Pennsylvania Secretary Of State Overseeing Election Is Never-Trumper and Declared Trump ‘Dangerously Unfit’ For Office, ‘Demeaning’ To Presidency. Who Is Unfit For Office?

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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"Boockvar, who previously served as senior election modernization adviser to the critical swing state’s Governor, now heads Pennsylvania’s Department of State. The department is “responsible for monitoring all aspects of an election, from ballot access to voting provisions” – of paramount importance in light of Pennsylvania’s integral and contested status as of November 4th.

Boockvar, however, can hardly be seen as a neutral arbiter.

On March 7th, 2017, Boockvar tweeted that “Using the title ‘President’ before the word ‘Trump’ really demeans the office of the presidency…”

Using the title 'President' before the word 'Trump' really demeans the office of the presidency…

— Kathy Boockvar (@KathyBoockvar) March 7, 2017

What’s more, she described President Trump “beyond doubt” to be ” dangerously unfit” for office:

Trump already provided so many arguments of being dangerously unfit; Now, he proved it beyond doubt @ByJohnLMicek

— Kathy Boockvar (@KathyBoockvar) August 11, 2016

She’s also shared the pro-Clinton hashtag “We’reWithHer” in 2016 while sharing a quote of an individual attacking President Trump:

"This election is not just about Donald Trump's judgment;it's about our own" Kristen Kavanaugh, Marine Corps Veteran @kriskav #we'rewithher

— Kathy Boockvar (@KathyBoockvar) July 28, 2016

Similarly, she attacked President Trump’s character as “damnable”:

Something about the contrast between what Yom Kippur is about and Trump's threats to sue the victims felt particularly damnable even for him

— Kathy Boockvar (@KathyBoockvar) October 13, 2016"

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    Posted by 3 years, 10 months ago
    PA Sec of State "Boockvar has repeatedly proved to be a biased arbiter with political intent. She would never hold Democrats to account for attempting to defraud the election process; in fact, judging by her public comments, she would openly encourage it. Pennsylvania needs more than a recount; the state needs to have a new election that is governed and facilitated by the National Guard. Once the election process is secured, then these politically-motivated hacks like Boockvar need to be put on trial and questioned on how they conduct and oversee the state election process.

    Boockvar also needs to be questioned on how Pennsylvania monitors for fraud and how they hold fraudsters accountable. Prosecutors need to find out if she has accepted potential bribes or collaborated with politically-motivated mobs or special interests. She could be prone to comply with the demands of rioters, who use threats of violence to get what they want out of elected officials. Rioters and looters have been very active in Pennsylvania recently.

    Pennsylvania, like many states, is under duress from criminal rioters who want Trump removed from office. What power do these rioters have over elected officials and those who oversee the election process? Democratic mayors have turned a blind eye to the riots in 2020, calling off law enforcement and riot control. How much more might they turn a blind eye to regarding election misconduct, allowing these gangs to take over the process and get what they want?"
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 10 months ago
    One who makes unfounded claims that someone else is 'dangerously unfit' for their job and 'damnable', require me to ask...'How do you know this?'
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    • Posted by 3 years, 10 months ago
      In my view one requirement for anyone who oversees an election as Sec of State is to be politically unbiased. Boockvar is openly biased against Trump and is by that definition "unfit for the job." The PA legislature should start an investigation and if evidence is found Bockvar should be impeached, removed from office, and jailed.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 10 months ago
      They "know" this by listening to the Main Stream Marxist Media and never questioning what is being spewed. I have family members and acquaintances who "know" the garbage by the same sources but when I ask where their source's information came from all I get are the sound of crickets. Their feelings get hurt if you try to probe any deeper and temper tantrums result. Logic is lost on them... like throwing pearls to swine to use a Biblical metaphor. I've become tired of throwing pearls to the likes of them so I rarely bother anymore.
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      • Posted by Katrina41 3 years, 10 months ago
        Ditto to that. The rotten rhetoric coming from some family and friends is tearing our world apart. I don't bother trying to discuss anything with them. They don't hear, they don't care. As long as "orange man bad" is gone, along with every supporter and every move he ever made, they are mindlessly celebrating. Once the "election" is certified (and it will be) it will be time to hide in plain sight.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 10 months ago
          " They don't hear, they don't care." Exactly. I've given up trying to have rational conversations with people that remind me of some high school graduates who can parrot the latest PC bromide or paraphrase Karl Marx, but can't balance a checkbook.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 10 months ago
    Great post. I too have zero respect / faith in the electoral process. The deep state extends into the States as per your post. To the left the ends justify the means. What little integrity the Kennedy democrats had is gone. I will not role over and play dead. I am seventy five years old - bring it on!
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 10 months ago
    Currently I think our election process is so flawed that I dont trust any of the voting this time around. And leftists want "unity"? Forget that. I dont see the benefit to give in to thugs.
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  • Posted by GaryL 3 years, 10 months ago
    I have to rely upon the laws. Changes to the election process are reserved for the state's Legislature ONLY. Courts have no authority to make such changes as happened in numerous states. My feeling is to forget about all the BS and just go by what the Constitution says in these matters.
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  • Posted by nitetazz 3 years, 10 months ago
    All of you who are covering up the truth will be behind bars before long. So enjoy your freedom. Truth will prevail!! Evil vs Good, Good always wins. WWG1WGA
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    • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 10 months ago
      Good does not always win. The laws of physics don't care if you're doing wrong.

      If we want laws of any kind kept, at least some of the time we have to enforce them ourselves, even if we have professionals who are supposed to be doing it.

      And citizen force to enforce fair elections is not even unprecedented in the US. If you're unfamiliar with the Battle of Athens (TN, 1946), look it up on Youtube.
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