The End of Competitive Sports
Posted by Spiderwilliams 4 years, 3 months ago to Entertainment
Watching professional football recently gave me an eerie feeling. Empty stadium seats, cardboard cutouts and fake crowd noise that even annoyed the announcers who said as much. At least the first time. Since then no decent allowed, or anything even hinting at decent. Despite the earlier failed projections, at every utterance and from every ruler from New York to San Antonio this charade continues. Attempts by dissenting medical professionals to urge caution at over reacting and to study effects of edicts issued were quickly disregarded and the voices of dissent simply went away never to be heard from again. Those voices may stopped but not the dissent. For every voice silenced another takes its place. You want proof? You are reading this are you not? The effect of lockdowns/marshall law was never studied by government. The Misis Institute however has as well as a few other private groups. I wont quote any of them directly but they all point to the failure of these methods of overbearing interference in our lives to safeguard our welfare. Not surprisingly and extremely predictable government failed at its publicly proclaimed moment of grandeur, 'To save the day, excelsior!' Unfortunately for them the people are not laying laurels at their feet or throwing rose petals in front of them wherever they walk. Well, except for Judge Nelson Wolffe of San Antonio of course who never met a crisis he couldent profit from, but that's another story and San Antonio deserves him anyway. No, the government did not save the day. Their policies have led to more hardships and deaths than the virus ever could. And it's only just started.
Back in March when everyone's attention was clearly on the virus and its potential threat we waited. We waited to see where the threat would first appear and how many would suffer. We didint have to wait long. As the first deaths were clearly being announced we waited for clarification. None came. False claims were announced and quickly silenced. Hospitals in New York were being emptied and readied for overwhelming numbers of victims. Out of 140,000 projected only 19,000 appeared. But nursing homes were quickly becoming a hotspot. Thanks to the genius of New Yorks rulers who infected them with hospital patients.
And just as quickly lockdowns/marshall law went into effect. I and many others immediately predicted that this proclaimed temporary 15 day lockdown would never go away. And it hasn't. Eased up perhaps but it's not gone. Recession is here today not because of virus but something much more maligned. Governments overbearing authority to do what it wants, when it wants and to whom it wants at the drop of a hat. Any hat. Recession is just the beginning. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to look just a little bit into the future. Take sports for example. How long do you think team owners can go on with empty seats and declining revenue? I dont mean just football either although they have their own problems with declining followers even without lockdowns/marshall law. But how long can any of them at any level continue to maintain? Pro sports leagues depend on college level leagues and Universities depend on those seats being filled even more that team owners and paid athletes. There will be no National Champion in college football this year. How could there be with some leagues playing only 6 games. Universities depend on recruiting to fill their teams. Where will they recruit from? High schools even more than Universities depend on filled stadiums and concessions to maintain teams, bands, and travel budgets. Not to mention the overwhelming public support they recieve. I dont think we will see any multi million dollar stadiums being built for high schools anymore. After this year we may not be seeing high school football ever again. No high school football means no college football. No college football means no pro football. Well that may be gone anyway. But basketball, baseball all professional competitive sports as we know and love them today (except maybe pro football) may well be gone forever. Has no one seen this writing on the wall yet? You had better take a closer look.
Back in March when everyone's attention was clearly on the virus and its potential threat we waited. We waited to see where the threat would first appear and how many would suffer. We didint have to wait long. As the first deaths were clearly being announced we waited for clarification. None came. False claims were announced and quickly silenced. Hospitals in New York were being emptied and readied for overwhelming numbers of victims. Out of 140,000 projected only 19,000 appeared. But nursing homes were quickly becoming a hotspot. Thanks to the genius of New Yorks rulers who infected them with hospital patients.
And just as quickly lockdowns/marshall law went into effect. I and many others immediately predicted that this proclaimed temporary 15 day lockdown would never go away. And it hasn't. Eased up perhaps but it's not gone. Recession is here today not because of virus but something much more maligned. Governments overbearing authority to do what it wants, when it wants and to whom it wants at the drop of a hat. Any hat. Recession is just the beginning. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to look just a little bit into the future. Take sports for example. How long do you think team owners can go on with empty seats and declining revenue? I dont mean just football either although they have their own problems with declining followers even without lockdowns/marshall law. But how long can any of them at any level continue to maintain? Pro sports leagues depend on college level leagues and Universities depend on those seats being filled even more that team owners and paid athletes. There will be no National Champion in college football this year. How could there be with some leagues playing only 6 games. Universities depend on recruiting to fill their teams. Where will they recruit from? High schools even more than Universities depend on filled stadiums and concessions to maintain teams, bands, and travel budgets. Not to mention the overwhelming public support they recieve. I dont think we will see any multi million dollar stadiums being built for high schools anymore. After this year we may not be seeing high school football ever again. No high school football means no college football. No college football means no pro football. Well that may be gone anyway. But basketball, baseball all professional competitive sports as we know and love them today (except maybe pro football) may well be gone forever. Has no one seen this writing on the wall yet? You had better take a closer look.
Recently, I had the privilege of sitting with my buddies at an adult libation establishment in Montana and we all requested the barmaid to please change the TV channel to something other than the typical pro sports channels. She obliged us and we all had quality entertainment for the next several rounds of brews and whiskies watching a Tractor Pull Contest! Man oh man, that was a great way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon and evening - now there is a real man’s sport, to watch big engines struggle to their limits of endurance — some survived and some blew. And a great time was had by all without all the SJW bs. Yes there is life without Pro Sports.
I have shifted most of my time to sailing communities and farming / permaculture attentions. The end of March I completed a move from Minneapolis to E. Wis. I have made more healthy acquaintance in six months than in the previous 30 years. Even though Packer fans are rabid for this venue, it's not the major impetus driving life here.
Our fixation in America on pro sports really is just a circus to entertain us with our government bread and cheese. It's a distraction typically followed by people who really should try to focus more. Yeah...I chuckle at the face cheering and cardboard people. In my work in COVID I am faced with what seems to be an institutional denial. Around here, open schools are spreading COVID back to the parents. It's not political to me...this virus has found a way (probably in a lab) to travel on 0.5 micron droplets, maybe even smaller. It's bad. Maybe we should (as we say in golf) "take our medicine" and learn to live differently until this passes. We're smarter than this. We don't have to destroy out economy. Here in California we're reopening based on two things: 1-geography and, 2-socio-economic-racial standing. Another example of what I call "our new dark age".
"Stopping the Pandemic: Inhalation Medicine
The only way to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to prevent or deal with any such future calamities, is to apply a therapy that is highly effective, completely nontoxic, readily available, and inexpensive. Lacking any one of these four aspects of a potential therapy can cripple how well a pandemic can be promptly and readily resolved."
Curing Viruses with Hydrogen Peroxide
Second story. More than thirty-five years ago my dental hygienist told me to use mouthwash after I brush and that would aid in keeping away gum disease and other problems. Furthermore, she said to add a cap full of ordinary OTC HP to the mouthwash to make it more effective - make sure you don't swallow it, she said. [the cap full is the little OTC HP bottle cap, not the mouthwash bottle cap]. Maybe this has some bearing on why I haven't had a cold in forty years. Also, I haven't had a cavity since I was 22 and still have all my original teeth.
I'm going to copy FFA's disclaimer here (thanks FFA): "DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice, and I am not a doctor or expert on viruses. (FDA, don't kick my door down and kill my pets, please.)" even though I don't have any pets.