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A lot of land, low cost of living, reasonably conservative, a lot of barter in the area, tangible manufacturing base for economy makes for a more stable lifestyle.
I just moved 300 miles from Minny and have 2 years of reserves vs 6 months back there. If I sell my rental house over there (small house and lot) I can buy a 25,000 sq ft school here and cash out with a profit......188k sale vs 175k purchase.
and we have a wonderful fresh water ocean
In the first, within the first minute, I was thanked for not wearing a mask. Contact info shared and a schedule to get together next week
The second, a slight trepidation, barber shop, and within 5 minutes he was relating the hardships and trials. Contact info shared and scheduled meeting. I'll share here what I shared with Jay: If anyone promotes or uses force to close you call me and I shall stand with you, if necessary, armed.
For any others reading this, get out, challenge the "rule", get arrested, get fined, defy at every chance you get. I'll not ask of you that which I have not or will not do to preserve Liberty for posterity.
"Long live the fighters"
Initially I thought I was standing up for my rights, and the rights of others to make their own choices. I have changed my mind. I'm standing up for myself, most of the rest of the people don't deserve us that stand for liberty. WHO IS JOHN GALT?
Both of these entrepreneurs expressed their respective positions without my coaxing. If "we" do not stand at the ready in some capacity of support the mob wins.
I've kin in Kila. Like minded folks. Pilgerams
I'm slowly putting together a load of furniture grade slab wood for a run to Cody WY. Hope to complete by spring. I'll let you know if I swing north from there. i really have a desire to sail Flathead too.
Chicago is moving north to mid-eastern WI as well. I'm finding that these folks are part of a reasonable exodus. A lot of retired business owners.
Lefties, like a good many of my relatives, refuse to even consider that they might be wrong. And there is no way to convince them, since they refuse to talk or read about it.
There! I got it out of my system.
“Lefties, like a good many of my relatives, refuse to even consider that they might be wrong. And there is no way to convince them, since they refuse to talk or read about it.”
I had to dbl check that I did not write that.lmao
No one wants to die from an incurable, fast-killing disease.
This pandemic period would be a good time to re-evaluate everything of value, everything worth doing, breaking out of the social trends that lead to dead ends and self-destructive cultural entropy.
Countless animal species go extinct when circumstances of survival change and they lack knowledge of self-preservation. Yet another countless number survive and even thrive. Depending on their environments, new species constantly emerge, as scientists tell us.
Humans through the ages have managed to cope with changes through adaptation, inventiveness, creative thought (reasoning), stimulated by crises. Not all humans coped--millions perished from wrong choices or ignorance, including an unwillingness to change, to abandon old habits and beliefs. And worst of all, a willingness to slaughter their fellow humans for no good reason is a global disease.
Blaming and hating won't solve today's problems. The energy wasted on violence and riots would better be used to revise, repair, re-evaluate objectively, and proceed as thinking humans in symbiotic collaboration, not as animals with inadequate instincts. Too bad too many people are satisfied to run with the unthinking but emotional herd, grab what they can from others, and resent others' greater success.
Instead of gratitude for the beneficial achievements of creative individuals, a majority of humans clamor for exploiting the successful in the name of social equality. What a contagious sick notion! What a twisted way to obtain the necessities of survival, a replay of hunter-gatherer methodology attempted in a technologically advanced society.
The next stage of evolution we desperately await is raising cognitive awareness to self-correcting and self-programming functions (essentially, rational application of free will). Think ourselves out of this dead end of solving problems by wiping ourselves out. Ladies and gentlemen of the Objectivist persuasion, will you rise to this challenge?
Maybe I'm just lucky in having a well balanced immune system, as I've never had more than a slight soreness for any shot I've had to take. I will say that I haven't had a serious communicable disease in the last fifty years, and rarely take anything for pain, even after surgery.
Maybe I should be more sympathetic to people who are leery about all the vaccinations being pushed at us. I can't imagine what it would be like to be one of those people who frequently have bad reactions to shots.
Most people don't have a problem with seatbelt laws, as the evidence is pretty clear that they do make your chance of surviving a crash significantly better. The mask bit is sort of the same thing. The statistics generally support mask wearing as slowing the spread of the virus.
What aggravates me is that the advice is still to stay home if you're showing the early signs of the virus, and wait until they get worse before seeking treatment. All of the countries that have low death counts acted to treat the symptoms early, either with Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, or nebulizer delivered steroids.
I don't believe that's true. See https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/m...
I'm not buying in to the blind obedience side of the argument, but I do recognize the mechanisms of disease transmission. Even a bandana stops most breath moisture, acting as a barrier to transmission.
It’s like using a chain linked fence as a mosquito net.
What are the facts- it is a fact that all kinds of medics and health experts (maybe some are) have spoken in public on this subject, quite strongly, and there is no uniform message, some insist that masks must be worm, others the opposite.
If, there is a right to compel, there remains the question of what evidence is needed for compulsion, I say that not enough is known about the virology and circumstances.
Now if Tokyo, Hong Kong, NY City, a good technical case could be made, but what about NY City with a lockdown? Surely one or the other?
I agree with DrZ, seat belts not a big deal, the wearer is just sitting. But face mask wearing can be as bad as strangling for some wearers, they are certainly confronting.
I reckon that while a case could be made for compulsion - I have not seen it.
If someone wants to wear a mask, OK. But if they don't they shouldn't be looked on as mass murderers. If you don't like that someone isn't wearing a mask, don't get close enough to hit them.....stay away. I am so tired of this argument. Masks are the very slippery slope.
I'm kind of indifferent about the masks for my own protection, as I have a cast iron immune system, but I wear one inside stores to make the more fearful feel safer. Masks are more often used in Asian countries, so it's a strange, foreign tactic in Western countries, and especially offensive to more independent people.
But don’t force kids to wear them. It is actually child abuse to do so.
Do you feel strangled and restricted by being made to wear a seat belt?
How many shots will they take to make me feel comfortable?
At least they can't take away my spiritual practices because I don't need to be in a building with other people to do it. What I do is for me and no one else. I believe that not everyone in the USA are sheeple. There will be Civil War or guerrilla warfare erupting in this country. This time it could be for real.