Former CEO of Twitter to Productive People: You are "going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution."
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
People on Twitter think its former CEO has called for the execution of his political opponents, after Dick Costolo warned that "me-first capitalists" will face firing squads during "the revolution."
Costolo, a veteran tech entrepreneur who ran Twitter between 2010 and 2015, poured some gasoline on the fire of an argument currently underway in Silicon Valley. People in IT are debating whether corporations should be engaged in social justice activism and allow political discourses in their workspaces.
"Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution," Costolo warned as he advocated against separating moneymaking and politics.
Costolo, a veteran tech entrepreneur who ran Twitter between 2010 and 2015, poured some gasoline on the fire of an argument currently underway in Silicon Valley. People in IT are debating whether corporations should be engaged in social justice activism and allow political discourses in their workspaces.
"Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution," Costolo warned as he advocated against separating moneymaking and politics.
These people always have wanted full buy-in from the masses. Those who don't express full support for the program will be lined up.
Strange days... I keep thinking, "You know...America had a great run. It was a terrific experiment that lasted over 200 years. But, it's citizens have failed to keep appreciating what they had. The militant collectivists have taken hold - thanks to the soft spot created under the guise of free speech. So...this is how it happens..."
Fatalism? Or the new realty? Scary to me, in any event.
The fools are obviously not students of the history of socialist movements. Many of the various existing aristocracy of failing nations that slide into socialism have tried to join with "the movement," thinking they will be among the privileged survivors, only to find they are determined to be enemies of the state, because they actually earned their wealth, which must be confiscated and distributed to the righteous architects of the hierarchy of the revolution. Ironically it's those like Costolo who will find themselves against the wall when the real socialist come into power.
I had to know the police 10-code when I worked at the prison.
That was so inmates around you would not know what you were talking about or listening to on a hand radio save for saying "10-4." Everyone has seen "Smoky And The Bandit."
A 10-98 meant a prison escape which I never heard used. I've had to pop a warning shot one time to keep one of those from happening during my 21-year career.
Used a lot was "I'm 10-84 to your twenty (10-20).." That means, "I'm on my way to your location."
10-96 means "a mental person" as it is listed in print but that usually meant "I have a nut-case on my hands."
They are well armed and capable of using their weapons against enemies domestic.
Will those weapons be enough against the deep state's chemical and nerve weapons?
My 'golden years' seem like they are turning into a schift show.
The 2A may be the only recourse we have to keeping this nation free.
So be it. I've had a long and full life.
You will see just how cooperative the little nancy boys and butchie girls you created will be.
Boeing will move all 787 production from the Seattle area (looting mobs, etc.) to South Carolina.
The woke Gov of Washington State cannot figure out why.