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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 7 months ago
    Wait until they come out with the vaccine. You ain't seen nothing yet. They'll dangle all kinds of rights like a big carrot - Take the vax and you can have your rights back. Job. School. Travel. Passport. No vax? - wear that mask! Here in Cali it will likely hasten my retirement because I expect it to be a condition for coming back to the office. I'll quit...
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    • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 7 months ago
      If you should be pushed, you might consider my neck of the woods.
      A lot of land, low cost of living, reasonably conservative, a lot of barter in the area, tangible manufacturing base for economy makes for a more stable lifestyle.
      I just moved 300 miles from Minny and have 2 years of reserves vs 6 months back there. If I sell my rental house over there (small house and lot) I can buy a 25,000 sq ft school here and cash out with a profit......188k sale vs 175k purchase.

      and we have a wonderful fresh water ocean
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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 7 months ago
    This morning I visited two shops I have never patronized I have just relocated since the end of March.
    In the first, within the first minute, I was thanked for not wearing a mask. Contact info shared and a schedule to get together next week
    The second, a slight trepidation, barber shop, and within 5 minutes he was relating the hardships and trials. Contact info shared and scheduled meeting. I'll share here what I shared with Jay: If anyone promotes or uses force to close you call me and I shall stand with you, if necessary, armed.
    For any others reading this, get out, challenge the "rule", get arrested, get fined, defy at every chance you get. I'll not ask of you that which I have not or will not do to preserve Liberty for posterity.

    "Long live the fighters"
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    • 11
      Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
      The weekend before last I went to Rocky Mountain Outfitters in Kalispell to buy some hiking boots that my podiatrist recommended. I ended up buy not on the boots, but hiking shoes as well for a grand total of $360. Staff was wearing masks, and the poor sales lady had a raw spot on her nose from wearing a mask. No on said anything about my not wearing a mask. Last weekend I returned to that store with my 90 year old mother who wanted some shoes. Neither of us wearing a mask (did I mention it was 95*). A male employee (owner?) said he was uncomfortable with us not wearing masks and asked us to leave. We did. I'm not going to get arrested for trespass, especially since I'm a CCW holder. We took our custom elsewhere and yes I will out them and will never do business with them again, nor recommend them to anyone. I try to help the small businesses. I won't shop at any big corporate stores. When a business man chooses to do harm to his own business, that's his choice.

      Initially I thought I was standing up for my rights, and the rights of others to make their own choices. I have changed my mind. I'm standing up for myself, most of the rest of the people don't deserve us that stand for liberty. WHO IS JOHN GALT?
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      • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 7 months ago
        I will stand with those who express the fundamentals of reasonable objective survival, not those who have capitulated to fear.
        Both of these entrepreneurs expressed their respective positions without my coaxing. If "we" do not stand at the ready in some capacity of support the mob wins.

        I've kin in Kila. Like minded folks. Pilgerams
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        • Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
          I have good friends in Kila. They are business partners and he is my shooting instructor. I also stand with those not caving into irrational fears and the mind control.
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          • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 7 months ago
            When those who have caved start getting hungry through their own reticence to support their is good to have friends like yours!
            I'm slowly putting together a load of furniture grade slab wood for a run to Cody WY. Hope to complete by spring. I'll let you know if I swing north from there. i really have a desire to sail Flathead too.
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            • Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
              The Flathead is a bit smokey right now, as usual for the summer, but it's sure pretty. We're being invaded by big money paying asking price and more for all the real estate up here. I'm hoping for 30 feet of snow and -30* this winter.
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              • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 7 months ago
                40 below keeps the riff-raff out. I think that came from a band in Fargo/Moorehead area.
                Chicago is moving north to mid-eastern WI as well. I'm finding that these folks are part of a reasonable exodus. A lot of retired business owners.
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  • Posted by $ prof611 4 years, 7 months ago
    I don't see how anybody could watch this video, and NOT get it! It's all I can do NOT to post it on my Facebook pages. But I know just what would happen if I did. Nobody would read it, except people like me who are already convinced.

    Lefties, like a good many of my relatives, refuse to even consider that they might be wrong. And there is no way to convince them, since they refuse to talk or read about it.

    There! I got it out of my system.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 7 months ago
      ThanQ prof611,
      “Lefties, like a good many of my relatives, refuse to even consider that they might be wrong. And there is no way to convince them, since they refuse to talk or read about it.”
      I had to dbl check that I did not write that.lmao
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 4 years, 7 months ago
    "Assimulated"? Sure, all being turned into identical simulations, copies of cautious, nervous sheep, readily brainwashed by the latest “tropes” and mind control.

    No one wants to die from an incurable, fast-killing disease.
    This pandemic period would be a good time to re-evaluate everything of value, everything worth doing, breaking out of the social trends that lead to dead ends and self-destructive cultural entropy.

    Countless animal species go extinct when circumstances of survival change and they lack knowledge of self-preservation. Yet another countless number survive and even thrive. Depending on their environments, new species constantly emerge, as scientists tell us.

    Humans through the ages have managed to cope with changes through adaptation, inventiveness, creative thought (reasoning), stimulated by crises. Not all humans coped--millions perished from wrong choices or ignorance, including an unwillingness to change, to abandon old habits and beliefs. And worst of all, a willingness to slaughter their fellow humans for no good reason is a global disease.

    Blaming and hating won't solve today's problems. The energy wasted on violence and riots would better be used to revise, repair, re-evaluate objectively, and proceed as thinking humans in symbiotic collaboration, not as animals with inadequate instincts. Too bad too many people are satisfied to run with the unthinking but emotional herd, grab what they can from others, and resent others' greater success.

    Instead of gratitude for the beneficial achievements of creative individuals, a majority of humans clamor for exploiting the successful in the name of social equality. What a contagious sick notion! What a twisted way to obtain the necessities of survival, a replay of hunter-gatherer methodology attempted in a technologically advanced society.

    The next stage of evolution we desperately await is raising cognitive awareness to self-correcting and self-programming functions (essentially, rational application of free will). Think ourselves out of this dead end of solving problems by wiping ourselves out. Ladies and gentlemen of the Objectivist persuasion, will you rise to this challenge?
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
    I guess I just don't get the anti-vaxxer bit. When I was in service during the Vietnam era, everyone who might possibly be sent there was vaccinated against numerous diseases, including bubonic plague. The black plague shot had such bad side effects that my military hospital reserved a room for each of us after we had the shot. When I didn't report to the hospital, they demanded I report to the clinic to see if I needed to retake the shot. The doctors were genuinely puzzled when they saw I had the black bruise around the shot location that was the sign I had reacted properly, and yet had non of the debilitating side effects.

    Maybe I'm just lucky in having a well balanced immune system, as I've never had more than a slight soreness for any shot I've had to take. I will say that I haven't had a serious communicable disease in the last fifty years, and rarely take anything for pain, even after surgery.

    Maybe I should be more sympathetic to people who are leery about all the vaccinations being pushed at us. I can't imagine what it would be like to be one of those people who frequently have bad reactions to shots.

    Most people don't have a problem with seatbelt laws, as the evidence is pretty clear that they do make your chance of surviving a crash significantly better. The mask bit is sort of the same thing. The statistics generally support mask wearing as slowing the spread of the virus.

    What aggravates me is that the advice is still to stay home if you're showing the early signs of the virus, and wait until they get worse before seeking treatment. All of the countries that have low death counts acted to treat the symptoms early, either with Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, or nebulizer delivered steroids.
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    • Posted by Kittyhawk 4 years, 7 months ago
      "The statistics generally support mask wearing as slowing the spread of the virus."

      I don't believe that's true. See
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      • Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
        I agree with you. If I am not sick, I can't give you anything, mask or no mask. I think it's far more about compliance and control than stopping a virus. Besides, if the masks really worked, why did they have to let so many criminals out of prison rather than just giving them masks? The contradictions in this are just so glaring.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
          Even if you have the disease, it's hard to transmit it unless you show the symptoms. Like so many airborne diseases, it's carried when someone sneezes or coughs, when the droplets of moisture transport the virus through the air and onto surfaces. Asymptomatics have do something like drink from the same glass as a non-carrier, or sneeze into their hand and touch a surface where the moisture leaves the virus behind (for a matter of minutes, as the virus is short-lived).

          I'm not buying in to the blind obedience side of the argument, but I do recognize the mechanisms of disease transmission. Even a bandana stops most breath moisture, acting as a barrier to transmission.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 7 months ago
      Sorry zero evidence of the masks effectiveness against the airborne Covid19 .The virus is .01 microns the weave of a surgical mask is 1 micron.
      It’s like using a chain linked fence as a mosquito net.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
        A virus is carried in droplets of moisture. It doesn't float through the air independently. Any kind of face covering that can limit the spread of the moisture in your breath is an effective barrier.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 7 months ago
          Why then do virologists wear hazemat suits in the lab.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
            They deal with some really deadly viruses, so part is for self protection. The other reason, which doesn't get much attention, is to prevent contamination by other viruses they may carry on their person that could invalidate their experiments when working to develop a vaccine against a specific virus or bacteria.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 7 months ago
              A water droplet would fall to the ground. I will agree that we disagree.
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              • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 7 months ago
                It is easy to do a test like that vid, it shows what happens, but only in those circumstances and conditions. Consider- Humidity, mist, fog, clouds. ..and in that vid you see water droplets not humid breath.

                What are the facts- it is a fact that all kinds of medics and health experts (maybe some are) have spoken in public on this subject, quite strongly, and there is no uniform message, some insist that masks must be worm, others the opposite.

                If, there is a right to compel, there remains the question of what evidence is needed for compulsion, I say that not enough is known about the virology and circumstances.
                Now if Tokyo, Hong Kong, NY City, a good technical case could be made, but what about NY City with a lockdown? Surely one or the other?

                I agree with DrZ, seat belts not a big deal, the wearer is just sitting. But face mask wearing can be as bad as strangling for some wearers, they are certainly confronting.
                I reckon that while a case could be made for compulsion - I have not seen it.
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        • Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
          You have to have it to spread it. If you're sick stay home and let the rest of us go about our business unhindered.

          If someone wants to wear a mask, OK. But if they don't they shouldn't be looked on as mass murderers. If you don't like that someone isn't wearing a mask, don't get close enough to hit them.....stay away. I am so tired of this argument. Masks are the very slippery slope.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
            No, if you're sick, get treatment early, then stay home. The problem comes from the fact that it takes a few days for the symptoms to show. Keeping a reasonable distance is more effective than masks, but for those wanting to be a little more cautious, the mask is kind of like the airbag in the car.

            I'm kind of indifferent about the masks for my own protection, as I have a cast iron immune system, but I wear one inside stores to make the more fearful feel safer. Masks are more often used in Asian countries, so it's a strange, foreign tactic in Western countries, and especially offensive to more independent people.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 7 months ago
              An airbag can reduce an injury in an accident. The mask is worthless. Wear them when ever you want,
              But don’t force kids to wear them. It is actually child abuse to do so.
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            • Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
              Why are you worried about someones irrational fear? I don't care if I make someone feel uncomfortable. I think it's creepy watching all these faceless zombies walking around, but none care if it makes me 'feel' creepy. We are taking the humanity away and creating androids.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
                Unfortunately it's now mandatory in the stores here, when it should be left up to the individual. In some places people have been attacked for not wearing.

                Do you feel strangled and restricted by being made to wear a seat belt?
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 7 months ago
    Incredible video, and what was stated in it is absolutely correct. If many of us take to being preppers so be it. The vaccines whatever form they may take could be potentially lethal as the virus. What is wrong with taking Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc? Oh yes, it's not politically correct. I have no intention of wearing a mask for the rest of my life every time I have to go to the store. I'm even thinking of creating a Dune Stillsuit version like in the original movie with nose type plugs and a mouthpiece you can breathe through. So, people can at least see my face. Or this scenario the government says: Give me your guns for you to be vaccinated. Me, it going to happen, then I ....... (fill in the blank)
    At least they can't take away my spiritual practices because I don't need to be in a building with other people to do it. What I do is for me and no one else. I believe that not everyone in the USA are sheeple. There will be Civil War or guerrilla warfare erupting in this country. This time it could be for real.
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  • Posted by Stormi 4 years, 7 months ago
    Having read dytopian novels in the 60s, I knew what was coming. So, this old gal, refused to shelter, left Google phone home, went for rides, went in any store open, alway maksless. Still maskless, ecept idiot DeWine made it a crime to enter stores without one! Commie "angel in a lba coat," as he still calls Dr. Amy, said, "We haave to be more like the Chinease. We have to learn to like our masks. Either he is infatuuated, or just stupid, but I knew this was all wrong. I do it, for bief periods, but I always suggest to fellow diners wr should start a "burn the mask" event.Stuidies show the masks are not safe and may even be dangerous to wearer. This is just as the article says, a method to control and make it customary. We have to say NO! Vaccines will not give long range immunity, they will break down. Only natural immunity, via exposure to other carona viruses will do that, but, oh, we are shielded from germs, until we aren't and a perfect storm of infections break out. Sick of DeWine, sick of lying Fauci, time for both to go. Alway supported DeWine, not again.
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