The Global Takeover Is Underway
Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 4 months ago to Culture
... "In closing, keep in mind that technocracy is inherently a technological society run through social engineering. This is why there’s such a strong focus on “science.” Anytime someone dissents, they’re therefore accused of being “anti-science,” and any science that conflicts with the status quo is declared “debunked science.”
The only science that matters is whatever the technocrats deem true. Logic, however, will tell you that this cannot be so. Science is never settled. Science is never one-sided. Science can be wrong. Getting to the truth demands that an issue be looked at from many different angles.
Over the past year in particular, scientific inquiry and inquisitiveness has been censored and stifled to an astonishing degree. If we allow it to continue, the end result will be devastating.
We must keep pushing for transparency and truth. We must insist on medical freedom and personal liberty. Do not allow yourself to be bullied into silence by those who counter your objections with “anti-science” or “conspiracy-theory” slurs. The future of mankind is at stake. Be brave. Resist tyranny. "
The only science that matters is whatever the technocrats deem true. Logic, however, will tell you that this cannot be so. Science is never settled. Science is never one-sided. Science can be wrong. Getting to the truth demands that an issue be looked at from many different angles.
Over the past year in particular, scientific inquiry and inquisitiveness has been censored and stifled to an astonishing degree. If we allow it to continue, the end result will be devastating.
We must keep pushing for transparency and truth. We must insist on medical freedom and personal liberty. Do not allow yourself to be bullied into silence by those who counter your objections with “anti-science” or “conspiracy-theory” slurs. The future of mankind is at stake. Be brave. Resist tyranny. "
You have all experienced a taste of it with Covid19
, the WHO , Faucki , and BillHates take his vaccines and his mark of the beast.
When you hear sustainability or the greater good run like the wind it’s their code for self immolation.
I started reading and then began skipping through it and stopping here and there as much as I could stomach. I'm in the winter of my lifespan and am extremely grateful that the greatest part of it has been spent living in Free America. I'm hoping what's left of Free America can hang in there through the last of my days. I speak my piece and vote to save her, but sometimes it just doesn't look like it's working. I see like minded individuals here and there, especially here in the Gulch, and I hope that's enough to set things right - at least for a while longer. Yes, I know the word "hope" doesn't fly in Objectivist land, but I can't see the future and that's the only word that fits.
To quote the 19th century British historian Thomas Babington Macaulay,
“We cannot absolutely prove that those are in error who say society has reached a turning point – that we have seen our best days. But so said all who came before us and with just as much apparent reason. ... On what principle is it that with nothing but improvement behind us, we are to expect nothing but deterioration before us?”
1. “You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.” Instead, you’ll rent everything you need, and it’ll be delivered by drone right to your door.
2. “The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower” — Instead, a handful of countries will dominate together.
3. “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — Rather than transplanting organs from deceased donors, custom organs will be 3D printed on demand.
4. “You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”
5. “A billion people will be displaced by climate change” — As a result, countries will have to prepare to welcome more refugees.
6. “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” — To eliminate fossil fuels, there will be a global price on carbon.
7. “You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space,” thus opening up the possibility of becoming a space-faring race and colonizing other planets.
8. “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.”