Hi. My name is...Laura
Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
Okay, I’m not really new here. I suppose I am more of a perpetual lurker, albeit not necessarily a good one as I never noticed the Gulch Introductions. To shamelessly swipe from a recent commenter, I’m the engineer who tends to look at his own shoes.
About me – originally from California, from a family of staunch liberals and a veteran of the US Navy. I remember two main political shocks in my history. (1) I discovered I wasn’t a liberal and assumed I therefore must be a conservative. (2) I discovered libertarianism (in the back of a California voter pamphlet) and discovered I wasn’t a conservative.
Between those two events, my husband (when he was still a boot camp sweetheart) asked me to read Atlas Shrugged and it really floored me. I read it cover to cover without stopping for sleep. Since then, I’ve probably read it a half a dozen times, along with most of Rand’s other writings.
I think Atlas Shrugged might have been a litmus test, but hubby denies it.
Miscellaneous stuff:
- A newish homesteader in central Texas, trying out goats, chickens and gardens on 30 acres.
- Lived in California, Tennessee, on the beach in Florida, New Orleans. Lived in Iceland during the Reagan summit.
- I’ve loved all these places, but sad that California is what it is. My second earliest life goal was to live on the north fork of the Yuba river, writing books and panning for gold.
- My first earliest life goal was to become a nuclear physicist. That was in second grade when I was dismayed to hear “whoever heard of a lady scientist?” and promptly dismissed the idea.
- Read too much news, not enough sci-fi, and learn a lot from reading comments sections. Comments in the Gulch are quite refreshing.
So, there it is – Hi, everyone!
About me – originally from California, from a family of staunch liberals and a veteran of the US Navy. I remember two main political shocks in my history. (1) I discovered I wasn’t a liberal and assumed I therefore must be a conservative. (2) I discovered libertarianism (in the back of a California voter pamphlet) and discovered I wasn’t a conservative.
Between those two events, my husband (when he was still a boot camp sweetheart) asked me to read Atlas Shrugged and it really floored me. I read it cover to cover without stopping for sleep. Since then, I’ve probably read it a half a dozen times, along with most of Rand’s other writings.
I think Atlas Shrugged might have been a litmus test, but hubby denies it.
Miscellaneous stuff:
- A newish homesteader in central Texas, trying out goats, chickens and gardens on 30 acres.
- Lived in California, Tennessee, on the beach in Florida, New Orleans. Lived in Iceland during the Reagan summit.
- I’ve loved all these places, but sad that California is what it is. My second earliest life goal was to live on the north fork of the Yuba river, writing books and panning for gold.
- My first earliest life goal was to become a nuclear physicist. That was in second grade when I was dismayed to hear “whoever heard of a lady scientist?” and promptly dismissed the idea.
- Read too much news, not enough sci-fi, and learn a lot from reading comments sections. Comments in the Gulch are quite refreshing.
So, there it is – Hi, everyone!
The Gulch was originally formed to promote and discuss the Atlas Shrugged movie(s) and Ayn Rand in general. Hot and heavy on all that in the early days and much still remains, but now has branched into what it says in "Ask The Gulch" in the upper right hand corner - Objectivism? Ayn Rand? Politics? Life? Dinner? Or... anything else for that matter.
I continue to receive education from the folks here and offer a few things back when I can. Have fun here!
- Actually making money, if you count all the time and expenses, with goats or horses, is next to impossible.
- Premier (for sheep and goats) and Caprine Supply (for goats) are both good suppliers.
- If your fence won't stop water it won't stop goats, either.
Not sure about horses, but thinking about a cow or two. Thanks for the tips :-)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAB-... Click the link and browse his videos.
I too could whittle the hours away panning for gold it is just awesome hanging around rushing water. My Dads business partner( investor) had a dozen copies of Atlas Shrugged in his car trunk. Handing one to my father he said “I don’t invest with ANYONE who has not read this book.”
I'll wish you good meetings with 6 to 9 generation Texans. They were the best of my social time there 30 years ago.
Man at his best, like water,
Serves as he goes along:
Like water he seeks his own level,
The common level of life,
Loves living close to the earth,
Living clear down in his heart,
Loves kinship with his neighbors,
The pick of words that tell the truth,
The even tenor of a well run state,
The fair profit of able dealing,
The right timing of useful deeds,
And for blocking no one's way
No one blames him.
Perma Pastures Farm in honor of your independence. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAB-...
You know how to tell an extroverted engineer? They are looking at YOUR shoes when talking to you.
Oh, and I loved Idiocracy too!