School district to force parents to sign a waiver not to monitor their children’s online classes.

Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 1 month ago to Education
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Rutherford County Schools (RCS), a school district in Tennessee is requiring parents to sign a consent form that says they agree not to monitor their children’s online classroom sessions, claiming concerns that “non-student observers” might hear confidential information.

Another reason to open schools.
SOURCE URL: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/school-district-force-parents-sign-waiver-agreeing-not-monitor-childrens-virtual-instruction/

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    Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 1 month ago
    "parents can watch what their children are learning as long as they’re OK with their kids being booted out of class"
    If the parents don't like what is being taught they might want the children not to attend. Booting out would be an opportunity, not a punishment.
    You couldn't pay me enough to send my children to public school - or to any university except perhaps FIT to take classes from jbrenner.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 1 month ago
    Another reason to Homeschool.
    Opening schools means we NEVER hear the crap they are teaching.

    My fathers generation learned that the Pilgrims TRIED and FAILED at Commune Based Living. Nobody tried. Everyone complained, and everyone cheated and stole from each other.

    It was when they were given the land, and allowed to reap what they sow, that we had the FIRST Thanksgiving. And that the reason for the VARIETY of foods was that it was the LEFTOVERS from canning everything as they had so much! We even invited the Indians and shared with them, to thank them for their help. Eventually the better farmers owned more land and specialization kicked in, and soon we were EXPORTING excess corn and stuff back to England!

    That's not told. A new version where the Indians SAVED us, and then we gave them diseases and used germ warfare (about 100yrs before we understood what germs were) against them, on purpose. Etc. etc. etc.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 4 years, 1 month ago
    "non-student observers might hear confidential information". Don't you love the way that liberals try to put over the biggest lies with the smallest of phrases? That is just absolutely priceless! When did sending your children to public school include tacit consent to the government indoctrinating them with ideas that you disagree with? The only confidential information they don't want people to know is how they are stunting the intellectual development of your children. I wouldn't sign the paper. I would rip it up into little pieces, then I would go find a lawyer and sue the school.
    Sounds like a reason to close the schools permanently and home school your children.
    Or fire the administrator that came up with that policy.
    Get the children out of the hands of The Comprachicos.
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  • Posted by mshupe 4 years, 1 month ago
    I'd love to alter that consent form.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 1 month ago
      Remind you of John Gatto?
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      • Posted by mshupe 4 years, 1 month ago
        Ha ha, great! Thanks, and I used that piece to prove it is compulsory govt schools and their unions that would be a principled justification for "peaceful protests," not the "systemic racism" horrors.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 1 month ago
          I remember your post well.
          My dad would have loved the idea of parents checking in. I never heard of parental complaint against him.
          He would express: I hear and I forget, I see and I remember,I do and I understand in context of his students and their parents interactions.

          I wonder if it is not time to redefine manslaughter and murder into context of the physical and the mind ....formally. Rand proposed this. It is up to us to implement.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 1 month ago
    Lately, my son opened up to me about the sex ed class they put him through in jr high. It wasn't about that topic at all. It was about LBGTQPRZYS doing poorly in school due to being bullied, human trafficking, and a couple other issues (perhaps global warming was folded in). Poor kid. I told him we'll have some talks so that he'll be popular with the ladies and he said, "OK, dad." (come on, that last part made you laugh)
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    • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago
      It went to the Dr. to get the test results. The Dr came in the room and said how are you feeling Sir?
      It responded ,”Please call me ma’am I am not a Sir.” The Dr said”Ok ma’am you have testicular cancer” “I recommend we remove your outside ovaries in the sack under your circumcised clitoris”
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 1 month ago
    Granddaughters online class assignment today, bookmark five sites. End of learning, that's it. I thought kids new more tech than we old folks, this a jr high class! Wonder what progressive sites they are promoting, wonder if Trump sight would make the cut? Education is dead, all communisem assisted by the pLandemic! But, still the teachrs make the same amount, but feel they need more onling!
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  • Posted by ycandrea 4 years, 1 month ago
    Are you kidding me?? When my kids were in school I was always in their classrooms as a room mother! How dare them even ask us not to be involved!
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 4 years, 1 month ago
    The more we learn about what is being taught in classrooms, endorsed by teacher unions and departments of education without input from parents, the more there does need to be monitoring of what is being taught in our schools nationwide. Textbooks are rife with subversive messages, rewritten histories to promote a certain political view, and outright lies that schools defend when called on them. No parent should sign such a document!
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 4 years, 1 month ago
    I am of 2 minds here.

    1 I am a High School Teacher and I often express my VERY Conservative ideals and then demand of my students to think for themselves. I never pass judgement on their positions but I do demand thatthey defend any positoon from reason and logic not feelings. I live in a pretty Urban area which means I often have some VERY strident students decrying their Liberal mantra. So I would rather not have to deal with parents as well.

    2 As a parent it is my Right to monitor EVERYTHING in my childs life, not that I do or even want to, but it is my Right.
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    • Posted by VetteGuy 4 years, 1 month ago
      Thank you for your position that students use "reason and logic" to defend their positions. This is sadly lacking in the education that many are getting! I would hope that some parents would get that education as well, when conflicts arise, but that is highly dependent on support from admin. My daughter is a middle school teacher, and has faced challenges, thus my appreciation for the job you are doing!
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  • Posted by $ jdg 4 years, 1 month ago
    What they don't want you to know is that they are indoctrinating your kids to believe white people are oppressors, minority demographics are entitled to special favors forever, and capitalism must be destroyed.

    It's time to homeschool. If that is forbidden, then it's time to raise hell.
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  • Posted by N316Jobs 4 years, 1 month ago
    Just like everything else about this plandemic it is without law to be enforced and is a complete scam on the American citizens. If this is what they are demanding (again without law) then CLOSE all the schools. Fire everyone down from the school super to the last janitor and teacher. Then families should gather together and create their own home school system or hire a good teacher to hold classes for students who want to go to school. Eliminate ALL liberal teachers and class studies, replace with good grounding conservative foundation studies. Teach students what they will need to be good adult citizens. This may I remind you may just be the way to eliminate Common Core teaching a liberal mind sucking education. One last thing, if there are no schools then there can't be a school tax. If the government refused to eliminate the school tax. We have one more reason to eliminate the government. Unfair taxation with no representation.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 1 month ago
    Teachers abusing children with lib indoctrination made old dino think of a scene in a movie I saw during the 70s with a name I could not fully recall.
    So on the "search engine' I typed "tube movie seventies" and found what I was looking for. The flick was called "The Groove Tube."
    I even found a description of the scene. Left out is what I recall (when you see what's in here). On a TV show called "Make Believe Time," Koko the Clown (asks the kiddies to make sure their parents are out of the room).
    (Koko lights a cigarette and puffs away as) he reads a page from Fanny Hill with promises of Marquis de Sade the next day.
    Me dino recalls seeing that flick in a theater on Saturday in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, when I used to be a newspaper reporter in a town a half hour's drive south.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 1 month ago
    Your insight, and that of your beloved, shall be rewarded with a full explanation by reading John Gatto's "Dumbing Us Down"
    The USPS version...due Fridayish.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago
      Charlotte Iserbyt https://youtu.be/atzJzc-xbhQ
      She uncoveredmuch during her years in the Reagan administration.
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      • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 1 month ago
        Reminds me of Norman Dodd...again

        The only thing I disagree with her about is the movement of humanism.
        The Humanists I am associated with are metaphysical (Rand based Objective) philosophy oriented. And most have not read The Objectivist's Ethics, nor heard of it.
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        • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago
          She like all conscious humans are seeking the truth. Charlotte has a great insight but is not perfect. She was one of the first to expose the Marxist (Soviet Socialist) influence on our public schools. Today BLM marxists are writing curriculum for public elementary schools instilling quilt on white students for both “white privilege” and “systemic racism”.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 years, 1 month ago
    Sounds like they are really after watching other people's children. Not sure this is really an issue, but they don't seem to be after watching the teachers or one's own kids. Not sure what real issue they are trying to control. Seems out of character for TN.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago
      U.S. Schools Revamp Curricula in Response to Black Lives Matter
      "We're not just talking about a couple of lesson changes," said Marshall. "We're getting to the quintessential work of trying to put race, equity and inclusion inside of our curriculum."

      A June survey by the EdWeek Research Center, which is affiliated with the prominent trade publication Education Week, found that 81% of U.S. teachers support the Black Lives Matter movement.

      "We can't control what happens with the police, but we can control what happens in our school systems," said Michael McFarland, head of the National Alliance of Black School Educators and a superintendent of the Crowley Independent School District in Texas.

      "They're making sure teachers are teaching the right history in their classrooms," said Anna Maria Chavez, the association's executive director.

      Scholastic Corp, which publishes educational material to supplement textbooks, said it has seen a surge in demand for books that focus on diversity and equity.

      "Schools are wanting to have these more difficult conversations about race and social justice," said Michael Haggen, Scholastic's chief academic officer.


      Trinity Thompson and her colleagues, who teach second grade in Harlem, knew they wanted to teach about the BLM movement. However, a couple of false starts made it clear that, for their efforts to be sustained and successful, they needed to establish safety and provide students with context. They decided to form a Cultural Competency Committee to educate themselves about social justice issues, build lesson plans and incorporate family input. The committee developed a six-month curriculum that focuses on education professor Bree Picower’s six elements of social justice curriculum design: self-love and knowledge, respect for others, issues of social injustice, social movements and social change, awareness raising, and social action.
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      • Posted by N316Jobs 4 years, 1 month ago
        IF you want to restore America as far as our schools, when reorganizing the schools before re opening them. Ask each teacher if they believe in BLM. if they say yes thank them for their time and move to the next teacher. Do NOT allow ANY teacher who brain has been turned to mush by liberal social garbage BLM or common core to enter a room where there are students who want to learn. We are at a point where we can take back our schools. If we do not do it now there will never ever be a second chance.
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