
Why Trump Politics Undermines My View of Rand’s Writings

Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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The conspiracy theories on this website related to QAnon and theories of voter fraud are contrary to the ideas I took away from Ayn Rand. It’s not just because I think the theories are wrong; I do. But I think politics, i.e. projecting an image for others in an organization for strategic reasons, is not important. I think it’s a naïve and simplistic view to see the politicians as representing voters by making decisions based on philosophies their constituents support. I love the theory, but in reality I think politicians are people who are good at remembering people’s names and who are good talkers. We will be constantly disappointed looking for them to represent our philosophical views. There may be exceptions: Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Bill Weld. And I wouldn’t be shocked if it turned out some of those politicians weren’t into philosophies of liberty and they’re just good talkers.

The rational way to proceed, if my idea is correct, is to lobby our representatives when a specific issue comes up. I talked to Rep Tammy Baldwin at a fundraiser when they were proposing eliminating HSAs. I talked to an Obama staffer, as a longstanding Obama supporter and donor, about why the proposed .223/5.56 ammo ban was bad policy. I don’t know if my lobbying pushed things over the edge, but usually when I lobby for a specific action it works out my way. It’s not because I have great influence; I DO NOT. I think it’s that liberty issues I care about also matter to a little army of CircuitGuy-like people who make modest donations and make their desires known.

I think the support for President Trump’s racism, firing people up about nothing, mean-spirited antics, authoritarians, and so on is just beyond the pale. At the core of it all I see attention-seeking, just the opposite of everything I took away from Ayn Rand. I actually get how people could see President Trump as unmasking statism for what it is, by transparently trying to get people fired up with one another about nothing. I could see how nativism could be a foil, paradoxically underscoring how America is an IDEA not a traditional nation in the sense that shares the root word with native; but supporting a statist authoritarianism just to highlight the dangers of statism.

When I wrote I’m opposed to President Trump, Blarman suggested starting a thread about why I support socialism. It seems like Trump supporters can’t even ask why you oppose him without a straw man premise in the question. Truly, if a mean-spirited clown is our only way to keep the rubes from supporting socialism we’re screwed. They will eventually figure out that blaming people who are different and blaming “billionaires” for their lives’ problems is the same thing. I think another world is possible, a world of reason and respect for one another.

The threat of statism and authoritarianism powered by technologies that make 1984-surveilance practical are real. The threat of socialism is real. Frankly, if I were a young person who hadn’t had macro or history and someone showed me President Trump and said socialism is the opposite, I’d stupidly think I’m a proud socialist. The benefit of demeaning people over this political nonsense is more future opportunities to consume empty intellectual calories about how we’re morally superior to socialists, as we unwittingly encourage socialism.

If I had come to site before happening upon my first Ayn Rand book (in 2012), I would think Rand was about obsessing about the political images people project, hurting people’s feelings out of mean-spiritedness, and bizarre conspiracy theories-- the opposite of what I think four books I read were about. Maybe I misunderstood them. I would urge everyone to read it for themselves. Don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to the nastiness and conspiracy theories. Read the books.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago
    Ron Paul mentioned as similar to Paul Ryan and Bill Weld shows how little you know about Ron Paul and how much you misjudge Ryan and Weld. But then you support people who are treasonous looters similar to as Ryan and Weld. You are so blinded by leftist propaganda you are completely un-Objective about Trump. Then you criticize people who are not brainwashed as not being Objective and being racist.
    I have listened to your nastiness and that of your leftist comrades. I reject it, you, them, and your leftist irrational propaganda.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 3 months ago
    "It seems like Trump supporters can’t even ask why you oppose him without a straw man premise in the question..." OK, let's start with the left wing talking points IN YOUR OWN WORDS from your narrative above:

    1) "I think the support for President Trump’s racism..." Please offer substantiated proof. Opinions, innuendo, out of context quotes don't count.
    2) "...firing people up about nothing.." Please offer substantiated proof. Opinions, innuendo, out of context quotes don't count.
    3a) "...mean-spirited antics..." and 3b) "a mean-spirited clown.." Please offer substantiated proof. Opinions, innuendo, out of context quotes don't count.
    4a) "...authoritarians, and so on is just beyond the pale." and 4b) "...supporting a statist authoritarianism just to highlight the dangers of statism." Please offer substantiated proof. Opinions, innuendo, out of context quotes don't count.
    5) "...all I see attention-seeking..." Please offer substantiated proof. Opinions, innuendo, out of context quotes don't count.
    6) "...transparently trying to get people fired up with one another about nothing." Please offer substantiated proof. Opinions, innuendo, out of context quotes don't count.

    "Don’t listen to the nastiness and conspiracy theories." Looks like a lot of nastiness and conspiracy theories in your narrative above.

    "When I wrote I’m opposed to President Trump, Blarman suggested starting a thread about why I support socialism." Where was this, as in what context? Maybe it was a legitimate question.
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  • Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 3 months ago
    My two cents in lieu of a thumbs-down:

    ”… theories of voter fraud are contrary to the ideas I took away from Ayn Rand”
    I’ve read more-or-less all of Rand’s writings and don’t recall anything that would seem contradictory. Is your point of view based on the fact that the ‘theory’ is not proven? A theory starts as one or more hypotheses, untested ideas about why something happens. When one obfuscates a theory or the tests designed to prove/disprove that theory, it does not discount the theory. It only signifies corruption.

    ” I think the support for President Trump’s racism, firing people up about nothing, mean-spirited antics, authoritarians, and so on is just beyond the pale.”

    You earn a real thumbs-down on this one. I probably wouldn’t care much for President Trump if I met him, and as our president, he’s definitely made me cringe many times. However, the facts of his presidency are remarkable. Contrary to your (and mainstream) views:

    -- RACISM: I suspect he’s likely the least racist president in our history. He’s repeated rejected hatred and hate groups of all types, including white supremacist groups and individuals. If the media didn’t constantly barrage us with fake racism rants, we’d all be able to see how much he’s done for individuals of ALL races and economic backgrounds. The standard of living – Covid notwithstanding – has improved across the board. If you believe he is racist, you are falling into mainstream hate-hype, which I believe is unworthy of you.

    --FIRING PEOPLE UP ABOUT NOTHING: You’re obviously more intelligent than this. Don’t be lazy and call it nothing; try to put some honest substance here. What is HALF of the country fired up about? They want to live their lives on their own terms – free of economic repression, free of corrupt politicians, free of the nanny-state directing every aspect of their lives. They expect what the Constitution of the United States promised them.

    --MEAN-SPIRITED ANTICS: Seriously? “Your half” of the country, driven by big media and big tech and big swamp, has demonstrated a level of malicious cruelty that I simply could not have imagined five years ago. Donald Trump is hyperbolic, yet a patriot who loves his country and has fought harder for it than anyone should ever have to.

    --AUTHORITARIANS: I’m think I’m pretty anti-authoritarian (ha ha, surprise!). Having someone in office who supports and defends the Constitution of the United States doesn’t strike me as particularly authoritarian. Someone who reduces regulations, supports the Bill of Rights and tries – against much pressure – to support States rights… these don’t scream authoritarian to be. However, if I look to “your side” I see nothing but authoritarianism, and a long, long history of it.

    --AND SO ON: That’s a nice, open pivot to the next attack. In my observation, that’s been the MO since he stepped into the ring. Let’s not challenge him on a fact, but throw so much mud from all directions that nobody can even say what is so wrong with him. It is so much more effective to scream “racist, mean-guy” and “orange man bad” than be educated and thoughtful.

    " Frankly, if I were a young person who hadn’t had macro or history and someone showed me President Trump and said socialism is the opposite, I’d stupidly think I’m a proud socialist."
    I get your point here. But let’s assume that a non-racist, good-spirited, freedom-loving, free-market capitalist ran for president in 2020. Let’s also assume that this amazing individual was polite, soft-spoken and kind as can be. Well, we’d end up with even more Biden, Harris, Sanders, AOC, ‘beyond the pale’ socialism and corruption. I don’t think Donald Trump is a great president – but I think he is/was the only way for us to reverse this descent now. Without him and his rather unique talents, our job will be harder than ever and so many now are at the breaking point and ready to give up the fight.

    To be honest, I don’t get you. And that is okay – there are lots of people I don’t get. But I DO think you think, and I DO think you care about where we’re headed as a nation. I don’t think you pay close enough attention and suspect you should put some honest effort into breaking down all these catch words and media hype.

    I think you should (re-)read We The Living; it is not the future any of us want for ourselves or our children. Don’t listen to me. Read the book.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 3 months ago
    The conspiracy theories you claim to know are contrary to the ideas you have , are actually conspiracy facts. Maybe that’s why you are confused. Please learn from the dictionary what a conspiracy is. Allow me ......Conspiracy :a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 4 years, 3 months ago
    Trump is hard working, he believes in reality, not fantasy, believes in capitalism, believes in small government, and is proud of his accomplishments and not afraid to brag about them ...... sounds like Ayn Rand to me !!!
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