Fact-Checking Fauci - He Continues to Frighten and Delude Americans With Misleading Statements
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 5 months ago to Science
"Collectively, the data above offer no clear support behind four major claims of the pro-lockdown narrative being spun by American media outlets in the wake of Fauci’s testimony. To the contrary, several data points directly conflict with both the express claims of Fauci’s testimony and its implied interpretations, as advanced by outlets such as the New York Times. The US response to the COVID-19 pandemic largely paralleled Europe in its early months, and only diverged from that pattern in the opposite direction of the media’s narrative. While Europe began to reopen and did so earlier and faster, the United States reopening has stalled.
What then are we to make of the recent case surges in the southern US and on the west coast? Most likely, they reflect the regional nature of the virus’s spread as it migrates into population centers than largely escaped the first wave in March and April. The threat of further spread remains a public health concern, particularly as it pertains to vulnerable populations such as nursing homes. But its pattern has little if anything to do with the lockdown orders – an ineffectual approach to mitigating the virus, but also one with severe social and economic harms.
Unfortunately, the pro-lockdown position favored by Fauci and several US media outlets has become a matter of ideological commitment. Whether they are doing so to rationalize the costs we have already incurred from this disastrous approach or to further politicize the pandemic response for a variety of electoral and partisan purposes, they have embraced a pro-lockdown stance that is unchained from any evidence or clear data. It should not be surprising that their accompanying narrative to justify that stance is similarly detached from reality."
What then are we to make of the recent case surges in the southern US and on the west coast? Most likely, they reflect the regional nature of the virus’s spread as it migrates into population centers than largely escaped the first wave in March and April. The threat of further spread remains a public health concern, particularly as it pertains to vulnerable populations such as nursing homes. But its pattern has little if anything to do with the lockdown orders – an ineffectual approach to mitigating the virus, but also one with severe social and economic harms.
Unfortunately, the pro-lockdown position favored by Fauci and several US media outlets has become a matter of ideological commitment. Whether they are doing so to rationalize the costs we have already incurred from this disastrous approach or to further politicize the pandemic response for a variety of electoral and partisan purposes, they have embraced a pro-lockdown stance that is unchained from any evidence or clear data. It should not be surprising that their accompanying narrative to justify that stance is similarly detached from reality."
I have studied this virus and my work involves it. I wear an N95 mask when I'm grocery shopping, etc. Two days ago the news anchor told us that those should only be allowed for medical front-line workers. That got an "F U" from me. And, I do avoid crowded indoor places anymore. I've always sanitized my hands after any potential risk. I hope that this virus starts to fade away soon.
Fauci is compromised. I don't need him to tell me what to do. I didn't elect him. He can go pound sand. They let Wuhan kill thousands of people...f'n commies.
Do as I say. Not as I do. Why? I say I know more than you.
We are either in the "post-peak" or "post-pandemic" phase based on the criteria of, well being on the other side of the peak, and/or not seeing another wave.
We are not seeing another wave, but we are still only in the first stage of a possible post-pandemic stage. Those are often a few months long to have reasonable certainty. Generally at that point the virus is expected/observed to be behaving live an Influence Type A virus with similar rates.
Unfortunately for most places, that is all predicated on not doing stupid shit like lockdowns and paranoid distancing.
However, infection rates being the qualifier for pandemic status is not to say that the morbidity rates are't important. What matters is the change in patterns. It might help to read through the 2009 epidemic report: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/h...
More specifically:
"An influenza pandemic is declared ended when enough data shows that the influenza virus, worldwide, is similar to a seasonal influenza virus in how it spreads and the severity of the illness it can cause". I know, it says influenza. But you need to understand that all of CDC pandemic planning is done through the lens of a type A influenza virus.
in CDC specific terms we are at a minimum in "Deceleration" and possibly in "preparation": https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-reso...
"The deceleration (or “slowing down”) happens when pandemic influenza cases consistently decrease in the United States. Public health actions include continued vaccination, monitoring of pandemic influenza A virus circulation and illness, and reducing the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions in the community (e.g. school closures)."
The full list of actions and criteria for CDC's pandemic intervals is found here: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwr...
Basically, interval 3 is where a pandemic is basically "declared":
Federal indicator: Confirmation of human cases of a pandemic influenza virus anywhere in the world with demonstrated efficient and sustained human-to-human transmission.
And on that note:
"As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths. "
See my other comment on why the current numbers are worse than worthless.
The death rate comes in to play in a combined number (which sucks but people love them some singlenumberitis) that scales transmissibility with severity. But we don't see that data coming from the CDC, do we?
The virus could not survive the summer environment. Being locked up inside a dry cool house with no sunlight is a breeding ground.
The only way I see a "Real" surge is a reintroduction of the virus itself...or they are lying like a rug...I suspect both circumstances.
THERE, I said it...
as portrayed by Edgar Allen Poe.Whatever happens, you can rely on this imp to put a negative spin on it.
Simply stated again... We have to go through the HUMP (Curve) and get to the other side.
Congratulations to Governor DeSantis in FL.
Shame on you to NY... Setting records on death rates NOBODY should be proud of.