A Flaw in Modern Medical Logic

Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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When I see the press on any potential treatment for COVID lately I can't help but think back to a very dark time for my family. My son became autistic at about a year old. We watched it happen and started digging very hard to find out what was wrong with him. Autism was, and remains for me, just a label. What I was seeing a clear neurological illness, quite possibly a poisoning. So, I got to work along with my wife. And, you know what? We were successful, probably producing the best recovery of the disorder ever seen. Those days were very tough. One thing I remember seeing from the medical industry that I couldn't believe was their quickness to tell desperate parents, "Oh, that treatment hasn't been fully studied. Don't do it". Of course..."fully studying" a treatment in America means big contracts for universities, multiple studies, peer reviews (haha..."peer"), and very long schedules. Well we (us and others) didn't want to wait. We dug in on our own, found out what harmed my son and immediately took action to correct it. I remember us hornswaggling pure oxygen hyperbaric treatments out of the local major university. 80 f*cking dives in that chamber with my boy while we were also chelating. You know what? We were successful. Very successful. The medical establishment in America is very adept at telling you that "more studies are needed" while the least renewable resource is in fact...time. There are actually now several treatments for COVID that look very promising. See dexamethasone as the latest. There are anti-virals, steroids, etc. All you hear is "don't get too excited" while loved ones are on their death beds. Frankly...I've had enough of it.

Every article about a new treatment now includes, "Don't get too excited...more studies are needed...blah, blah, blah..." This is the same media that tells us that a gang of youth attacking a helpless individual is a "fight". They're shoveling bullshit as fast as they can. A vaccine that almost killed at least three people in trials will get greased skids. Watch what happens when concerned citizens are the ones saying, "Hey, this needs more studies..."

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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 7 months ago
    I fear that much of the medical community has been so dependent on the FDA for so long that the politicization of the practice of medicine has trumped the actual practice. That has much to do with the federal takeover/bastardization of the insurance programs. The proof that a drug works is in the effects on patients - not some other doctors saying so. If a patient isn't responding to one treatment, let them try another!
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 4 years, 7 months ago
    The root problem is not the FDA alone, or the clinicians, or the university researchers. All of them are responsible, but the real reason why we are not free to try medications like we ought to be is because of the fear of those selling and/or recommending the medication of being sued. Tort reform will never happen, because there are enough Demoncraps that are so heavily dependent on the trial lawyers. Even with FDA approval, you still see lawyer commercials for medical side effect lawsuits that are a plague on our society. I am not saying that such lawsuits should be banned, but their success rate and awards when won are sufficiently high that inventors like me and John Galt will be the first to go away when humanity returns to the sub-human.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 4 years, 7 months ago
    Agreed 110%. I have no use for the FDA. Had aphysician in my office this morning discussing the Covid BS. She agreed that the FDA is doing more harm than good. The days of "snake oil" are pretty much over. How about we defund the FDA?!
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  • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 7 months ago
    A list of medications for treating the cytokine storm is on-

    Some work, and some work in real life.
    Dexamethasone- getting rave reports in the UK press. A generic steroid. It works.
    Remestemcel-L, works better. Caution small scale data for both. (Shall I invest in that company?).
    In the stage when the patient in ICU has breathing difficulty, medications that work on earlier stages are now deadly, (and v.v.), the need now is not to help the immune system but suppress it.

    My memory is going about the use of statistics- is it Bayes Theorem? Decisions must be made in real time, here and now, use what info is available and makes allowances for changes in circumstances and for new data.
    When results of good trials are in, and the FDA has approved, we now know what treatment that patient in ICU should get, well, should have got, that patient has long gone.
    How to get the medics to use best judgement and take risks where the no risk solution is certain death? Problem is, often the medics do not work for the patient but for the system, and, they have to preserve their registration by doing only what is approved.
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  • Posted by $ brightwriter 4 years, 7 months ago
    My proof of distorted thought processes among women's-rights activists, which probably applies to much of medical research also, is at http://www.jpands.org/vol22no3/corres.... These research goons of the Medically Organized Relying On Nonsense (MORONs for short) also allowed type U insulin, $25/vial, to be removed from the market so that other insulin formulations of like effect could be sold for $125/vial, same size vial of course.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 7 months ago
    Allopathic medicine was Never about cures, it was about money and lessening symptoms where they could so they could call it a cure.
    Truth is, they end up making you sicker and sicker, not to mention dependent upon their drugs.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 7 months ago
    Winter before last me dino had a medical problem that led to receiving 2-hour hyperbaric treatments for 30 weekdays straight. Fortunately, I have a large DVD collection and could watch a favorite flick with a monitor set above my face above the tube. It was either that or watching morning TV. Yuck! Also for fortunately was my time slot. A 90-minute movie ended around 11:30AM when a local news program started on TV. Now that I could stomach. BTW, I brought a book to read for my first treatment. Advised pure oxygen would make pages fall out of the book, I was given a choice of 5 DVDs they had on hand. The Mummy was the only one I liked. It's part of the personal collection I began to use for the next 29 days.
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  • Posted by CTYankee44 4 years, 7 months ago
    While I agree that 'Medical Ethics' may be an oxymoron when the prognosis is death or major disability, that's not the question I want to ask.

    How does a one-year old get heavy metal poisoning?
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 7 months ago
      As to your question about heavy metal poisoning, several of the vaccinations given to very young children did use a mercury based preservative. That preservative has been discontinued, but no one ordered any vaccines in storage to be thrown out, and many doctors kept receiving the mercury preserved vaccines for years afterward.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 7 months ago
    Abaco, is your protocol defined somewhere? Are there any groups supporting it?

    We see this in a lot of communities. These people could CARE LESS that over 17,000 videos shows up in England (Vaxxed Movie Reference), showing healthy babies one week, slowly becoming Autistic after their vaccinations...

    And it is worse than ignored...

    You are right on that they use things like "Vaccines" which 90% have NEVER been put through a "proper RCT Trial"... and hide behind that...

    Thanks and God Bless you and the family.
    Our daughter kicked in immediately from the 1 year vaccines... It took a long time, hers was more long/allergy response, thank God... But it took YEARS to mostly fix!
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
      My heart goes to your girl.

      I learned most of our protocol from a doctor who was one of the first in what was called "Defeat Autism Now". Last I heard - that doctor is being threatened with jail time by the DA of San Francisco...for not complying with a meaningless and illegal subpoena.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 7 months ago
        Our hearts go out to everyone who BELIEVES that vaccines are somehow SAFE, regardless of their ingredients, the schedule, the lack of RCTs, and the LEGAL PROTECTIONS Provided to the big drug companies.

        If they are that safe, lets LIFT ALL the protections!

        Also, lets sponsor some real studies.
        Unfortunately, as I looked into it, I found doctors dying who spoke out. The easy comparison is to the Amish.
        And that Dr. Judy Mikovitz... Who points out that BEFORE Vaccines, we did not have Autism. And the potential links to early vaccinations are EERILY familiar.

        I am ALWAYS Angered when you are not allowed to question a narrative (Building 7 Falling w/o a plane hitting it, or Thermite being in the air, and people who bring this forward are shut down and personally attacked).

        But I have VERY little trust for anything from Big Media, Big Pharma, Big Energy and Big Banks!
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        • Posted by $ 4 years, 7 months ago
          Yeah, regarding what Mikivitz said...I've been very deep in autism research. In several large studies the common factor in the portion of children with autism is vaccination per the CDC schedule. I was even in one large study actively when they discovered a link between vaccination and mercury poisoning and then covered it up with a false press release. This was a big study. One that some here have probably heard about.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 7 months ago
            The funny part is that the concept is not bad, just 99% of the implementations, and the unknown risks...

            What have that said about Polio Vaccines... They have been the CAUSE of more cases of Polio for the last 30 years than the virus in the wild! CRAZY!

            Take care...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 7 months ago
    You are so right. I see drugs shoved at people, organs removed, only to find the procedure of Rx did nothing. I was treated for two years with calming meds, and other ideas, only to change doctors, and find that my migraines, colon spasms and recurrent bronchitis were result of food allergies. How many children are treated with Ritalin, when they have food allergies? Now we are told to wear masks, mask that do not stop the virus, but do incubate any germs, and under stenuous activity, can lead to explosion of lungs as CO2 builds up. Yet no governor, no union, no one is looking out for the workers forced behind masks doing heavy work. Fauci has lied and manipulated for 30 years, and continues to do so. I too have lost confidence in the medical professions. Ohio's Dr Amy Acton told people they had to be more like Chinese, nd learn to like their masks, what kind of medical advice is that!
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