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2) Get more Vitamin D, but dont burn
3) Move. Motion is the root of EMotion. Movement has been shown to change feelings of depression!
4) Focus. Focus on the things you can do. I have redone 1/2 my driveway, changed outlets, put in new lights in the bathroom, changed out the TOIL Flush and Lid JUST today. I will make MY LIFE better.
5) Have an Empathetic Conversation. That means listening to someone elses problems WITHOUT solving them. Asking engaging questions to keep them on topic, until they exhaust the topic.
6) Love. Give someone a 7 second hug, it releases dopamine. Also, petting your dog for about the same amount of time.
Our Reality is COMPRESSED due to the speed of communication. In the old south, you would hear ONE Piece of a rumor on Saturday. Go back home, and process it for a week. Then get the next update on Saturday, again... THEY WERE LUCKY!
I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-C-E is something to celebrate and to risk your life, liberty, and sacred honor to regain.
I agree, there isn't much independence to celebrate this year.
Unfortunately the state (at least California) isn't willing to accept that fact and end the shutdown emergency that it is still causing.
What we need right now is a good, aggressive, predatory class-action lawyer willing to file a motion for habeas relief for the entire state. Because you and I can defy the law by going out, but we can't patronize businesses if the owners are afraid to open them.
Governor Sissylik of Nevada ordered a mask mandate for the entire State with no end in sight.
Note statement at the very beginning. "When and where am I required to wear a face covering?" "Whenever you leave the house." And then proceeds to list exceptions. Well, which is it? No explanation.
Elko Daily Free Press has a site:
Hovering on Elko County you get:
Confirmed cases 79 Confirmed deaths 1
Cases per 100,000 151.19 Deaths per 100,000 1.91
Ummm, Elko County (4th largest in nation) has a population of 52,778 as July 1, 2019. Let's do the math. Oh, wait let's not. Let's just run out and say that Elko County now leads all the Nevada Counties in cases per 100,000.
And who is the .91 person that died?
It is either hilarious or depressing.