Sanity in Idaho - State House of Representatives passes resolution to end coronavirus emergency declaration

Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago to News
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BOISE, Idaho — Lawmakers voted Tuesday to advance a resolution that would end Idaho Gov. Brad Little's coronavirus emergency declaration, a move designed to lift restrictions across the state that would also strip Idaho of its eligibility for some federal emergency aid money.

"It is time to return to normal. Not a new normal, to normal," said Rep. Christy Zito.
SOURCE URL: https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/idaho-legislature-special-session-emergency-declaration-resolution-house/277-79aa309d-67f9-4886-ad20-ffdc31d854e7

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  • Posted by 4 years ago
    House Majority Leader Rep. Mike Moyle, R-Star, said that Idaho should not be relying on those federal funds anyway.

    "I refuse, when we talk about money, I refuse to sell my liberties for money," he said. "I refuse to be blackmailed for money. And I refuse to sell my state and my blessings of my family and everything else for some federal freaking check."

    Rep. Tim Remington, R-Couer d'Alene, said that the emergency declaration "instilled fear" in Idaho citizens, causing divisions in the state.

    He said that people need to reject that fear, and expressed surprise at church pastors in the state who have canceled services out of concerns about COVID-19 spreading through their congregation.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years ago
      Fear was used by the left to get people to surrender power to the leftists. I am done with this virus thing. Its a disease like many others, and common sense actions just need to be taken, and that doesnt include the masks, social distancing, etc. I really doubt that solves the problem. Herd immunity is the evenual solution. thats why New york has almost 0 deaths now. They have herd immunity.
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    • Posted by N316Jobs 4 years ago
      When a church cowers to Lucifer. They are no church I want to attend. Churches have shirked responsibilities to remind the sheep that God is in control but also we are responsible to avoid the pit falls told to us in God's word. We are in or approaching the End Times. Watch for them and God's return. Anything less than that is dangerous to your soul.
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      • Posted by nanovation 4 years ago
        Many churches have been ideologically overtaken by the left. They infiltrate and destroy everything they touch (or so it seems to me). My church here in North Carolina went from having staunch christian values to advocating for us all to support open borders. It's nuts!
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  • Posted by N316Jobs 4 years ago
    Some things are more important than money. Especially if the money works against you. Most likely those who decided to do this were thinking its better to restore a healthy working economy than to continue banking with a limited funds bank. I agree. Let people resume their life. Pick up the pieces and make a stronger healthier society. Bravo to Idaho!
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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years ago
    Sitting at dinner tonight I overheard a conversation. Business owner lamenting the shutdowns and how 20k of stimulus funds didn't even make a dent in overhead. I heard him express that he had historically voted DFL. "I am done with their "BS" was the ensuing comment.
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  • Posted by bkeiber 4 years ago
    Anyone else getting the vibe from general news and internet posts that Idaho is experiencing a steady immigration of conservative individuals? Emigrating from Demo controlled states. Not radical-right like Couer-d'Alene had years ago, but common sense down to earth folk. The Gulch? ;-)
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    • Posted by Orwellian 4 years ago
      I did the research on the ID. demographics and voting and yes this is the State for middle class conservative voters. I'm a Conservative stuck in Calif and looking for my future home .
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    • Posted by term2 4 years ago
      Nevada used to be the wild west- NO LONGER. I moved from California to Nevada years ago because it was getting bad there. Now its bad in Nevada too. Time to move again.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 4 years ago
      There is also a movement to expand Idaho to include rural areas of Oregon, Washington, and even far-north California. This would create a red state large enough that it would be sure to stay red (it would not include any cities along the I-5 corridor).
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      • Posted by 4 years ago
        A red state with a Pacific port would be very positive for trade.
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        • Posted by Flootus5 4 years ago
          !!! For a couple of decades, being a gold and silver geologist in Nevada, I have always tongue in cheek advocated just this. The plan: Dump Clark County (now maybe add Washoe), let California have it, trade for far Northern California.

          This particular political entity, be it still a State or a new country, would have a salt water port, timber, water, gold silver, lithium, copper, barite, lead, zinc, geothermal energy in abundance in the Great Basin. Reopen the Carson City Mint and issue real money coinage, encourage eastern Washington, Oregon, Idaho and perhaps some other adjacent entities to join and redraw the border with California to the Sierra crest (actually within the Ca State Constitution).

          Right, tongue in cheek long sore from biting down.....
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        • Posted by $ jdg 4 years ago
          The "expand Idaho" plan would basically reduce Oregon to metro Portland, Salem, and Eugene, giving Idaho the entire coastline.

          As for California, I once did a plan for partitioning that state too, that would give both parts a coast. It goes like this. "Left California" gets all the coastal counties from Sonoma through Los Angeles, plus Alameda, Contra Costa, and Santa Clara counties and the LA-basin portions of Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Everything else is "Right California", so it has two coastlines: one north of Point Reyes and one that covers Orange and San Diego counties. The Right also gets the Central Valley, the Sierra, and part of the Wine Country, while the left gets all the major cities. And both states are contiguous.
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  • Posted by nanovation 4 years ago
    Outstanding! I almost moved to Idaho in 2008 and instead moved to Durham, North Carolina. Little did I know a million leftists would follow me to Durham and turn it into the shit show it has become. Durham used to be all families with young kids working at local high tech jobs and now I can't go to the grocery store without seeing Femi-nazis trying to tyrannically tell other shoppers what to do and cross dressers (that don't hurt anyone, but it's still not the place it used to be.)

    Time to seriously start considering moving to Idaho.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years ago
      I moved to Nevada from California years ago. Now the california people have polluted Nevada, and its time to move again. I really hate leftism. They are basically evil people to be avoided.
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      • Posted by Flootus5 4 years ago
        In 2018 Trump stopped and gave a rally in Elko for Adam Laxalt for Governor. I was there. Sisolak won, and has not stopped punishing Elko County.

        Recall Sisolak efforts got squashed during the lockdown. Petition to extend deadline for signatures was shot down - by Sisolak.
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      • Posted by Flootus5 4 years ago
        I moved out West at age 22 from New England in 1977 for obvious reasons. First Arizona, but the Californians were ruining it, then Nevada, then Wyoming, then Nevada. Nevada was still the best for Libertarian freedoms and I always considered the Sierra Nevada just as much a people shadow as a rain shadow. That is gone now. Nevada has always had its fights because of the preponderance of "federal land", but now having been blue waved in 2018, it has gotten really bad. Governor Sisolak is actively punishing the red counties, particularly in Northern Nevada, and now the legislature has set their sights on taxing to death the mining industry - an industry deemed "essential" on one hand (apparently so they could loot it), but also produces a fifth of the worlds gold and silver production. The only sound money. Wait to go pinheads.
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        • Posted by term2 4 years ago
          Sisolak has also had his eye on ruining the casino industry. He had to stop short of total and complete shutdown, because he realized the casinos were funding the government here, and he ran out of money
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    • Posted by 4 years ago
      NC had been going downhill for 3 decades as NYer's took over the tobacco business and much of the beachfront property was bought by wealthy with Wall St bonuses and leftist beliefs.
      UNC and Duke have been producing socialist graduates for 40 years and hiring racists as professors like this one. https://www.dukechronicle.com/article...
      Asheville's city council recently voted to pay reparations for black residents. I'm sorry you have had to deal with those irrational childish fools.
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  • Posted by hm3buzz 4 years ago
    The Pennsylvania State House did the same thing. The Demorat governor Tom Wolf sued and won. The Next step is for the Representatives trying to repeal the law that gave Wolf the power to extend his declaration.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years ago
      I sincerely hope the democrats lose presidency, house, and senate this time around and we can actually see some positive changes in our country.
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      • Posted by 4 years ago
        We did have 2 years with that and the gutless Republicans refused to implement Trump's plans, e.g., (1)the wall and (2) repeal Obamacare. They have proven to be almost as corrupt as the Democrats. I sincerely hope that the rumors of prosecutions are true and include enough CINO's to give others incentive to act for American interests over their own.
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  • Posted by Casebier 4 years ago
    While he didn't say last night that it is time to immediately end all covid restrictions, the left was terrified by his optical message when the President was observed by his audience 99% without masks and sitting right next to each other. Living free and independent without fear is not the left's desire right now, nor has it ever been.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 4 years ago
      I saw this as well, and thought how well done. Just present the image of real normalcy, not new normalcy, and just let it sink in for all its optical and uplifting value. No need to even mention it. The media will fall right into it, go ballistic, and repeat the plain in sight message over and over. And they are. Brilliant.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years ago
    Unfortunately, they didn't have the balls to actually make this a law and end the Governor's unConstitutional takeover. The Senate wouldn't take up the resolution and instead weaseled out by saying they had talked to Attorney General Lawrence Wasden (corrupt) who told them that despite plain language in Idaho Code that the Legislature didn't have the power to end the governor's lockdown unless they were in normal session...
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    • Posted by 4 years ago
      Discussion on the Senate's action here:

      Per the senate, the legislature was called by the governor into special session and the purpose of that session is limited.
      Yes, I think they are cowards, too, Blarman.
      The people have to make enough noise to get the governor to act rationally. Surround his house and demonstrate for days against his policies.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 4 years ago
        "Per the senate, the legislature was called by the governor into special session and the purpose of that session is limited."

        But the legality of such limits isn't founded in the State Constitution. And there is quite a bit of noise that they will address all of this in the next regular session in a couple of months.

        You won't see demonstrations around the governor's house (unless they're bused in from Portland). Idahoans are too peaceful and proper for that. Around the Statehouse? Yup - several. I have, however, seen an open petition to recall the governor (as well as the Boise mayor and a city councilwoman). I don't think he'll survive the next election TBH because he's really stepped in it. He made the totally cowardly move of not only denying that the special session could address his overreach, but he sidestepped his responsibilities by passing the buck to the leftist County commissioners to determine health policy. Fortunately, they have no teeth so their policies are in large part ignored by most people - except the sheeple. I'm in the county rather than the city so I pay slightly lower property taxes but it also means I don't get to vote for city council. Trade-offs.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years ago
    As I have written previously here in Arizona gun owners are buying up ammunition by the truckload and first-time gun owners are making reservations at my local firearms range for training. Flagstaff and Tucson have turned Left and Phoenix is split. Arizona is experiencing an influx of Cali refugees. Conservatives and gun owners are adopting the phrase "Don't California My Arizona".
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years ago
    I personally do not like this restriction business. I have given it a lot of thought and I think (my personal opinion) most everyone was so shocked by the orders and restrictions (which has never happened to us before) they just agreed to everything.
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