly thereafter found out) that Obiden won the election. I'd would like to again point out my noticing that the (some kinda grotesque) faces of many Democrat politicians makes me dino think of Star Wars villains.
You should watch the movie. I think you'll enjoy it. "V for Vendetta has been seen by many political groups as an allegory of oppression by government; anarchists have used it to promote their beliefs. David Lloyd stated: "The Guy Fawkes mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny – and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way."
The fifth of November is famous in British history. ("Remember, remember, the fifth of November.") Today, most Brits have no idea the significance of the celebration. This is similar to the annual holiday for Independence Day here in America. For many its just a holiday called "The Fourth" and the significance of the celebration is lost.
Listening to Buy-dem today was hearing a constant stream of utter rubbish (BS.) Lies piled upon lies.
Now we know what Disney was all about with the Animatronics.
We need to get every Mad As Hell ....
The Sheep Must Awaken ( paraphrase from the movie Dune: Paul Atreides - "The Sleeper has Awaken". Four years of this we not have a Constitution or Bill of Rights to fall back on. That's why the radical Dims are keeping the Nat'l Guard in DC indefinitely they are frighten of their own constituency & the 73 plus million former Trump supporters who they would love to put into re-education camps. That why they re trying to pass draconian anti-gun legislation so there will be no resistance to HR1 that destroys our voting rights.
Me dino thought of her saying that when my stomach was turned by the sight of Chuck Schumer and other Dems dancing all over the place in some large room on TV when some newspaper announced (prematurely I shortly thereafter found out) that Obiden won the election.
I'd would like to again point out my noticing that the (some kinda grotesque) faces of many Democrat politicians makes me dino think of Star Wars villains.
"V for Vendetta has been seen by many political groups as an allegory of oppression by government; anarchists have used it to promote their beliefs. David Lloyd stated: "The Guy Fawkes mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny – and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way."
The fifth of November is famous in British history. ("Remember, remember, the fifth of November.")
Today, most Brits have no idea the significance of the celebration.
This is similar to the annual holiday for Independence Day here in America.
For many its just a holiday called "The Fourth" and the significance of the celebration is lost.