The most divisive privilege going is Dollar Privilege

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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"On the world stage it follows that whoever controls the world reserve currency, effectively controls the world.

In this era that means that under the current monetary system where the USD is the world’s reserve currency, it’s the USA by and large that controls the global stage.

As long as the USD is the global reserve currency, the USA will enjoy “freedoms” that enable it to impose its own rules based order on the entire world.

And it is that structure that affords every single American, a type of systemic, structural, unearned, privilege.

Dollar privilege is what enables nearly every single person in America to access a standard of living that for the majority is vastly beyond the means of their own productive or economic capability, and light years beyond what nearly half the world’s population has to maintain itself on.

It’s why zombie companies can borrow money at artificially low interest rates to buy back their own shares trading at all time highs.
Dollar privilege is why almost half of US households can receive some form of subsidy from the government and still have flat screen TVs, refrigerators, stoves, mobile phones, internet and quite possibly, cars, while the bottom half of the global population lives on less than $2.50/day.

It’s why every single congressman and senator is a millionaire."

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 4 years, 7 months ago
    The person who wrote this tripe is not someone that Francisco d'Anconia would quote the money speech to. Instead, this person is worthy of the Howard Roark "I do not think of him." treatment.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 7 months ago
      If today's dollar was the same one that Francisco defended, I would agree with you describing it in a derogatory manner.
      The dollar isn't. It's little more than a facade of the "money" that existed before Nixon cancelled the gold standard. The gold standard could not be continued because the banking cartel -created by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 -was acting to destroy it, just as Rand described in AS. The gold standard was the one thing that stood in the way of all central banking cartels.

      The only way for the deep state to maintain control in the world was to force all petro transactions to be made in USD, creating demand for the USD even though it's real "value" was dropping every time that the banksters created more credit from nothing.
      The underlying theme of the article that I don't agree with is that somehow it was the fault of the American people that the bankster controlled state has destroyed the value of the dollar and has used petro-politics to stabilize the USD in international transactions. It doesn't hurt the value of the USD that all other central banking authorities are also debasing every other fiat currency, too, but the petro-dollar arrangement with the Saudis is the key to most of the USD strength today.
      It's the corruption pointed out in the article that I agree with, not the attempt to blame the American people who have been misled and enslaved by the corrupt cartel and the looters who assist them.

      (Have you ever tasted tripe made by a French chef? ;^)
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 4 years, 7 months ago
        A primer on what you are talking about is The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

        I have no plans to even give my pets "tripe". They have earned better than that.
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        • Posted by 4 years, 7 months ago
          One of the highlights of my trip to Paris was dinners at "The Farm", a small neighborhood restaurant not far from Notre Dame. They served lots of delicious pate (made from organ meat from chicken, duck, pig) as appetizers and fantastic dinners of fresh local produce and meat. I asked for the daily special on one evening after the waitress explained what it was - tripe. The chef insisted on bringing me a sample to taste before serving it as my main dish. He had apparently had other tourists that were not happy with it. It tasted fantastic to me and I told him so. It was one of the best meals I had in Paris. I think a lot of French cooking resulted from the necessity of having to make what they had to be appealing and tasty, even tripe and organ meats.
          I suspect that the restaurant is gone now; the owner was probably 60+ in '91 when I was there.
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