IN THE MEME TYME: Poetry,Humor, Satire and History Applied to the Cancel Culture. EDITION

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 6 months ago to Humor
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The first meme, Asians in Cages, is presented in Dr. Seuss prose by one of Glenn Becks Staff's a brilliant piece of Seuss poetry while recounting History of Roosevelt and world war II...posted below in the comment section.

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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 6 months ago
    Just browsing, Dr Seuss, etc. then this idea struck:

    America's Asian minority is now, still, currently experiencing widespread systemic racism.

    Harvard, among many is quite open about it,
    admits that Asians need higher scores for admittance than other 'minorities', they says it is necessary for diversity equality whatever.
    SCOTUS approves.
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 6 months ago
    Will be adding the Memes in the Morn,
    I am on the Co. Computer at this time,
    So don't be forlorn,
    I've made up my mind,
    I've got plenty of Memes and Seuss's,
    for IN THE MEME TYME Uses.

    See Ya Tomorrow
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 6 months ago
    “I can’t believe we live in a world where gender is reassigned to a plastic potato “

    Song of the year “Wet ass pussies “ by Cardi B
    Inappropriate books of the year by Dr Suess
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 6 months ago
    Great set of on topic memes, OUC! Ending with the great "Bite my ass..." and Picard's declaration!

    That creepy fool from Pennsylvania, who's a Napoleon fantasizing being a Josephine, is the ugly poster child of the left's propaganda trying to force all Western Civilization to accept whatever psychotic fantasies they can dream up - again, see the last two memes!
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 6 months ago
    Like the "Bite My Ass." That's the way I'm feeling these days! And "I do not like your son on blow, I do not like you Mr. Joe." Cuz that's the truth....
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 6 months ago
    Me dino approves of Loopy Levine's Mr. Potato Head makeup. That's MISTER Potato Head because of the mustach and Loopy being born to grow one or to have a clean shave like I did this morning.
    Meme #10 top row Me dino really hates ? Gender Head and all who thinks it is their place to tell me what I'm suspoosed to think about that subject.
    Meme #3 bottom row. Perfect! Also #5 to the right. And every meme with Cat In The Hat sayin' somethin'.
    Last meme top row~~I am dino hear me ROAR!
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 6 months ago
    Glenn Beck
    Staff WRITER

    Franklin Delano tugged at his hair And tapped on the arms of his big metal chair

    Then he said with a sigh, as he polished his glasses, In a voice that was low, and as smooth as molasses,

    "We must treat these Asians as separate classes And put them where they can't be harming the masses

    Can we put them high? Can we put them low? Oh where is the best place for them to all go?"

    With a snap of his fingers both too soft and sluggish (For his polio'd nerves were all wiggy and buggish)

    But still had a ring that was brutal and thuggish He smiled and said, "I've the perfect 'solution'!

    A cultural cleansing from Asian pollution! In this nebulous time full of fear and low wages, And war with each other that rages and rages

    And advice both from fools and from Democrat sages Let's put all these terrible Asians in cages!"

    "Oh my!" said Republicans hither and yon "How that Franklin D. President does carry on!

    But this lunatic plan, all at once or in stages Is nincompoop nonsense, that flatly enrages

    And fails to foresee how the public's will ages! We will not, we must not throw Asians in cages!"

    "Hear! Hear!" said those few who desired restitution Of small government under the Constitution

    "This Democrat dunce with his pen and his ink, Will be all our undoing, we fear and we think!

    There is nary a depth to which he will not sink! We must not throw Asian folk into the Clink!"

    "Yes, indeed," said the Pentagon's pencil-necked nerds "We must stop these executive's damaging words

    For he speaks and his words turn at once into turds And his plan for the Asians is just for the birds!

    This racist mistake, it's a crime for the ages, We will not, we must not put Asians in cages!"

    "And yet," said Progressives, who'd slithered right in, "Would you rather we lose at this war and not win?

    Would you like if, quite soon, we're all spending in Yen? No, of course we must act, though the people may chafe

    You strike iron while it's hot to keep everyone safe We say 'Hail to the Chief', though your ire it enrages

    Executive orders by hundreds of pages Must pour from his hand, 'til our fear it assuages We must now lock up all these Asians in cages!

    And so it was done, to our shame and our guilt And we damn near lost every good thing that we built

    But from history we learn, and to history we go For a crack at a future so bright it could glow

    And no matter how Leftism strikes and engages Us all in a battle of wits that enrages

    We still have one thing we can say through the ages: "It sure wasn't us who put Asians in cages."
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