Garbage In, Garbage Out

Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 1 month ago to Government
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In a show recorded before the recent House impeachment vote, Dan Carlin examines the damage caused by the iceberg we recently hit when Americans stormed the U.S. Capitol and tries to suggest how we might avoid hitting another one.

Dan Carlin only rarely drops shows now, once or twice a year when he has something to stay. They are easy to listen to while you're doing something else. Even if you prefer commentary that is designed to outrage, it's good at least to be aware of how the normies of the world like me think.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 1 month ago
    Why should I want to hear biased leftist rubbish like this ? I can hear it on every lying leftist tv station.
    I agree on the title though. Garbage.
    I'll listen to George Carlin for better insight and less leftist garbage.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 1 month ago
    "...the damage caused by the iceberg we recently hit when Americans stormed the U.S. Capitol..." Sorry, but that particular iceberg was hit way back before and during last summer when cities like Portland, Seattle, and others were lighting up the skies and the Democrats and their sycophants in the MSMM were fanning the flames (not to mention elements of Big Tech pouring in dollars to make the fire even hotter). That iceberg was hit during the entire charade of "Russian collusion" and fake news hyper ventilating IMPEACHMENT over an honest phone call partly asking about information on REAL corruption. All culminating in the most corrupt election in US history. The "invasion" of the Capitol building was NOT ordered by the President in ANY way in spite of what the Dems and the MSMM would have you believe. Here's a test: When these idiots start disparaging the President and blaming him for what happened do ANY of them actually quote what the President actually said? NO! They do not! They don't want you to know, because if you did you would know their narrative is a lie.

    The Dems, the I-Hate-Trumpers, Big Tech, and many others coughed up the 30 pieces of silver required to get the crowd to roar "Crucify Him!" and so it is. Trump and his supporters are not the iceberg in this story.

    Oh, this guy is as boring as watching paint dry. Couldn't finish the whole thing.
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    • -2
      Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago
      Are you saying we are not really in a crisis or that the problems are not analogous to an iceberg that has a clear moment of impact?

      I don't see the relationship between protests, Russian interference in US politics, media sensationalism, social media, presidential corruption, and the capitol riots. They're all related because they're related to US politics, but I don't understand your thesis about them.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 1 month ago
        No, he's saying the iceberg has been growing for years and the left is at fault. Dan is like other so-called columnists that are so brainwashed they can't see reality. I'm really looking forward to seeing them after the anvil of reality drops on them. Unfortunately the anvil created by the left will be dropping on a lot of innocent honest good people who despise the left, too.
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        • -2
          Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago
          Roughly what percentage have this figured out and can see reality? You think some commentators are either brainwashed or have sold out to evil. Probably a big chunk of ordinary citizens doesn't follow it and is only vaguely aware public policy issues. Another big chunk is brainwashed like the commentators. What percentage has figured out the problem, worked out who is at fault, and has at least the beginnings of an idea of a solution?
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          • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 1 month ago
            "Roughly what percentage..." Irrelevant. Some poisons take a lot, others a tiny amount.

            "You think some commentators are either brainwashed or have sold out to evil." Why is this surprising? Plenty of commentators and "journalists" in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, Cuba and even London in 1776 that are willing to tow the party line.

            "Probably a big chunk of ordinary citizens doesn't follow it..." Correct. A big chunk has to go to work and support themselves and their families. They don't have the time to analyze every snippet so they take what they receive from so called "journalists" and react accordingly - then they're screwed. Add in the dumbed down education they've received and feeding them the party BS becomes easier.
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            • -2
              Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago
              "'Roughly what percentage [hasn't figured all this out].' Irrelevant"

              "[Busy citizens who] don't have the time to analyze every snippet so they take what they receive from so called "journalists" and react accordingly - then they're screwed."
              Citizens being screwed would make it relevant. If conspiracy theorists on the Internet had uncovered a massive conspiracy that people who have work and families are mostly unaware of, it would be clearly relevant.

              I honestly think the real problem is that people who don't have work or families, people who previously would have gone to church groups and bowling leagues, are now analyzing snippets of news woven into conspiracy theories. I got this idea from Sen Ben Sasse's books: Them and The Vanishing American Adult. Them is more about this issue, but for anyone involved with kids as a parent or teacher, I actually recommend The Vanishing American Adult more.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 1 month ago
        "I don't see the relationship..." Don't be blowing smoke and pretending ignorance.

        "Russian interference in US politics..." Wash rinse repeat. Minuscule at best, but makes a great subject for fear porn and fake news. Lots of "alleges", "maybes", "could haves", "looks likes", "probably imho" and so-called journalists and left wing pundits and self appointed oracle entertainers quoting each other, but nothing solid of any consequence. The American left instinctually hates the Russians right now because the Russians turned their collective back on Marxism/Communism as a viable form of government. Yeah, still dictatorship, but they piss on the commies. They hate Eastern European countries for the same reason. They've even stooped to making fun of our First Lady's accent.
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