Why masks don't work - and mandates are a disaster

Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 3 months ago to Science
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This is a scientific article explaining just why public mask use is completely ineffective - as are mask mandates.
SOURCE URL: https://www.aier.org/article/the-year-of-disguises/amp/

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  • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 3 months ago
    Lengthy article, but worth the read. Thanks!

    I'd like to throw away all my masks and get back to normal living because I've come to realize how ineffective they are. However, the social hassle and BS I'd have to put up with in the grocery or department store just isn't worth the effort when all I want to do is get in, get my stuff, and get out. Ruining my day arguing with dickheads over the sieves we call masks is just a waste of my time and bad on my blood pressure - so I play the stupid game and rip it off as soon as I get outside.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 3 months ago
      I feel sorry for all you folks who live in states/cities/towns that require masks and are serious about it. That is (mostly) not the case in Oklahoma, and there's enough choice in destinations (grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.) that no one really has to wear a mask unless they just want to. And somehow, despite the fact that the case load and hospitalizations are increasing, our governor will not budge on his stance of not requiring a mask (so far, anyway, and despite the pressure he's getting from DC).

      When all this started (and I am not a biologist or doctor or other master of bio science), I mentally pictured this virus along with all the other viruses and bacteria that HAVE lived in our world since before humans arrived, as a "lake" through which we as humans "swim." It's there, 24/7 even though we can't see it.

      And I truly believe that this coronavirus, along with all the others viruses and bacteria currently existing and yet to come, will be around and living happily long past the death of that last human being.

      This was a really good article, and I read every word of it.

      One thing he said with which I have a bit of a nit to pick...."Stop trying to lay blame and guilt on people for a natural virus." I agree with that when it comes to the point of how to handle the virus now that it exists and has been unleashed upon the world, but I sincerely believe we still need to investigate and go after those who originally and knowingly assisted it in its transfer to humans.
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      • Posted by $ 4 years, 3 months ago
        "I agree with that when it comes to the point of how to handle the virus now that it exists and has been unleashed upon the world, but I sincerely believe we still need to investigate and go after those who originally and knowingly assisted it in its transfer to humans."

        Agreed. China created it and loosed it on the world not only to give their boy Biden a chance in the elections but to give them cover to crack down and "re-educate" Hong Kong. Because I'd bet my retirement that we don't hear any more out of Hong Kong after this lets up.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 3 months ago
    I was not surprised to see a group of masked, hooded individuals setting fire to a postal receptor in order to destroy mail-in ballots. Defeats the purpose of cameras and no one is alarmed by masks, hoods, and sunglasses even at night.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 3 months ago
    I came across this article just the other day as well. I focused on these elements:

    In the open environment, no one should be wearing face coverings. This is the one place where we can get an assist from nature to help reduce the virus molecules. Considering that less than 5% of transmissions have been associated with open environments (and identifiable activities not random encounters), the risk is truly small.

    The “Mask Mandate” idea is a truly ridiculous, knee-jerk reaction and needs to be withdrawn and thrown in the waste bin of disastrous policy, along with lockdowns and school closures. You can vote for a person without blindly supporting all of their proposals.

    There may be other health risks associated with continued use of face coverings. While this is anecdotal, I have many physician acquaintances and they are all reporting increases in conditions that may be associated with face coverings, such as facial skin infections, nose/throat and sinus infections, even anxiety conditions. An area of concern is the change in breathing patterns that can be directly associated with face coverings. I train regularly. The only time that I wear a face covering is to gain entrance to the public gymnasium where I train (because it is required). The mask is discarded immediately when I start training, as most other people also do. The staff members do not make a fuss because they understand the dangers of doing exertion with a face covering.

    ANTIDOTE - RESIST! I have a couple muzzles. One has the word OBEY on it, the other, TYRANNY. I only wear these where the signs are posted mandating the muzzle. In the fitness center, I don't even bother ... the guy at the front desk has his muzzle dangling from his chin. I look into the eyes of the 'big guys' that have a muzzle on with the expression on my face "hey pal, you don't need that crap in here." Within a few minutes, anyone that was wearing the muzzle while working out has removed the bit of nonsense. Keep on resisting.
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 3 months ago
    Pretty good article. Has a lot of common sense in it. What the government forces me to do- wear a mask whenever I go into a a public place- is really stupid as most people just have one mask that they wear over and over...
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 3 months ago
    It is a bit sad to see how the businesses have 'in and out' guards and people look frightened if you violate their 'personal space'. I probably at times pass my neighbor in the HEB and Kroger grocery stores and don't even recognize them as they are hooded, masked, and wearing sunglasses. Tiring!
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 3 months ago
      Most have simply given up in my area. Despite the local health czars taking us back to "red," I see fewer and fewer looks when I go into stores without a mask and businesses are no longer refusing service as they once did. They simply can't afford to and that economic reality is finally starting to hit home.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 3 months ago
      Sure enough, the muzzle also provides the nice side-effect of dehumanizing human interactions. This is all by design. Mistakes of this magnitude are never made innocently.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 3 months ago
    "I believe we are in as great a crisis as a species as we have ever been. The crisis is not from some seasonal virus (which is a health issue), but it is from ourselves and what we have devolved into as a species (social, cultural, ideological issues)." - I am starting to believe this, too. Stupidity equipped with new technology is a disaster waiting to happen. It's like a bunch of monkeys with guns on their hips. Man, people are stupid - way more stupid than we should be at this point.

    Masks? I wear an N95 into the grocery store. I'm the only person with one on.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago
      The stupidity is intentional and a goal of government schools.
      The generation that won WW2 and the Boomers have always been nearly impossible to control.
      Younger generations have been purposely short changed by government schools to make them more pliable, to brainwash them against original American ideals, and to prevent rational analysis of propaganda.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 3 months ago
        Yep. I am constantly, daily, talking to my kids to explain the contradictions they are seeing in the world. Some of those contradictions are in the education system. My son's latest fancy is all the happenings in the campaign for the POTUS. The brazen contradictions and gaffes of Biden are really funny if you're watching with a clear, neutral mind. "C'mon Man!"...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 3 months ago
    Very informed article. Wish Ohio's Mike Dewine would read it instad of listening to his Dr. Amy, who now oworks behind the scene to misinform him! This is exactly what I learned in college biology,what our Internal Medicine doc has said. Maskless worked for this senior for 4 months without mask at height of infection, with not so much as a sniffle. Now, with these masks, I feel I am always at risk, becasue I know they are actually dangerous, not life saving.
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