Six Reasons Why the Wrong Party Will Win the Most Important US Election Since 1860

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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As much as I want him to be wrong, Doug Casey makes some very good points in this article.
If anyone wants Doug to be wrong then they should go out and do something to make it happen.
Soros and his useful idiots are doing something to destroy America. Someone sane should counter that gang of fools.
Freedom isn't free; it's expensive, but not as expensive as losing it.
SOURCE URL: https://internationalman.com/articles/six-reasons-why-the-wrong-party-will-win-the-most-important-us-election/

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    Posted by mcsandberg 4 years, 5 months ago
    Trump's rallies are getting bigger and bigger as more and more of us realize the virus was a hoax.

    The anger at what the democrat governors and mayors have done to us is enormous and growing.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 5 months ago
      Hope it's growing soon enough in the right places to get some defenders of individual liberty elected in November and a big enough tide to know the results the day after the election.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 5 months ago
      the immense enthusiasm of Trump’s supporters. When he goes somewhere, they disrupt their lives and line-up, waiting for hours to get into the venue. It seems Biden and Harris can barely fill a coffee shop. Millions of middle Americans support Trump as if their lives depended on it. And in a way, they do.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 5 months ago
    Good article, but I think he has the order backward. The only way the Dems are going to win this election is through voter fraud. They know it. Their chance to do it through the courts will end as soon as Trump's new pick is confirmed in the Senate, giving Conservatives a 5-3-1 lead (I count Roberts as the one flip-flopper). Thus they will have to rely on riots and things dissuading Trump voters and causing enough problems with the election count process so as to force re-counts where they can slip in extra ballots.

    The Deep State tried, but they failed. Now the tables are being turned. But Barr, Durham, and crew better get those indictments out before January or they're going to get dismissed in the case of a Biden win.

    Morally, our school system has failed to teach our children anything resembling the greatness of the Constitution and the freedoms we enjoy as a result. Of course parents haven't done much there either, and parents have increasingly relied on teachers to instruct their children on basic things like manners, respect, etc.

    Demographics is really just an extension of the moral decay argument.

    Economically, Trump can run on his record - which was outstanding going into COVID. Biden will be loathe to bring up the economy under Obama and will try to play the "but Bush started it" game - which is a lie. It was the Democrats in the House and Senate which caused the housing crisis of 2008-2009.

    COVID. It all depends on who you listen to. If your source of news is the lamestream media, you may buy into the notion that Trump is responsible for the deaths of 200,000 Americans, but polling shows that very few people trust the media to accurately report any more.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 5 months ago
      One thing NOT noted is that since we have gone through 5 years now of the deepstate trying to get rid of Trump by any and all means, its just worn people down. In the meantime, nothing gets done in the government except money is continually spent. I will cast my pretty much useless vote for Trump, but my heart isnt in it anymore for the USA. Constant fighting with the left is too much. Let the leftists destroy the country, I just wont support them any more. Go Galt.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 5 months ago
      Agree on all except the slice-n-dice of the stability of the American Mortgage backed Security began in the Clinton administration, which resulted in the crash and freeze of 2007-8.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 years, 5 months ago
    I agree completely. Nice FFA.

    BTW, where are all the "Objectivists" who have been crapping all over Trump for the last couple of years? Are they all cheering for Biden?
    There are three choices:
    1. Support Trump,
    2. Support Biden,
    3. Cast a protest vote (e.g. Jorgensen).
    There are no other choices. Any people here have a logical reason for picking #2?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 5 months ago
      No logical reason but for TDS sufferers 2 is the only choice.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 4 years, 5 months ago
        There is a point to this, at least three gens of students have gone through a contaminated education system, unable to critically think now, who do have TDS, and also believe anything they are fed. They will be the Biden supporters. ALTHOUGH, the game is not up yet, I have said, and will say, we have not seen the final lineup yet. I believe (as does Dave at X22) that MIchael OB will be dragged in to replace Biden, and the statement is "only she is compassionate enough to heal the country" with Kamala "only she has the knowledge and skills as a politician to navigate the evil republican resistance to change". That will change the dynamics, however, the nuke in return will be his unmasking as what he is. They have spent years in the "LGBQTXYZ" acceptance training regime for a reason. It will be tested when that happens.I believe the Patriots are locked and loaded for a response.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 4 years, 5 months ago
      There is no reason to pick #2 nor is there a reason to sit out the election or vote for a third party.
      I consider myself to be an Objectivist-Libertarian Republican. Ayn Rand dismissed libertarians as having no philosophy. So if you are a libertarian pick a philosophy such as Objectivism and make it part of your life. That will get rid of all the nonsense that the voters saw in the Libertarian Party and recognize the "liberty" implied by libertarian.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 years, 5 months ago

        Although, I think Ayn did herself, her cause, Libertarians and the country a disservice in distancing herself from them. Milton Friedman was very compelling, well-spoken, logical, reasoned and compelling. We need more compelling people. It doesn't matter if you are right if no one is listening.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 5 months ago
      Well, its a choice between evils. Trump is so intellectually compromised that he does collectivist things (like shutting down the economy) without even knowing it. He is maybe evil to a degree of "5". Biden and the leftists are evil to "10". The vote is AGAINST Biden, not really FOR Trump
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      • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 5 months ago
        Yes, it shows up the weakness of Pragmatism, has its merits but sooner or later you have to know on what principles you make decisions rather than relying on focus groups.
        But the shutdowns, that is more with the state governors.
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        • Posted by term2 4 years, 5 months ago
          As I understand it, trump gave the shutdown power to the governors by declaring an emergency. Once he did that the governors quickly shut down the actual economy in their states
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  • Posted by ycandrea 4 years, 5 months ago
    I am betting Casey is wrong. A six things could have an affect, but I think the majority of Americans are fed up with everything the left is doing and can see through all the lies.
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  • Posted by Andy 4 years, 5 months ago
    The economy is doing good. The virus is bad in some places but it seems like no one has an answer. Democrats answer is to shut everything down. I don't think people are more into socialism than in the past although maybe they are in other parts of America. The cheating is the really scary part. America is great in so many ways. We can transfer money online without much fraud. We should be able to stop this cheating.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 5 months ago
      But do the two parties actually want to stop the cheating? imo, no, they don't.
      We put up with 2 dishonest, corrupt parties running the system. They aren't going to do anything that makes it any better unless someone gives them no choice.
      That's why there is a lot of talk about term limits and nothing ever happens.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 5 months ago
        "... 2 dishonest corrupt parties..." I watched a video this morning with Maria Bartiromo interviewing a R Senator regarding Hunter Biden and she mentioned a book she will be releasing soon. In it she says she asks President Trump what was one of the frustrating things he noticed transitioning from a business man to a Washington politician and his response was the depth of the corruption and that some people are well protected from whatever they do.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 5 months ago
    I worry MOST about the demo's Cheating,,,they are sneeky little B'turds. I plan on hanging out at the town hall where my town votes...just to make sure that everything is on the up and up. A couple of other friends will stick around too.

    Sadly though...the danger will be the cities...those lit'l mothers out vote us every time.

    I will say...we've had no out of control violence and burning here in ct...kind of surprising.
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  • Posted by Stormi 4 years, 5 months ago
    I have some confidence black moms and grandparents see that their kids are being used by BLM, which is tied now to Biden. They want peaceful law enforcement. Our local union took down their Biden signs, they see their jobs will be lost under Commie Harris. They love their guns, and see them at risk of being banned. I know a lot of the people are brainwashed by they morons on TV news, but we are getting the word out. You cannot fake this virus forever, no one trusts Fauci anymore, nor the coing vaccine. They are beginning to see we have been played by a pllanned virus event, which involves both China and US deep state medical organizations, which began under Obama. People no longer feel masks are helping and are sick of the shut downs. I have hope reason will triuph.
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 5 months ago
    I have pretty much given up on the USA. Its time to go GALT and stop supporting the nonsense that has permeated our country. Let it crash like predicted in AS, and as it DID in the story despite what the productive people did.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 4 years, 5 months ago
      What is needed is to the return to a rational-reasoning to counter the flight from enlightenment ideas by the flight to faith-reasoning with the great increase in religion.
      A collapse of a somewhat flawed American culture will not result in more rational thought but less as a more primitive human animal is formed to take over as in a very small way happened in the little-several-square block successional area this summer where the strong man took over and, if not for outsiders sending food, etc., there would have been starvation just as in nearly all socialist societies.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 5 months ago
      That’s nonsense. Open your eyes to the fundamental changes that are happening.
      Imagine if the President got some support.
      He has to expose their evil and that is what’s happening.
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  • Posted by Bill54 4 years, 5 months ago
    It is always a good idea to underestimate Donald Trump. The six reasons Doug Casey listed can be given positive criticism or perhaps expanded upon. Things are moving so quickly with SCOTUS and the rising tide of Trump rallies we are pulled away from the nightly tantrums in the streets from the left. Everything is now up for grabs. I'm focusing on the Joe Biden circadian rhythm and possible sundowning in front of the majority of the nation this 9/29.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 5 months ago
    Doug Casey is a big PM (Gold and Silver) bug and has also been pushing the idea of expatting to S. America -- and so, a Biden win would create further discord and destruction that offers a higher yield on his investments.

    He does make a number of valid points -- in particular those regarding the Economy. Doug has been researching the financial markets for decades and his understanding of the fundamentals and direction of the Economy (US and World in general) is something that I respect and have learned from.

    However - I think he is incorrect regarding "most voters are always in the wishy-washy middle" -- Not so, most voters are already polarized. Also, I see a lot of support for Trump whereas I see very little for Biden. Another thought -- what folks do in the polling booth or in terms of the mail in ballot has a lot to do with home economics. I think there are a sizeable number of "lefties" who overtly profess a disdain for Trump -- but when they think about their financial portfolio and under whose watch it will be kept better aloft, they may employ a bit of rationality and vote Trump.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 5 months ago
      And there is this:
      Highly-Educated Americans Are By Far The Most Closed-Minded
      "American politics is controlled by the conflict between liberal billionaires versus conservative billionaires — totally controlled by billionaires (instead of by the public). There is the liberal herd, and the conservative herd, but they’re both herds — not by the public in an actual democracy. And each of these two herds is controlled by its shepherd, who are its billionaires. Billionaires control each Party and thereby control the Government. This is why the Government ignores the preferences of America’s public.

      Therefore, the nation is an aristocracy — a country which is controlled by its wealthiest few — instead of an authentic democracy (which is controlled not by the numbers of dollars, but actually by the numbers of residents, each one of whom is independently and open-mindedly seeking for credibly documented facts). An aristocracy rules any such land.

      The public are not the rulers in such a nation. It’s not a democracy; it is a collective dictatorship, by its billionaires (its aristocracy)."
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      • Posted by 4 years, 5 months ago
        Be aware that the source of that article is a Russian Think Tank according to Wikipedia. (If you trust Wikipedia.)
        The views in the article may be just as biased as the views they are criticizing.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 5 months ago
      "employ a bit of rationality and vote Trump"
      Same folks who employed irrationality in 2018,2016, 2012, 2008.
      I can't see the Biden ticket this time as a bigger threat than the Hitlery ticket was. The entirety of the Dems, yes, but I can't see the Hitlery gang voting for the GOP on anything.
      For example, CG (a poster here in the Gulch) is still making lame irrational comments for his votes (for Hitlery and O) in the past and supporting BLM today.
      1. I don't see the rich changing to support GOP.
      2. I don't see the ones out of work blaming Biden for the economy.
      3. I don't see the "middle class" liberal voters recognizing the danger that the Dems represent to their convenient, comfortable lifestyle. They are too convinced of their white-privilege guilt.
      We have to get everyone we know to vote rationally this time, and I don't mean wasting time on liberals. The 3rd parties should join forces, make a deal, and transfer all their support to the GOP to save America from leftists who want to destroy her.
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