Woke Fragility

Posted by Solver 4 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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“In summary, the principle function of Woke Fragility is to keep Woke ideology out of reach from those who would do it violence with their empirical and analytical critiques. This essay has covered the conditions under which Woke Fragility manifests, the basic discursive maneuvers typically associated with Woke Fragility, and the manner in which these work together to protect their ideology from criticism, but there is still much to discuss in relation to the actual contents of Woke ideology. In fact, there is more to discuss on that topic than could reasonably be covered in a single essay, and it is not my mission here to offer a complete exposition of Woke political theory.”
SOURCE URL: https://medium.com/@crockoduck/woke-fragility-2338138e0b9e

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 4 years, 3 months ago
    I, myself being an old codger, have confusion at times assimilating with new terminology such as "woke". However, I am trying to keep up with this 21st Century of "new jargon... daily". I still consider those useful idiots as "snowflakes". A Woke Snowflake is still a Snowflake,
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