Italy boots hate preaching Imam-BRAVO!
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 6 months ago to Video
This shows that they have the balls to stand up to the hateful vitriol spewed forth by the Islamic community. This is how to show that it is unacceptable and that they are unafraid to stand up against this hateful nonsense. Our not so dear leader could learn a few things from this.
A nation can have free speech for its citizens but those who come in as visitors, migrants or for short term work may be subject to restrictions, with contravention leading to deportation. Such restrictions must be the concern of that nation alone. For example, to remain, a visitor may be required to show good behavior, the ability to fit in and pay their way. We have people here who do not speak our language but say the same things. Much of Europe likewise.
So, very good to see Italy showing some sense - enlightened self interest.
I have seen so many changes to a country that at one time had a problem of its own people emigrating to other countries. They do not have a social structure in place to absorb these extremes. The U.S. Is much better prepared to absorb other nationalities into its culture since it was born on this ideal.
I cannot accept that a Catholic Church cannot be built and operated in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc., but the Arabs demand to have a church in your country and every country allows this! I say if we cannot do the same, if we are not given the same courtesy then you have no right to do so in our country. I do not understand this premise of unbalanced diplomacy.
that America lacks the spine that Italy has??
They're such godly people... GAG!
If it was me, I would tell them both to take a hike. And don't come back with your racist divisive hate fomenting rantings. They are just as evil as that imam in my estimation.
That kind of tolerance will get people killed. Period. We have a seriously stupid president. He thinks he can appease monsters.
I thought he once said he was in favor of criminalizing hate speech and making crimes more severe (hate crimes) if they're motivated by hateful nonsense. I may be completely wrong on that though.
Politicians give lip-service to wanting to stop hate speech, but my understanding is the Supreme Court ruled in the past that hate speech is protected as long as it's not inciting a riot.
The problem with politicians is calling it hate speech. There are already laws on the books to take care of the second example. The first example should protected under 1st amendment
(supposedly) restricts the government, and does
nothing else to guarantee freedom of expression.
I wish that it did! -- j
I agree. I'm just pointing out that some US politicians do "have the balls to sand up to hateful vitriol." I want politicians to stay out of it.
the Italian mafia and the Jewish mafia collaborated.