Ron Paul Censored by Google - "YouTube does not allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of the World Health Organization.”
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
"Ironically, just 30 years after the “science” of Marxism-Leninism imploded for all the world to see, we are witnessing a resurgence here in the US of the idea that to question “the science” is not to seek truth or refine understanding of what appears to be conflicting evidence. No, it is to actually wish harm on one’s fellow Americans.
And while we who question “the science” are not being physically carried off to the gulags for disputing the wisdom of our “betters” in the CDC or the World Health Organization, for example, we are finding that the outcome is the same. We are being silenced and accused of malicious intent. The Soviet Communists called dissidents like us “wreckers.”
Last week on my daily news broadcast, the Ron Paul Liberty Report, we reported on two whistleblowers from inside the CDC and Big Pharma who raised serious and legitimate questions about the prevailing coronavirus narrative. The former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has stated that from his experience he believes that nearly 90 percent of the current tests for Covid produce false positives. That means that this massive expansion in “cases,” used to justify continued attacks on our civil liberties, is simply phony.
YouTube, owned by Google, which is firmly embedded into the deep state, was vague in explaining just where we violated their “community standards” by simply reporting on qualified scientists who happen to disagree with the mainstream coronavirus narrative.
But they did offer this shocking explanation in an email sent to us at the Ron Paul Liberty Report: “YouTube does not allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of the World Health Organization.”
It’s not the science that is settled. What appears to be “settled is the impulse to silence anyone who asks “why”?"
And while we who question “the science” are not being physically carried off to the gulags for disputing the wisdom of our “betters” in the CDC or the World Health Organization, for example, we are finding that the outcome is the same. We are being silenced and accused of malicious intent. The Soviet Communists called dissidents like us “wreckers.”
Last week on my daily news broadcast, the Ron Paul Liberty Report, we reported on two whistleblowers from inside the CDC and Big Pharma who raised serious and legitimate questions about the prevailing coronavirus narrative. The former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has stated that from his experience he believes that nearly 90 percent of the current tests for Covid produce false positives. That means that this massive expansion in “cases,” used to justify continued attacks on our civil liberties, is simply phony.
YouTube, owned by Google, which is firmly embedded into the deep state, was vague in explaining just where we violated their “community standards” by simply reporting on qualified scientists who happen to disagree with the mainstream coronavirus narrative.
But they did offer this shocking explanation in an email sent to us at the Ron Paul Liberty Report: “YouTube does not allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of the World Health Organization.”
It’s not the science that is settled. What appears to be “settled is the impulse to silence anyone who asks “why”?"
I have no respect for anything Google does.
The world is becoming China.
I've said it here before...There is A LOT of money to be made here. Games will be played.
Clearly...WHO is their God.
Those scientist aren't the only one's that suspect 190,000 false positives.
We've already looked up the definition, the requirements of being considered a "Case".
Oh, those idots. Never mind.
The big one will kill the smaller two should all three smell but one female in heat at the same time.
As for bad colds, there are about 150 different viruses, none of which have a vaccine, though each cold that one gets is most likely from a different virus. Of those viruses, there are 4 or 5 corona viruses included.
What do you mean by your short life?
I am 80 and do not worry about my short life. I just live day by day doing what I choose to do. No more bothering from customers from the one person service business that I had while squirreled away from supporting large taxes to help out with all those great government programs. I do collect $665 a month in SS payments. I take it because I tried opting out of SS back in the 60s but was told to pay up or go to jail.
I also expect that my life will be shortened as a result of the WHO if I consent to such a mandate.
I concluded that opting out of SS would mean I could not be productive in my field of work. It is possible, but requires great sacrifices.
I see no fault in accepting SS payments when people are, in effect, forced to pay for them in advance via taxes.
For example:
"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
So, basically, Google/YouTube & Facebook refuses to believe anything medical professional has to say. I wonder if their employees listen to their personal medical doctors or maybe those companies refuse to pay for HCL treatment. they need to be investigated to find out how many of their employees have died from COVID 19 related illnesses because they couldn't be treated with HCL.
Even that is not exactly correct.
Franklin meant a "Republican form" of government, which is night and day different from democracy.