Sony-Soviet "Justice" - Playstation Will Record Private Voice Chats So Players Can Be Snitched On For Unsafe Words
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
"“Following this update, users are seeing a notification about Party Safety and that voice chats in parties may be recorded,” Sony announced. “Voice chat recording for moderation is a feature that will be available on PS5 when it launches, and will enable users to record their voice chats on PS5 and submit them for moderation review. The pop up you’re seeing on PS4 right now is to let you know that when you participate in a chat with a PS5 user (post-launch), they may submit those recordings from their PS5 console to SIE.”
“If a group of friends want to make off color jokes to each other privately, talk about freaky stuff or sexual content then that’s their business,” complained one Twitter user.
“If a group of friends want to make off color jokes to each other privately, talk about freaky stuff or sexual content then that’s their business,” complained one Twitter user.
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- 1Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 3 months agoSuicide. They just killed a huge market and opened up for equitable competition. Freaking awesome! Arrogance that another won't compete. We CAN fix stupid!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|