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  • Posted by TheOldMan 4 years, 6 months ago
    My mother grew up in France during the war. The town where she attended boarding school was repeatedly bombed, there were SS officers living in her family's home, from 1941-1947 there was little food, electricity, heat, one of my second cousins was sent to a slave labor camp to build V2s. My father's family fled Germany in the 1930s with very little, came to the US during the Depression, took in boarders, worked multiple jobs in steelworks, meat processing plants, anything to earn money. His father lied about his age in order to enlist, was sent to Germany, fought in the Battle of the Bulge (always wondered if he might have been shooting at his relatives who were drafted into the Wehrmacht?). So remind me about these "scary" times we are living in? I hear people cannot even get a half-caf, half-decaf, soy latte!
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    • Posted by Flootus5 4 years, 6 months ago
      I am just wrapping up Winston Churchill's 6 Volume History of the Second World War. Good grief, talk about a crisis! Volume 6 is entitled Triumph and Tragedy for a reason. While he is not perfect and certainly self exonerates himself to a certain degree, I compare that with the revisionist history vilification he has gone through. Very telling.

      A fine example of removing monuments: Obama removed the bust of Winston from the White House. Some leadership that is. Sadly I guess it was. Inspiring such acts we see today.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 4 years, 6 months ago
    You are exacty right, The Covid thing is being boosted by a huge tsunami of fear porn on all levels, and the lemmings of the last 3 generations have been programmed that "experts say" and "anonymous sources" are normal, and accurate. So when Faucci changes his tune 20 times in three weeks, they do not catch it at all, because he is an "expert" and they can never be wrong. So, when they are told by one source, "you need to go protest" they just do, not having any idea how stupid they look, with an irrational statement, protesting discrimination with a discriminating concept like "Black Lives Matter", as if either no other lives matter, or only 1 type of life can matter, etc. Totally ignoring all their past "woke" leaders, who kept stressing all lives matter.. Notice we have had a rather interesting series of unfortunate events, and we are not in a Lemony Snickette movie? How scary can something be made into and be used to generate the behavhior you want?
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  • Posted by $ 4 years, 6 months ago
    There was no certainty. No guarantees. We didn't know where our father, cousins, or uncles were. we had to go to the movies to get war news. No live TV! Everything was rationed. We had viruses...measles, mumps, chickenpox. Didn't shut down schools. Didn't shut down cities. Didn't attack our President. No masks, no hand sanitizers.These poor kids today rush into the store and hoard toilet paper and ice cream. Can they survive without 113 channels on their TVs? We couldn't even get bubblegum!
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 6 months ago
    We've been removed/insulated from a major conflict for so long that people have not just taken their freedoms for granted but have pushed them beyond what freedom ever meant. Now some claim a "right" to riot and destroy in their right to freedom all because they have no idea what real freedom is or the cost of it.

    There was a reason why any still alive from the WW II generation are respectful of others, prudent with their money, and honorable. It's just too bad that many of their children became hippies and rejected the wisdom of their parents. It's even worse that many of their children have continued to pass down the legacy of irresponsibility and irrationality.
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    • Posted by UncleAlbert 4 years, 6 months ago
      Replying as "hippie" or counterculturist who is now 69 years young and raised by a parent who fought in WW II...yes, we rejected some of what our parents taught us but certainly not everything, by any means...I can remember debating my Dad on Nixon's lying...Dad believed Nixon while I took the position that Nixon was lying to us about the Cambodia invasion
      so not all "hippies" or counterculturists turned out as you allege
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      • Posted by Flootus5 4 years, 6 months ago
        The counterculture thing has been going on for a long time. But it certainly accelerated with the 1960's. But remember how many hippies were also "Jesus freaks"? That is now taboo with the ever enveloping cancel/counter culture thing.

        My Dad was in the USAAF from North Africa to Italy. And then the B-29 program. He raised me on WWII aircraft and was a patriot. Hated Hogan's Heroes. Thought it was disrespectful of what had gone on. Back when Massachusetts actually had Republicans, he was extremely bummed when Goldwater lost. In 1966 he was lecturing me on how North Vietnam should just be carpet bombed by B-52's and just win and have done with it. By 1972 he was fed up and talking about sending his son to Canada for college.

        The counterculture was like a pied piper to the youth back then. Probably still is in it manifestations today. But fortunately, I was handed Atlas Shrugged by a librarian Aunt and when I read the words "When there is an apparent contradiction - check your premises - one of them is wrong"; I went in a different direction.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 6 months ago
        Oh there are certainly going to be exceptions, but the prevalent attitudes of that generation are widely known. I'm the next generation down from there and while my parents were also exceptions, I've seen plenty who still revel in the days of bra burnings and marijuana. Of course, there are also those who look back on that and shake their heads at the stupidity, having matured too little, too late.
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        • Posted by UncleAlbert 4 years, 6 months ago
          So as to reefer or cannabis as it is now a follower of Ayn R. back then and as now, I would argue that the "War on Some Drugs" as I call it, should be repealed/retired as Portugal did many years ago...people in Portugal can choose treatment or continue on their chosen path with no legal repercussions for either option
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          • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 6 months ago
            We both know the primary use of marijuana is recreational - not medicinal. And as one who values the products of the mind, I'm still confused why any supporter of Ayn Rand or Objectivism would condone the unfettered use of mind-altering substances. I get the whole part about government non-interference, but that seems to be placing the minor moral argument over the more substantive one: adherence to Reality. But that's getting a bit off-topic for this thread...
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