Rapidly Creeping Authoritarianism: The depravity of the powerful can only operate behind veils of secrecy
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 4 months ago to Philosophy
"Assange started a leak publishing outlet on the premise that corrupt power can be fought with the light of truth. Corrupt power responded by smearing, torturing and imprisoning him, thereby proving his thesis unassailably correct. The depravity of the powerful can only operate behind veils of secrecy, because if it happened out in the open our greatly outnumbered rulers would risk finding themselves on the wrong end of a guillotine blade. Assange sought to hold power in check by reducing the amount of hiding space it has for its malfeasance, which is why he is currently behind bars.
If we had transparency for the powerful as we ought, there wouldn’t be any wild theorizing about what they’re up to behind the walls of secrecy. Indeed, the various agendas that are doubtless being schemed toward by oligarchs and unaccountable government agencies wouldn’t even exist, because people only plot such evils when they are out of the public eye. Whatever’s going on with this virus would be clear as day, and the fact that people are paranoid and distrustful of authority figures about the matter is solely the fault of those authority figures’ refusal to have transparency and accountability.
The more secrecy the powerful are able to obtain, the more wars they start, the more exploitation, oppression and thievery they can get away with, the more power they can steal from the people and shift to themselves. Which is precisely why they are going after a journalist who made it his vocation to deprive them of secrecy."
If we had transparency for the powerful as we ought, there wouldn’t be any wild theorizing about what they’re up to behind the walls of secrecy. Indeed, the various agendas that are doubtless being schemed toward by oligarchs and unaccountable government agencies wouldn’t even exist, because people only plot such evils when they are out of the public eye. Whatever’s going on with this virus would be clear as day, and the fact that people are paranoid and distrustful of authority figures about the matter is solely the fault of those authority figures’ refusal to have transparency and accountability.
The more secrecy the powerful are able to obtain, the more wars they start, the more exploitation, oppression and thievery they can get away with, the more power they can steal from the people and shift to themselves. Which is precisely why they are going after a journalist who made it his vocation to deprive them of secrecy."
I've been behind the curtain. I've also seen, up close, what happens to whistle blowers. I might be right that once the bullcrap mountain gets so big people won't be able to deny its existence. In the example I mention, unfortunately, the mountain is all the classrooms full of kids with severe neurological disabilities. Talk about a sickening price.
Every report, e-mail, action and piece of data from any other government function should be available, starting with every single office's budget, payroll and function.
Imagine if you will, if only for a moment...
“So you think that theft of information is the root of his evil? Have you ever asked what is the root of truth? Information is the material shape of the principle that civilized men who wish to deal with one another must deal by truth, less we become brutes.”
And this is where my Ragnar starts to rise.
When information becomes part of the ambiguous they, them, those, society, government, side,...as far as I'm concerned it is fair game. In a nutshell....not to get too opinionated.
Nice to meet you!
I do think that an interpretive body, somewhat, yet more definitive than that which is found in The Declaration of Independence, may be incorporated into preamble for The US Constitution so to buffer the ambiguity of legal vs moral; Corporatist vs Capitalist. And that The Constitution (Of) be returned to The Constitution (For) the United States.